The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 50 Trust You for the Last Time

With a bang, there was a sudden sound in the hall, and everyone looked doubtfully at the direction of the center of the hall.

Yu Meiren came back to her senses, but her heart became more and more calm. She went straight to Beiqiu Yin and his party. She suddenly pulled Yu Muyang up from the ground and lowered her voice with internal force, as if she roared loudly: "Old Yu, you are so noisy as a right prime minister. The emperor's golden words, do you want him to change your words? ?"

When Beauty Yu said this, she stared at Yu Muyang with her eyes, which seemed to be a warning, more because she was worried. If he really said what she thought just now, she was afraid it would really cause trouble, and I'm afraid the Yu family would not be able to protect it.

After Yu Meiren finished speaking, Yu Muyang was already scared by that look, but she also calmed down.

Beauty Yu turned her head and saw Nangong Fu looking at her carefully. The light in her eyes seemed to be smiling. She couldn't help holding down the tension in her heart and confronted her eyes indifferently. After a long time, she saw the other party close the ice jade fan, turned around, performed light skills, and left with a long smile.

"Let's all leave. I'm tired. If there's anything, I'll talk about it tomorrow."

As soon as the emperor opened his mouth, the ministers were already frightened after the tossing just now. At this moment, they hurriedly left after the Holy Word. Yu Muyang opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something. There was a faint sadness on his face. In the end, he just opened his mouth and did not speak again.

Beauty Yu stood in place. When the ministers had left, the corners of her mouth hidden under the mask seemed to hook contemptuously, and then turned around and picked up the Qingxiao sword on the ground and walked straight out.


She wanted to leave, but her feet deviated from her original intention and resisted the impulse to turn her head. She turned her back to him, and he also turned her back to him. In the end, neither of them dared to turn their heads.

"You can trust me, this is not my intention. When you come back, I..."

"Do you allow me to wear a phoenix crown?"

Beauty Yu smiled coldly and trembled holding Qingxiao's hand. She became colder and colder, but she always maintained the opposite direction and condensed her smile under the mask: "Your Majesty, have you ever thought about my feelings? I have been chasing your footsteps. As long as I can make you happy and pour out the world, but I ignored it. , I am also a person, and I will also want to get it. Feng Guanxiapi is my love. I regret why I only know how to fight and pay, but forget to harvest. However, the emperor, although I am very sad and desperate, I still decided to believe in you once, not to believe in the emperor, but in the earthworm.

"I believe you, this is the last time."

After Yu Meiren finished speaking, her footsteps no longer stopped and did not wait for the other party's words. She was afraid that if she would listen to him say too much, her heart would shake again and push her from heaven to hell again. From then on, there was no beauty Yu and no earthworm in the world.

When Beiqiu Yin heard that the footsteps behind him were gradually fading away, his heart became more and more painful. He instinctively wanted to retain him, but he was blocked by reason. After a long time, it was not until the footsteps dissipated that he gradually turned his head, stared in the direction of nothing, and smelled the faint fragrance of his daughter, as if he had been absorbed by something, and he could not recover for a long time. Come on.

The prince and grandson followed in the footsteps, and the green beads shed tears. As soon as Houmen entered the sea, Xiao Lang was a passer-by

PS: The least powerful, the number of words in this chapter is relatively low, but it is awesome~~~~~