The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 63 Meet the Old Man

The sky after the snow is as blue as washing, and the sun is bright but not dazzling. The world actually makes people feel a warm atmosphere.

Beauty Yu walked out of the courtyard, and the veil on her face rubbed her side face with the wind. From afar, she saw a white dress and dancing without wind. The man held a long flute in his hand, and the sound of the flute seemed to be far away, as if standing outside the secular world. From a distance, she looked like a master outside.

The dryness in her heart was quickly eased by the sound of the flute. Yu Meiren walked over. The flute suddenly stopped, and the long flute shook in the other party's hand. Xue Feizi had turned around with a slight smile on her face. Yu Meiren condensed the handsome face. Somehow, another warm and jade-like handsome face appeared in her mind. Unexpectedly, there is no disgust at all.

Obviously, two completely different faces make her feel similar. Maybe it's the white clothes that make her not bored.

Beauty Yu thought that she had looked around, but saw that the other party was alone and couldn't help but be suspicious.

"Nangong Fu said, you brought an old man to see me, why do you only see you?"

"It's someone with me, but I'm afraid it's someone my wife doesn't want to see."

Xue Feizi's smile was very light, as if he was like this, as if everything was just a passing cloud in his eyes, and there was no difference whether there was or not.

"I haven't seen anyone yet. Are you so sure that I don't want to see you?"

"Would you like him to appear in Nangong Fort at this moment?"

Xue Feizi looked at the woman fixedly, but saw that although there was no change in the woman's face, her eyes shrank. She couldn't help sighing in the bottom of her heart and was already astringent.

"I don't understand what kind of person you are. Since you know that I don't want to see you, why did you bring her here? If you were a bad person, you wouldn't save so many people, and you wouldn't have promised to admit that the ice jade snow lotus was stolen by you, but I just thought you were a good person, so you turned around and told my identity. Nangong Fu, Xue Feizi, are you a good person or a bad person?

Yu Meiren's eyes were a little doubtful, and perhaps there were some temptations, which made Xue Feizi's heart more and more bitter, but she did not avoid it, and even had a little more compassion in her eyes: "People in the world are not good or bad in the first place, just like the palace master is also a good person in my heart, but the Beiqiu Yin is a bad person in my heart. People, not to mention that I save people is just for the treasure in their hands. Besides, I don't have the right to make any decisions for you whether you meet this person, and whether you want to see it or not can't stop that person's heart from meeting you.

As soon as Xue Feizi finished speaking, someone came out from behind the tree behind him. He was dressed in a green skirt, his long hair was tied with a water-green silk, and the jade hairpin was gently tied. The woman's smile was calm, clear and graceful, and her eyebrows were quiet, but there was a layer of fog in her eyes. She looked straight at her, and tears fell silently in an instant. Come out.

"Yinghong, how can you..."

Yu Meiren's heart trembled. Before she finished speaking, she walked to the other party and reached out to hold the other party's hand. The pair of cold as if they were wrapped in a layer of frost. Yu Meiren's nose was a little sore and held it tightly. Her voice leaked her worries at this moment: "Ying Hong, why are you so stupid? Why do you come to find me and suffer so much?"

"You are a fool. I'm afraid that you, a fool, will torture yourself for that person. If I don't look for you, I can only stay alone and worry about you every day. Can you bear it?"

"How can I bear to make you sad? Ying Hong, you don't know martial arts, and Youcheng Mansion can still protect you, but if you follow me, maybe..."

"You are so cruel, my life is yours. You don't allow me to die. Who can take my life?"

Ying Hong interrupted Yu Meiren's words, let the other party wipe away her tears, and continued, "If I hadn't gone to find the Baige Prophet, I'm afraid it would be difficult to see you again."

"Did you go to the prophet Baige?"

The beauty of Yu was shocked that the old man Baige's rules exchanged a secret for a secret, so it was so red...

"I didn't exchange anything with him."

Ying Hong said and laughed. Knowing that the other party was worried about himself, she warmed her heart and stretched out her hand to take the other party's hand: "I have my own way to tell him that the little old man was ridiculed by me that he was regretful at this moment."

Ying Hong's words made Yu Meiren breathe. Even Xue Feizi beside her couldn't help shaking her head, walked to the two of them, and looked at Yu Meiren with a smile: "I completely believe this, so you don't have to worry. Miss Yinghong is much smarter than you. Even the time man, I'm afraid she doesn't have the wisdom of Miss Yinghong. "

While Xue Feizi spoke, Yu Meiren couldn't help laughing: "Yes, you must have been set up by my sister to bring her to see me."

After saying that, Yu Meiren looked at Yinghong, but saw that the other party's face blushed slightly. Her heart jumped abruptly and couldn't help looking at Xue Feizi beside her. Just for a moment, she came to her senses: "Yinghong, if you want to follow me, you must be careful. The first thing you think of is self-preservation. This is an order. Remember, no matter what your life is It will never be worse than me."

Even Xue Feizi was slightly shocked by Yu Meiren's words, especially when he heard Ying Hong's answer, he felt even more curious.

"Don't worry, I will definitely live longer than you, but you are not allowed to take care of that person's life."

Ying Hong let go of the other party and raised her little finger. Yu Meiren smiled, reached out to hook the other party's little finger, put her thumb a little on the other party's thumb, and said, "If you break your vows, you can't marry in your life."

After Yu Meiren finished speaking, the two looked at each other and smiled. Ying Hong suddenly thought of something and hurriedly said, "Miss, is the devil good to you? Has he bullied you? Have you..."

"Don't worry." Yu Mei interrupted the other party's words and said with a smile, "Although he is not a good person, he doesn't want to do anything to me for the time being. If he really wants to do anything to me, I'm not a fuel-efficient lamp."

Ying Hong was relieved when she heard the words, but Xue Feizi on one side shook her head and said, "You are really cruel. You are so kind to the people you care about, but you don't care about the people you don't care about. If people in this world are good to you, you will be doubled good to them, but you can't see the goodness of the palace lord. You always say that the palace owner is ruthless and loveless, so how do you know that he has no love in his heart? I think he is very good to you. You really think that he is just on a whim. Beauty Yu, you are too conceited and think that you can see everything through. The palace owner has never been to any woman, but he is crazy because he thinks of you when he practice. The person who wants to kill him, no matter how interested he is, can't escape death, but he just binds you. He doesn't love him, he just doesn't know how to express it, but he has become a possession in your heart. Beauty Yu, you are a smart woman, but you can't be reasonable to him. Why is that? Have you ever thought about it?

Xue Feizi's words shocked Yu Meiren slightly. It's not that she doesn't know Nangong Fu's flattery, but she doesn't want his flattery at all. Nangong Fu's existence has always been the biggest obstacle to that earthworm, like a time bomb. I don't know when it will threaten it. The life of that earthworm.

What's more, that man almost humiliated her. Such a man is just attracted by her beauty. How can he really talk about sincerity?

Thinking of the clear light in his eyes, he raised his eyes to look at Xue Feizi and said coldly, "It's only that he is not good at heart. Xue Feizi, I'm curious. Why do you always say good things for him? Why do you always feel that Beiqiu Yin is not a good person?"

"It's useless to say too much. It's better to see what you see. Maybe it's been a long time before you can see who is the one who really treats you."

After Xue Feizi finished speaking, he just smiled faintly. When he turned around, the smile dissipated in an instant, and there was a touch of sadness between his eyebrows. The long flute turned between his sleeves and had stuck to his mouth. While his fingertips were changing, the sound of the flute had slowly overflowed.

Yu Mei looked at the white figure and compared the snow between heaven and earth. The sound of the flute was melodious, as if there was a sudden trace of sadness in the frankness and did not go for a long time.

Inexplicable in her heart, Yu Meiren was a little puzzled. Xue Feizi's flute voice was so frank that she was more convinced that he was a good person, but she didn't know where she came from. This seemingly free but sad man was as calm as water. Several times she saw a kind of compassion in his eyes. It seemed that she was looking at her, but it seemed that she was looking at another person. That strange sadness gave her a strong sense of suffocation and familiarity.

"What are you looking at?"

Ying Hong opened her mouth, and Yu Meiren came to her senses and laughed faintly: "I can't see through Xue Feizi, and I can't understand it. It's hard to say whether he is a good person or a bad person."

"He is a good man, different from men in the world."

Beauty Yu looked at Ying Hong in consternation. It was rare. Few people in the world asked her to use such a description, and she couldn't help listening to it with some interest.

"You know, I rarely see a person, no joy or anger, and I have never seen a man suddenly ask you, 'Are all women in the world longing to grow old with one person for a lifetime?' I can't describe how I felt at that time. I'm afraid it's rare for such a man in the world. Miss, the place you once told me, one-on-one love, really exists, right?

Ying Hong's words suffocated Yu Meiren's heart. She couldn't help turning her head and looking at the direction Xue Feizi left. The vast white open space left only a line of extremely shallow footprints.

turned around and looked at the other party and smiled: "Yes, as long as you really love each other, you can't want to have someone else."