The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 11 The Fifth Prince

The people behind her chased after her. Yu Meiren just ran to the room of Qionghua before. Thinking that her clothes were still inside, she immediately turned over and went in.

The room is still the same as before. It seems that no one has come. Beauty Yu immediately went to the bedside and leaned over to lie down with Miss Qionghua, took out her clothes and changed into a beautiful young man. Hearing that the footsteps were approaching, she immediately turned over and jumped out of the window on the outside side.

At the moment I landed, the soles of my feet hurt so much that I couldn't stand it. I already felt wet, and the weather was a little hot. I'm afraid it had become purulent.

I didn't have time to think too much about it, and I was still thinking about Yu Ji. I was afraid that the little girl would run out to find her for a long time and make trouble again.

It has been the limit to walk for a long time. The pain under my feet was numb and painful, but I didn't dare to use light kung fu in full view of the public. I had to gritt my teeth and insist on walking not far from the teahouse. I saw Yu Ji coming out of the teahouse and just wanted to call her name, but I couldn't help but be stunned when I saw the man behind her.

Dressed in a red exquisite robe, the man was as solemn as the pine wind, high and gently attracted. Zhuo Zhuo was like a wild crane in the chickens. Looking closely, his eyebrows were picturesque, and he was actually extremely elegant. He was the fifth prince Beiqiu He.

Beauty Yu couldn't help frowning and thinking that Beiqiu He must have something to do with Nangong Fu when she appeared here at this time. If she knew her identity, she would be involved in Beiqiu Yin. For a moment, she hesitated. Who would have thought that Yu Ji had seen her at this moment and shouted, "Beauty sister?"

Beauty Yu has not yet reacted. The other party has run to her side, holding her arm, and there are tears in her eyes: "Sister, where have you been? Why have you been so long? I thought something had happened to you, but Ji'er was timid and didn't dare to come to you, which made me so worried.

"I'm sorry, my little Ji'er. My sister just lost her way and found my good Ji'er."

Beauty Yu pinched the other party's little face, then stretched out her index finger and squeezed it on her cheek. She pretended to be a grimace and said in a child's voice, "My good Ji'er will definitely forgive my sister, right?"

At this time, the fifth prince Beiqiu He had come close. The fifth prince noticed the beauty Yu at the banquet. When the girl was a child, she had shown calm wit. When she grew up, she was even more charming. The name of the beauty had already been beautiful. She had seen such a charming appearance and couldn't help but be moved.

Beauty Yu knew his relationship with Nangong Fu and couldn't help but doubt his appearance, but pretended not to know. She still looked at him with a smile and said, "Beauty has met the fifth prince. My sister should have caused you a lot of trouble."

"Beauty doesn't have to be polite. Now her father and the empress dowager have named you a beauty princess. Although she is a princess, she treats you the same as the princess. Instead, she is on an equal footing with me. How can there be so many etiquette? Moreover, although Ji'er is young, she is also clever and sensible, but your sister is much more thoughtful than her."

Beiqiu He's words were very obscure, and I don't know which one she meant. Yu Meiren was on alert, and on the surface, she was still calm. At the bottom of her heart, she secretly speculated what the meaning of the fifth prince's words were. When she was puzzled, she couldn't help but see that her sister's face was stained with blush, and she lowered her head and occasionally secretly glanced at the man beside her. What else did you say?

I was shocked and expected that this girl would fall in love for the first time. If so, it would be a pair of bitter mandarin ducks. What's more, Beiqiu He was also an unpredictable person. He couldn't see which one was sincere. The emperor's son might like it, but how could he ever be sincere?

"The fifth prince doesn't seem to praise me again."

I raised my eyebrows slightly and looked into the other party's eyes, but I didn't see any waves in the other party's eyes. I don't know whether the other party's heart is really like a mirror or a careful mind. At this moment, I don't have time to think about it carefully. I just want to look away, but I glance at the person who came slowly behind the other party and walked in front of me. The "old eunuch" He Quan was so shocked that he immediately turned around. At the moment of ups and downs, his feet were like a split, and his painful body trembled and sweated coldly.

"What's wrong?"

Beiqiu He instinctively helped the other party, and the woman's reaction was a little strange, and she couldn't help but be suspicious.

Beauty Yu let the other party help her. She was originally a delicate heart. At this moment, her mind turned faster. When she raised her head, she was already pale and seemed to speak when she gasped: "I just accidentally met a bad person and intended to treat me... Fortunately, I ran fast, but I just twisted my foot. I was afraid of pain since I was a child, and I endured this pain. I can't stop. Don't laugh at me."

After saying this, Yu Meiren saw Beiqiu He frowning and had no other reaction. She just sighed, but saw that the other party had squatted on the ground, raised her head and smiled elegantly: "Let me carry you."

Hearing the other party's words, Yu Meiren couldn't react for a moment. It's not that the other party's action was special, but Beiqiu He Gui was the fifth prince and the favorite son of the Beiqiu emperor. She should have regarded herself high and could not wait for it.

And his behavior at this moment is equivalent to worship. As a prince, such etiquette is only aimed at the emperor and the empress dowager. At this moment, just because of her words, she can't afford it. She can't help shaking her head and hurriedly said, "No, it's time to blame me for not being polite. If the fifth prince doesn't dislike it, it's better Send me and Ji'er back. We sneaked out. I'm afraid it's my father's fault.

"Yes." Yu Ji's little face turned red, and she opened her mouth, but lowered her head.

Maybe there is something wrong with what Yu Meiren said. Beiqiu He has stood up at this time and smiled helplessly: "Okay, but there is one thing for you to promise me. From now on, don't call me the fifth prince again. You can call me the fifth brother like you did when you were a child."

Yu Mei raised her head in consteration and asked Beiqiu He to send her home. On the one hand, she was the emperor's favorite son. If she was with him tonight, her father would not punish them, and at the same time, she could hide her whereabouts. For another reason, if he was really related to Nangong Fu, then she was safe, at least Those people will avoid the place where Beiqiu He is located. What she didn't expect was that the other party still remembered what happened when she was a child.

When Yu Mei looked at the other party, Beiqiu He looked at her fixedly. There was still some inexplicable emotion in her eyes. Her heart twitched briefly and immediately avoided that look. Perhaps she sensed the abnormality of the other party. Beiqiu He smiled slightly and looked sideways at Ji'er, saying gently: "Ji'er is the same."

Yu Ji immediately raised her head and nodded with a smile.

Beauty Yu frowned. For a short moment, she had regained her usual smile. She opened her mouth slightly and made a very soft voice.

"Thank you."