The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 72 Colorful Hibiscus Conference 1


The sound of the piano, the gurgling water, the translucent pink curtain in the hall floats with the wind, the night pearl in the lotus lamp is shining, the nine marble pillars are carved with hibiscus playing in the water, with a white luster, and the whole hall is full of a light fragrance of hibiscus.

The colorful hibiscus conference in Yuelou was suddenly held in advance, which has never happened in years.

"I can't see that the signboard of your Nangong Palace owner is really useful."

Beauty Yu smiled and looked at the man beside him, dressed as a beautiful man with purple hair as before.

"But what I'm curious about is, what strange things you have prepared, are you really confident to win the championship at the Hibiscus Conference? If you are with me all the way, I have never seen any baby, Nangong Fu, to be honest, the treasure you mentioned is not just a cover, is it?

Yu Meiren said and saw that Nangong Fu just smiled and couldn't explain the evil beauty. She couldn't help scolding the demon in the bottom of her heart, but stared straight at the other party to see what the devil was playing.

"Of course I have a unique baby, but you have to promise me that if I take out the baby, you must dance for me at the colorful hibiscus conference."


Beauty Yu turned her face and rolled her eyes, thinking that this man was really good at kicking her nose and face, and she decided to dance for him as early as she knew the earthworm. From then on, she only danced for him.

"Just because of the dance you wanted to dance when you bet with me, I just let you fulfill your promise today."

"How do you know?"

Beauty Yu turned her head in consternation. In her mind, she remembered the devil's aunt, the world's first dancer, and remembered that it was her wishful thinking that she wanted the devil to open her eyes and let others see her jokes.

I couldn't help but be a little annoyed by this, but I just smiled and continued to say, "Okay, but if you take out the treasure, you can't get into my eyes at all, or you can't make me feel unparalleled at all, I will definitely accompany you."

"Don't worry, there is no baby in the world that can compare with this one on me."

Yu Meiren looked at the other party and seemed to have decided something. She couldn't help but wonder in the bottom of her heart. This devil was so confident that she was afraid there was really some unparalleled treasures. That's right. She also read those novels and TV series. This evil evil person always has a few treasures that Jianghu people are afraid of and want to get. What else? The clues of the treasure map, such as the dragon ball, and the dragon sword, anyway, in a word, everyone can think of it, and it has become an unparalleled treasure.

I'm afraid that Nangong Fu is not an ordinary treasure in his hand. No wonder everyone in the world is afraid of him.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but be interested. It was just a small colorful hibiscus. How did it make the world break their minds? I also asked, "These people are really strange. They are not life-saving things, but a rare plant. Why do so many people want it?"

"Do you really think that people who come here want that colorful hibiscus?"

Beauty Yu looked up doubtfully and saw Nangong Fu looking at the direction in the middle of the hall. She shook her head with a smile: "You really think they are for the small colorful hibiscus. The reason why Yue Lou can stand on the martial arts is that it depends on a small colorful hibiscus. There are not only thousands of treasures in the world, but can really be recognized by Yue Lou. However, in several cases, all people with treasures will gather here at the annual Colorful Hibiscus Conference, just to stand out in this Hibiscus Conference. Only with the recognition of Yue Lou can they really count as treasures. What people in the world strive for is just a name and a profit.

"What about you? For what?"

Without thinking about it, she blurted out. After saying that, Yu Meiren was also shocked and quickly turned her eyes to the center of the hall.

"Something that the world doesn't care about, but I know you will like it."

Nang Fu's words, beyond Yu Meiren's surprise, made her heart beat faster uncontrollably, but she dared not turn her head and listened to the other party's mouth, and then sighed slowly.

"It's started."

Beauty Yu looked at the center of the hall, and the red satin flew. A woman in green flew into the hall with long satin in her hand. The brocade hung in mid-air. With the woman's graceful posture slowly landed, the woman's eyebrows were slightly charming and charming, but her voice was a little cold.

"Welcome to the colorful hibiscus conference. Presumably everyone knows the rules of Yuelou. I won't say more. If there is any baby, everyone will show up. As long as your baby can be recognized by Yuelou, it can become famous all over the world."

After the woman finished speaking, her toes were gentle, her body fluttering, sliding to the chair behind her and sitting on it.

This woman is the demon Bizi she saw that day. The demon Bizi's voice fell, and someone has already walked to the hall. The man was dressed in brocade clothes, and his temples have been dyed white, but his face is comparable to the beauty of a woman. A feminine and sharp color shot out in his eyes, and she became more and more energetic. He held a hollow brocade box in his left hand, and his steps were stable. , I can see the deep internal strength.

"It's a great honor to hear that the four sages have traveled abroad all year round and have long left the life in the palace, but now they appear in my Yuelou."

Four Wise Kings? At that time, the fourth prince, Beiqiu Rong, Yu Meiren was shocked. The hatred and anger suddenly in her heart could hardly hold back, but her fingertips were warm. She couldn't help turning her head and gradually calmed down when she saw the soft color in the man's eyes.

"The demon landlord laughed. I got a treasure a few days ago and wanted to take it to Yue Lou to see if it can really be regarded as a treasure."

The four sages opened the box with a smile and saw a very dazzling light, so that everyone present couldn't help closing their eyes. When they opened their eyes again, there was a snowy white bead lying quietly in the box. There was nothing special about the appearance. Looking closely, I saw the beads all over the body. There was a faint light flowing, and the four sages stretched out their hands to shine gently. The beads immediately showed a white and yellow light alternately, with a faint blue light.

At this moment, some people have been surprised, and the face of the demon sitting in the center of the hall has also changed slightly: "Is this the pearl of the sea at night?"

When the four sages heard this, his eyes must be shining and he laughed: "Yes, the demon master has good eyesight, but I don't know if my little bead can be called a baby?"

"There are many pearls in the world, but there is only one like this." Yao Bizi said, and there were already people sighing in the hall.

"This one in the night pearl is unparalleled in the world. Unfortunately, there are countless treasures in the world. What can enter the eyes of my Yuelou must be an extraordinary thing in the world. It is truly unparalleled in the world. Whether the four sages can win depends on whether there are any master behind."

Yao Bizi's words were neither admitted nor denied. Everyone knew what it meant. The four sages just laughed when they heard the words, and no one present could guess the origin of it.

Next, several people went to present their treasures. After reading it several times, Yu Meiren couldn't help but lose interest. They were just vulgar things she had seen in the novel. Occasionally, a few names were just something with no characteristics. No matter how good the things were, she could not feel novel at all.

When he was about to complain, he saw a burst of ** at the door of the hall. A dirty beggar rushed in. The beggar's hair was scattered behind his head and covered most of his face dirty. He kept holding a rusty and muddy sword in his hand, holding a wine jug in the other hand and ran to the center of the hall with his feet. Zhong Shijian said, "What kind of treasure-grabbing conference, what kind of rare treasure is not as good as the sword in my hand."

The man ran to the center of the hall, seemed to be drunk and unstable. He lay directly on the ground and banged with a wine pot and a long sword.

"It's a madman, it's dirty."

"This kind of person has also been put in, and the defense of this Yuelou is getting worse and worse."

Some people have been talking about it, and the demon Bizi also frowned and shouted harshly, "Who dares to break into my tower?"

The man seemed to be drunk. He got up randomly from the ground, holding the long sword completely attached to the soil in his hand and shaking it a little on his lips: "Shh, I'm here to attend the Hibiscus Conference."

The man said and burped: "The sword in my hand is the weapon of the god general, you, and you, you say it, this is not unparalleled in the world."

As the man spoke, he pointed to the direction of the demon blue son, the four sages king. His long hair covered most of his face and could not see his appearance clearly. He just circled in place and looked crazy.

"Come on, pull this madman out."

In a word, two strong men came out and were about to go out with the man. Who would have thought that he would easily break away by him? The two men continued to pull and pestered several times before pulling the dirty man out.

From the beginning of the Hibiscus Conference to now, the only good play has ended. The man must not be an idle person. Beauty Yu just noticed a detail. The man's eyes, as sharp as a beast, were covered by turbidity for only a moment. In her previous life, she was a university professor and majored in psychology. And the eyes are the best window to convey psychology.

Yuelou is very well guarded, but anyone who wants to participate in the colorful hibiscus conference must rely on invitations. A market well can actually enter Yuelou. It must not be an ordinary person. However, this kind of martial arts master in the market has seen a lot, which is nothing more than a sad past and has not made her pay much attention.

She thought like this but didn't want to do anything. She was still waiting to see the treasure brought by Nangong Fu. She was not in the mood to care about other people's business. Thinking of this, she looked at the venue and smiled and asked, "No one wants to donate treasure."


As soon as the demon Bizi's words fell, Yu Meiren heard the man beside her open his mouth, and her heart suddenly jumped and turned her head.