The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 33 Danger at Night

At night, the sky was as cold as water. Beiqiu He held a scroll in his hand, but somehow he couldn't settle down. He stood up and walked back and forth for a few steps. Suddenly, he heard some ** outside, and his heart jumped.

When I opened the door, I saw the housekeeper rushing over with a lamp and a few people. Looking closely, it turned out to be the father-in-law Funuo, who was waiting beside the emperor. I couldn't help but be shocked and hurried out of the room.

"Fifth Prince."

When the old eunuch Funuo saw the fifth prince Beiqiu He, he was anxious and immediately burst into tears.

The old eunuch's appearance, Beiqiu He knew that it was not good, but he suppressed the panic in his heart and said, "Your father-in-law said slowly."

"I can't wait, I can't wait."

Funo shook his head with a breath, as if he was in a hurry just now. He hurriedly took a few breaths and said, "The fifth prince, come with me to the Qianxi Palace. The emperor... he is afraid..."

Speaking of Duke Fu's words, Beiqiu He only felt that he was suffocating, as if his whole head was "buzzing" by five thunder, and his body retreated.

"Fifth Prince."

The housekeeper stretched out his hand to help him. Beiqiu He had to wave his hand and dared not delay any longer. He hurriedly walked in the direction of Qianxi Palace and walked halfway. Suddenly, he heard a sound of flute and did not stop his steps and looked under the tree on one side.

The moonlight is like water, and the woman is covered with plum blossoms. Her hair is scattered casually. She only wears a simple bun without any accessories. The Qingcheng's small face is not coated with powder, and there is a faint wave of light.

"Why are you here?"

Beiqiu He looked at each other in surprise and couldn't help walking over. Seeing the woman's eyes rippling, he couldn't help frowning.

"I'm worried about you."

It seemed to pause for a moment, and Yu Meiren looked directly into the other party's eyes: "I'm worried about the emperor, my father has entered the palace, I'm afraid..."

Speaking of this, he seemed to be a little unbearable. Beiqiu He's heart warmed and couldn't help taking the other party's little hand and smiled, "Let's go. I'll take you to see your father."

Beauty Yu shook her head when she heard this, broke away from the other party's hand and frowned: "I'm not easy to see. I've already boiled the medicine for you. You are the emperor's favorite fifth prince. If you can boil the medicine for him yourself, maybe he will get better. Even if he can't, he will be happy."

After Yu Meiren said, Beiqiu He's heart moved, and he only felt that the woman in front of him was extremely pure and kind, just like when he first saw her. After a while, the eunuch Fuhai couldn't help coming and urging her, "It's too late. The fifth prince should go to see the emperor first."

He was still a little hesitant. Beiqiu He looked at the woman and nodded with a smile, "Okay, I'll send someone to get the medicine later."

Beauty Yu nodded, turned around with a smile, and walked for a long time. Suddenly, she heard the man's voice and suddenly stopped, but did not turn around.

"Beauty, you have to wait for me."

The ten fingers exerted each other's strength, and the bitter and sour strength in her heart gradually surged into her eyes. The beauty slowly closed her eyes. After a moment, she opened her eyes and slightly raised the corners of her mouth. The smile was indescribably sad.

Turning around, the front was already empty. Looking from afar, the cloister was winding, and the border could not be seen at a glance. The five princes of Beiqiu State plotted a rebellion, and the ministers who followed him at this moment must be implicated. Fortunately, she had already banned all the people of Beiqiu Yin at home and drunk her father.

Beiqiu He can only be blamed for blocking the man's world.