The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 102 Rift

Yu Meiren followed Yu Ji to the outside of the hall. They never said a word. It was not until Yu Ji turned her back and was about to leave like this that she couldn't help calling out, "Empress."

Only then did Yu Mei's words come out, and there was a slight bitterness in her heart. The queen actually pulled the distance between their sisters far away. With the queen, she had stopped outside the feelings of the sisters.

"Does Concubine Hua have anything to say to me?"

Yu Ji turned around and had a shallow smile on her face. It seemed that she had long been used to such a title. Only she knew it. At that moment, she almost thought it was an illusion. Finally, she was about to lose her most proud sister.

"Thank you."

Beauty Yu opened her mouth, and her heart was extremely bitter. She just had a moment of happiness. At least Yu Ji was still on her side. She must still think that she was a sister in her heart, but she was an individual twisted child, so she got along with her like this.

She is even waiting until now, waiting for Yu Ji to open her heart and call her beautiful sister like before, but her expectations were too beautiful. The ending she was waiting for was disrupted by the other party's words.

"You don't have to thank me."

Yu Ji smiled coldly, and Yu Mei's thanks actually made her feel ironic. She was once the most trusted and proud person in the world, but she was also the person who hurt her deeply. But even so, she has forgiven her. She is her sister and an irreplaceable existence in her life, but why, for What else does she want to be so persistent? She would rather abandon her proud self-esteem and entrust herself to the man she hates as a side concubine.

She can't stand it. She can't stand such a beauty.

"I did this for the safety of the Yu family, not you, Beauty Yu. So you don't have to thank me, beauty Yu. I'm different from you. I won't ignore the safety of the Yu family for a man, and I won't abandon sisterhood for love. I'm glad that I'm not you. Even if there is no sisterhood, you are still surnamed Yu. How can I take advantage of outsiders and bring danger to the Yu family, but there is one Remember that from the moment you choose Beiqiu Yin, you are my enemy.

Yu Ji hardened her heart and looked at the peerless face in front of her, word by word, but unswervingly. The words plunged into Yu Meiren's heart, making her fingers hidden at the bottom of the embroidery quickly tighten, and then tightly grasping the skin of her palm.

Laughing, her face is still smiling as before, as if she can cover it up as long as she smiles. People in her previous life like to maintain this illusion, and most of them are hidden in laughter. There are really few like her. Now she can't wait to simply make it clear to the other party that the reason why she stayed in the palace is not for a concubine. The title, a man's favor, she just hopes that the only sister she misses since childhood can have a happy ending.

She can't say this reason. She is very clear about Yu Ji's character, timid but stubborn, and even a little stubborn. If she tells her the reason, the other party will not accept such a reason and will not be willing to accept the reason why she stayed in the deep palace because of her.

Perhaps, this reason can even evolve into another use of family affection in Yu Ji's heart. She is a person with a criminal record, and even she herself will doubt it. How dare to gamble?

"Since you know that for the safety of the Yu family, why do you have to go to the palace? Why do you have to target him everywhere?"

Yu Ji was slightly stunned, as if she had heard a joke, and her heart was cloudy, as if she could never see Qingming again.

Is it necessary for him to tell her that in addition to retaliating against Beiqiu Yin for Beiqiu He's frame-up, another reason is that she felt uneasy for Yu Meiren and wanted to disturb his harem chickens and dogs to repay his failure of Yu Meiren. She foolishly wanted to do something for her sister, but it turned out that Surplus, she felt disappointed. For a moment, she felt a sense of disappointment with what Yu Meiren had done.

"You are still like this, desperately thinking about him, so what about the beauty of the country? Yu Mei, you don't know yet. For Beiqiu Yin, you are just a stand-in. Beiqiu Yin was good to you just because the person he loved is exactly the same as you. Humph, the love you exchanged for with your life and the destruction of Tianliang is just a stand-in, isn't it ridiculous?

All words hurt people, and hurt people is sad. Although she knew Yu Ji's words for a long time, the pain was still renovated, sprinkled with salt, which hurt her heart.

"What the Queen said is the Ronglan beauty in front of her, right? Indeed, the truth of the matter is indeed very hurtful. Unfortunately, it is just a dead beauty. No matter how much the earthworm loves it, it can only be remembered. It is said that living people can never compete with the dead, but the Empress, can't the living people really compete with the dead?

In catharsis, when Yu Mei said it happily, her heart became more and more painful, but the pain had to be incisive enough to be less aggrieved and not so depressed, which made her breathless.

The Ronglan beauty personally sealed by the previous emperor was just the daughter of a small county magistrate. She looked beautiful. Before she saw the late emperor, she was framed. She only got the title of a beauty. Because she fell in love with the prince, she was secretly in the deep palace. Executed.

The information is too thin to show her all about this relationship, but Yu Meiren can feel the deep affection of Beiqiu Yin and is willing to use the world as a medium to realize the woman's words.

Her existence, her whole world, can't resist his deep affection, and her effort is not as good as her smile in the end.

Is she too stupid or his love too persistent?

Yu Ji was stunned and didn't want Yu Meiren to know more than she knew. What puzzled her was that she clearly knew why the other party was still so determined. Was she unwilling to be infatuated for too long, or did she have already decided to be a stand-in for the rest of her life?

"It's so stupid. Are you thinking so now? But it doesn't matter. Whether you treat me as your sister or not, I won't treat you as an enemy. The Empress Dowager is still waiting for me to go back. My concubine sends the Empress.

After Yu Meiren finished speaking, she leaned over and saluted.

Yu Ji didn't expect that she would mock herself like this. Suddenly, her heart seemed to be suffoed by something and blocked. It was difficult to say another targeted word. She had to wave to Pearl on one side and slowly said, "Let's go."

After a long time, Yu Mei got up and raised her head and looked at the moving figure. Her fingers slowly loosened, and then a pink shadow slowly appeared in sight, getting closer and closer.


Xinyu ran out of breath and breathed when she saw Beauty Yu.

"In a hurry, what's wrong?"

Beauty Yu frowned. Through the reluctant distance, she could see the ups and downs of the girl's chest clearly.

"No, it's okay. I, I just finished the snow-soaked bean ice. When I saw that the mother was not there, I asked other maidservant. Only then did I know that the mother came to the morning and evening palace, so I came.


I'm afraid you are afraid of Beiqiu Yin's fault, right? Yu Meiren did not ask what she thought. Xinyu, she was more and more uncertain whether she was the eyeliner placed beside her by Beiqiu Yin. The people raised in the deep palace were all human spirits, and this Xinyu has a good temper, steady work, calm and beautiful appearance, but she is more peaceful than ordinary palace people. There are many people who guard themselves. Such a woman is actually just a small maid in the harem of the Beiqiu imperial court, which inevitably makes people wonder.

"What does the Empress want to say?"

Xinyu is a transparent and clever person as Yu Meiren thought. Yu Meiren thought that she could guess a little from her tone. Although it was a little bitter, she didn't want Yu Meiren to misunderstand her like this. She immediately gritted her teeth and said it directly: "Xinyu also heard a little about the meaning of the Empress, although she didn't know if it was right. However, Xinyu wants to say that Xinyu is indeed a person who has an old master, but that person is not the emperor or any of the concubines in the harem, but no matter who it is, he has no malice to the Empress. Xinyu is dedicated to the Empress and asks the Empress to be clear.

What Xinyu said was very hard and resolute. Beauty listened to her, but she could not hold a lot of trust, just like every criminal would emphasize her innocence. Excessive demonstration would only make her feel guilty, but at this moment, she vaguely felt that Xinyu was not such a person, but she did not know what to do. He Xinyu had lifted the old master to his side and refused to say it, but she couldn't ask any more questions at this moment, so she had to sigh and opened her mouth with a smile.

"That's all right, that's all I'm just saying. You pay attention to it and say so much out of thin air. Well, the Empress Dowager just kept me, and I still have to go in to accompany her. You go back first."

After Yu Meiren finished speaking, Xinyu hesitated to answer "yes", then turned around, did not stop any more, and walked towards the distance.

Once again, Yu Meiren looked at a person's back.

Looking at Xinyu's body and pace, she doesn't look like a person who has learned martial arts at all. Just now she said that her old master is not Beiqiu Yin or any of the concubines. Yu Meiren can't figure out who she would be if she weren't one of these people, and what kind of thoughts this person has about herself.

She has hypothesized a few people in the harem, and even the empress dowager did not fall, but she still can't figure out who would spend time on her except those people mentioned by Xinyu? What is the purpose? Is it...

Assuming that there is a kind, but she always feels wrong. After thinking about it for a long time and can't figure out the causal relationship, Yu Meiren has to sigh, then turn around and walk in the direction of the sunset palace.