The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 52 Rob the Bride

In the name of the princess, ten miles of red makeup, unparalleled in the world.

Who can marry a woman in the world as beautiful as her?

Ten sects were destroyed overnight, and they were moody.

Whose son-in-law can be as cold and ruthless as him?

Since ancient times, when the princess gets married, the son-in-law will personally go to the palace to welcome her, but at this moment, she can only be accompanied by the send-off team, which is more like a distant marriage. The long dragon all the way is extremely luxurious and miserable.

The beauty of the Yu family is beautiful, beautiful in the world, and unparalleled in the world. This joke actually made her more distant from that person, and made Yu Meiren suddenly think of a sentence.

Accompanied by the rivers and lakes, forgetting each other in the court.

Is she and his fate destined to have nothing? At this moment, he is dressed in a happy suit. Even if he returns, how can he be dignifiedly allowed to wear a phoenix? Obviously, she knew it, but she still told him to believe that even the last time, it was not a whole belief. She just used this big red dress to let go and look at his heart on her. Whether she can give up the world for her? If he is really like this, she will no longer embarrass him. Even if she can't compare with him in the Jinluan Hall, she will wash away the lead and add fragrance to his red sleeves.

I couldn't help sighing and suddenly heard a woman's cry from the crowd. Through the sedan chair, the voice could be faintly recognized. It was her maid, her best sister Ying Hong.

With a feeling in his heart, his fingers had touched the curtain of the sedan chair, but suddenly stopped and finally drooped.

Everyone was sighing about the scenery of the princess's wedding. Suddenly, a woman rushed into the sending team and ran after the sedan chair where the princess was sitting for a long time, but was stopped by the bodyguards. She struggled and shouted. Finally, she fell to the ground decadently and burst into tears with empty eyes, like a soul-out puppet, so that the person she saw was Doubt shook his head again.

Yinghong's voice gradually dissipated, and Yu Meiren couldn't bear it, but could only sigh in the bottom of her heart. This marriage to Nangong Fu was not what she wanted, but because of the man's golden words, she had to carry out this absurd wedding to the end, just like in her previous life, which made her eager to escape. Even if she was unwilling, she could not fight. Thoughts on that person.

I couldn't help laughing at myself. Suddenly, the person who carried the sedan chair stopped. He was puzzled and frowned. He was about to open the curtain of the sedan chair to see what was going on. Suddenly, he felt that some kind of aura was rushing towards the sedan chair, and there was still some reaction in the future. The man had fallen into the sedan chair. The man was covered with a silver tooth mask and his body was fierce. Sticking to her, she instinctively wanted to take action to capture the other party, but when she heard the other party's voice, she seemed to joke: "It's better not to take action, Qingxiao Beauty. If everyone in the world knows that Yu, the daughter of Youcheng, the unparalleled beauty is actually a martial arts master, and she was married to this palace by Emperor Beiqiu, that People in the world must think that it is the newly ascended Beiqiu emperor who plays tricks on the world as monkeys with this palace. I'm afraid that the world will suspect that the ninth prince colluding with his brother to kill his father.

Nangong Fu's words shocked Yu Meiren and knew that what the other party was saying was true. The internal force in her palm dissipated in an instant, and her beautiful eyes looked at the other party coldly: "What does Nangong Gongzhu mean? Is it possible that the owner of Nangong Palace wants to marry a beauty just as a cover, in order to humiliate the Beiqiu royal family?

PS: awesome, awesome, awesome~~~~~