The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 114 Poisoning

Beauty Yu went out and made sure that there was no one around. Then she quickly swept out of the city. The evening wind was a little cold. Beauty Yu was shocked and touched her cheek with her finger, only to find that she had forgotten to wear a veil.

No wonder she just took advantage of a woman and remembered such a thing.

Yu Meiren's figure has always been hidden in the dark. Avoiding the patrolling army, she can already see the gate. She has always been confident in her light skills and anxious to return to the camp, so she quickly swept in the direction of the gate.

I don't know if she was unlucky or destined. Seeing that she was about to go under the gate, a group of patrolling soldiers came out of the alley on one side, just in front of her. Under the moonlight, her figure completely leaked in the eyes of everyone.

"Who is it?"

Someone pointed a long gun at her, and the beauty Dantian carried a heat and clenched his fingers into a fist. He was about to break through with a blow. Who knew that the soldier shouted that more soldiers came out from all over the alley. Yu Meiren's heart was not good. If there was such a fight, it would inevitably lead the appearance of demon faction, a pair First, there is no pressure at all. If the masters of the magic faction go together, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no accident. After all, this is not her territory, and the means of the magic faction will not be fair.

While her thoughts were running quickly, Yu Meiren had turned around and swept towards a dark alley. Although she was familiar with Luoyang City, it was difficult to think of a place to hide in panic, especially when she heard the familiar and hoarse voice, she became more alert.


Beauty Yu raised her head and smiled at the other party: "I haven't seen you for many days. How is your father-in-law?"

"Is that you?"

He Quan has recognized the unknown female doll in front of him, and speculated about the purpose of her coming this time, with a vicious smile on her face: "You witch, you tried to assassinate the palace owner 35 times, which almost made me lose my trust in the palace owner. I will definitely sacrifice my ancestors with the life of you, a bitch today."

"Sacrifice to the ancestors?"

Yu Meiren showed a sarcastic smile and did not hide the irony in her heart: "I forgot that eunuchs have no descendants, but they can have parents."


He Quan was already very angry. He raised the dust in his hand and shouted at the people behind him, "You all give me and take the life of the witch. The palace master has a lot of rewards."

He Quan's voice fell, and a crowd swarmed up.

It's really fake tiger power. Yu beauty sneered. How could the shrimp soldier crab pay attention to her? With a smile, the tip of her feet had been exerted, and her body slowly rose, as if riding the wind. The black clothes on her body floated with the airflow. Suddenly, her body moved forward, just by the head of the magic pawn under her feet. Flew away to the "old eunuch".

He Quan was shocked. He didn't expect that the other party's light skills were so high. Just now, relying on the number of people, he waited for more demons to come between the fights. In that way, no matter how high the witch's martial arts skills were, she could not match the number of people. There would definitely be a time of exhaustion. At that time, he would take action again and get this credit to present the Buddha to the palace owner.

But who would have thought that the witch would come to him alone? She suddenly panicked and turned around and fled to the rear.

How can Yu Meiren give him a chance? There is no particularly annoying person in her life, but no matter where she was born, it is a scourge. If he does not die, he will definitely stay in the world to cause trouble for the world.

He Quan's skills were no better than Yu Meiren. She was soon strangled. Yu Meiren looked at this annoying face with a smile. Seeing that the other party had cring and begged for mercy, she smiled contemptuously: "Didn't you just say that you were going to sacrifice my life to your ancestors? Why is there no momentum now? Don't worry, I won't torture you."

After Yu Meiren said that, as soon as her fingertips were about to use force, she heard a "poke" sound. When she turned her head, a cold light flashed. She narrowed her eyes and her body instinctively turned to the side. The feather arrow flew into the nothingness on one side. In her surprise, she felt something quickly stabbed from the side. She avoided it sideways, and the sharp weapon still rubbed her arm. Suddenly, I heard the sound of skin cracking.

"Looking for death."

Beauty Yu was furious. The arrow just made her lose the opportunity to kill He Quan, but she was hurt by the other party. Yu Beauty lowered her head and saw a faint green light on the broken blade. It must have been a sudden poison. At this time, she was murderous and reached out to the other party's arm. "crip" broke the other party's wrist and only heard a sound. The heartbreaking horn, the broken blade fell to the ground with a bang.

Beauty Yu leaned over and picked it up, with a trace of cruelty in her words, and said coldly to He Quan, "My favorite thing in my life is to repay him in his own way. Congratulations."

While Yu Meiren spoke, she had reached out and inserted the broken blade into the other party's heart. "Old eunuch" He Quan retreated backwards in panic, but Yu Meiren was one step faster than him. The sound of the sharp weapon penetrating the skin, and then wiped her cheek warmly **. She turned her face sideways and did not look at the unbelievably surprise on He Quan's face. Fear.

The fingers were very bright, and connected to the position of the heart, the more no one let go of their hands. The more they felt a little cold. The people next to her slowly fell to the ground, and their bodies kept twitching. Beauty Yu did not bow her head, but turned around. The poison on the broken blade was eroding her body. I'm afraid it would be difficult for her to return to the camp tonight.

No, she must go back. She can't let Ying Hong's plan make a mistake at all. She can't cause the suffering of the world because of her own mistakes. Beauty Yu, beauty Yu, you must hold on.

There were more and more demons in front of her. She bit her lower lip hard, contained a mouthful of blood, and then flowed her internal force towards the dense people.

Behind her are fallen people who died in her hands. At this time, Beauty Yu already had a faint feeling and was killed. There seemed to be only one word left in her heart, as if she had just been on the battlefield, emphasized over and over again.

Killing is to live, to kill, to save the world.

I don't know how long it took, she finally broke away from the murderous intention of the crowd. The magic people and soldiers behind her were still chasing after her, but at this moment, she felt more and more weak. In a trance, she seemed to see the man in white, holding a long flute in his hand, and the peach blossoms were flying all over the sky, and the picture was her. The best moment of my life.

Is this the end? Beiqiu Yin, is this the ending between you and me?

Yu Meiren used her last bit of strength, and the gate was right in front of her, but she was about to fall, and then waited for the fate of being trampled into pieces by the people behind her.

At a critical moment, she suddenly stretched out an arm in the dark and pulled her into her arms. She tried her best to open her eyes and wanted to see the face of the person, but she could not see it clearly.

Who is it? Who is it?

Do you want to save her?

Suddenly, a line of imperceptible tears flowed in Yu Meiren's eyes. At the moment before her lax consciousness, she vaguely spit out the two heartfelt words.

"Thank you."

The voice of the woman in her arms was very light and light, but the figure of the woman in her arms trembled, but she had no time to hesitate and turned to the darkness behind her.

I don't know how long he ran like this, and his arms were a little stiff. He reached out and pushed open a door on his side to make sure that no one came in behind him.

The man went to the room and sat down. His handsome but beautiful facial features were very ordinary. He put the woman in his arms on the couch and stared at her for a long time. There was a trace of rare tenderness on his face. He reached out and unconsciously wanted to touch the woman's pale cheek, but the next moment he seemed to be shocked by something and withdrew his arm.

He finally dared not desphem the woman who was deep in his heart like a fairy. The man sighed and looked at the woman for a long time and found that the other party's face was pale and a little blue. Only then did he realize that the other party was wrong. His eyes floated to the other party's wound, pulled the sleeve away, and then breathed.

The blade was not too deep, and the scar still made him feel pain in his heart. The blood around the wound seemed to be purple-red, which turned out to be phoenix gallbladder.

Phoenix bile, a kind of magic medicine, is extremely poisonous. If the poisoned person can't detoxify within three hours, he will be tortured to death by a living burning sensation. Looking closely at the woman's forehead, she has oozed fine sweat, but her body is extremely cold, and her face shows an extremely painful expression.

Phoenix's gallbladder poison needs to be solved by exchanging blood for a living person. The man was a little hesitant. Although he didn't spend much time with her, he knew that she would not accept such an ending.

But now, he can't help thinking too much. Time is precious. He won't let her die like this. What's more, he knows that she doesn't want to die. Her will to survive is so strong, how can she be willing to die like this?

The man thought that he had turned around, but soon retreated. He was worried and left like this. He was afraid that someone would find her, and he was afraid that her will to survive was too strong. He would eventually go out by himself, and he would regret it for the rest of his life.

Thinking about it, his hand finally touched the face in his dream. For the first time, he touched her so real, but will she remember him? She shouldn't remember, not even who he is.

There was already a trace of determination in his heart. The man took out a knife from his waist and was about to slide to his wrist. Suddenly, there was a sound of beating outside the door. Someone knocked a few times and then shouted loudly, "The sky is dry. Be careful of the candles."

The man seemed to breathe. He really didn't want to die like this, but...

In hesitation, the knife in his hand fell to the ground. With a "dang", the person on the couch frowned and seemed to be a little uneasy. His eyelids moved. The man standing on one side stared affectionately at the face of the woman lying on the couch, and finally made up his mind.

The man turned around and the door outside the house slowly closed. After a long time, there was a hurried footsteps outside the house. The door was opened again with a creak. The man walked into the house with his back, and a person was dragging in his hand.