The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 125 Transaction

Beauty Yu walked out of the hall, and the sun was shining outside the hall. Beauty Yu didn't remember how long she had seen sunshine like this. Even most of the time in her dream, she was trapped by darkness. Since when has her world been shrouded in darkness.

"Girl, let's go and sit over there."

Beauty Yu looked at the pavilion pointed to by Wu Yue, nodded, walked over, and then sat on the stone bench in the pavilion, unconsciously with a smile on her lips.

It's so warm. The whole person is wrapped in the sun, and suddenly there is a feeling of happiness. It turns out that she can still feel warm when she is alive, so she must live well.

Reach out and touch the wound between her neck. Although it is scab, that position will still make the ugly scar stay for a long time and may never disperse. Just like the fear brought by Nangong Fu, she must escape from this place, but if she wants to escape, she must endure it.

The slight footsteps behind her interrupted her thoughts. Before she turned around, a woman's slightly charming voice came.

"I heard that my wife is back. It turned out to be true."

Yu Meiren was shocked. She only wanted to come out urgently, but ignored the hidden danger of Moyin, which existed at any time. Now she can't be sure whether the token has been sent out. The biggest possibility is that it is still in the hands of Moyin. Yu Meiren has made the worst plan. She can only wait, but unexpectedly at this time Face to face with the magic sound.

Yu Meiren slowly closed her eyes, suppressed the nervousness in her heart, and calmed herself down. Maybe it was destined that things would not go so smoothly. When Yu Meiren opened her eyes, there was already a smile on her face. She remembered that it was better to escape than to face it directly. Things always developed unexpectedly, perhaps also There will be an unexpected next one.

Beauty Yu turned around and looked up at the woman in red. At the moment when her eyes were facing each other, she saw the instantaneous change of expression on the face of Moyin. She could clearly see the unbelievable, stunned, quasi-instant hatred and the slight movement between the wings of her nose.

"Who the hell are you?"

The magic sound is almost overwhelmed by the sudden emotions in her heart. She will remember the face in front of her for the rest of her life. Although she has changed into women's clothing, she will not forget the beauty of her man, nor will she forget that she was as happy as an ordinary woman when he promised her. But now, when she saw the woman in front of her, her heart seemed to be torn apart by something.

Who is she? She is a cruel woman rumored by the world, a love woman who practices acacia, but now she actually finds that she has been deceived by another woman who is also rumored by the world. It is a deception, which makes her hatred and unwillingness penetrate into the bone marrow in an instant. Without thinking about it, her red practice has After the action.

Beauty Yu didn't expect that the magic sound would attack her like this. When the long whip of the fiery green light attacked her, Wuyue, who stood on the side, exclaimed in horror. Out of instinct, Yu Beauty reached out and grabbed the end of the long whip and worked hard on each other. Her hands were pierced into her hand by the small thorns of the whip. Countless fine pains, but she tried hard. He held it in his hand and stared at the anger of the other party with a smile.

"Why? Yu Meiren, you liar."

When the whip fell into the other party's hand, the bottom of Moyin's heart suddenly softened. Somehow, even she couldn't figure it out, but soon, when she remembered the woman's deception, her heart hardened again, and then pulled the whip fiercely.

Yu Meiren pulled the whip hard and seemed to have made up her mind and still smiled without saying anything. In fact, there was still some panic in her heart. Everyone in the world knew that there was suddenly poison on the whip of the magic sound. Even if she barely grabbed the whip just now, it was hard to guarantee that there would be no second whip. If she could not escape that one today Whip, she might as well take the initiative to cater to the anger of the other party. She is gambling on the cruelty of a woman and the different feelings for herself. As a woman, she can understand her anger, just like she knows the despair when Beiqiu Yin took advantage of her. She has to wait and wait for her softness.

"Let go."

The magic sound seemed to realize something and pulled the long whip harder, but was pulled by Yu Meiren. The red ** kept flowing out of her palm, but it did not drip to the ground. Only then did Yu Meiren feel that the long whip suddenly seemed to be alive, constantly pulling out her blood, and the color of the long whip was getting more and more. The more red.

In her heart, she was extremely panicked. Beauty Yu gritted her teeth, and her body already had a feeling of collapse. The red color was actually maintained by the blood of living people, which she never knew.

Beauty Yu's lips have gradually turned white, and her face has gradually lost its blood color, but she still smiled and said nothing, making the two people next to her panic.

"Girl, let go."

Wu Yue was so scared that she didn't dare to move. She was anxious. At this moment, she came back and ran to grab Yu Meiren's arm, but did not dare to touch the bloody position.

"You are really crazy."

Moyin simply let go of her hand and let the red practice fall to the ground. She hummed coldly. Unexpectedly, she didn't even want the whip and turned around and wanted to leave.

"Wait a minute."

Yu Meiren let go of her hand, holding Chi Lian's hand, and there was already a feeling of dizziness in her mind. She waved her other hand at Wuyue, who held her side and asked her not to follow her. I'm afraid she could only say something when she and Moyin were alone.

Yu Meiren forced her to hold back her body at this moment, walked to the magic sound, and then reluctantly smiled: "I know you will definitely hate me. In fact, I have no intention to lie to you."


Moyin seemed to hear some big joke and laughed at himself: "I really have to thank you for your carelessness. Get away from me. Don't let me see you in the future, or I will definitely kill you."

"Actually, you don't have to kill me. I'm also a half-dead person."

Yu Meiren smiled and said, "That word that day was caused by playfulness, but I don't deny that I did use you. You just wanted to protect a man who also used me. I was willing to be used by him, but you know, when the two armies fought, I used you for the sake of the people of the world."

"Actually, I was just wondering if my life can be exchanged for your forgiveness. The name of the wife of the Nangong Palace is the same as the title of Empress Hua, which is really a burden for me."

Before Yu Mei finished her words, she only felt black in front of her eyes and her body fell back.

Moyin's cruel heart suddenly disintegrated when the woman fell to the ground. She instinctively reached out to hold the woman who fell to the ground, and then said to the maid not far away, "Come and help quickly."

At the moment before she completely lost consciousness, no one found that the woman who was about to fall into a coma unconsciously hooked her lips.

Use her life to exchange for a woman's forgiveness. Yu Meiren never dared to imagine such a bet, but now she has done it, and there is still such a scene in her dream. In fact, as long as she recovers her internal strength, she doesn't always have to bet on herself and lose internal interest. The only thing she can bet on is herself.

The pain in the palm of her hand felt that the wound was uncovered again and again, and then it was coldly smeared and wrapped, and then the pain in the body rose again, as if it was baked by something, and wrapped in ice. Even in the dark, she was always troubled by the pain of her senses and wanted to catch something to relieve it. Solution, but can't break free.

"What should I do? What should I do? Is everything all wrong with the girl?"

It seems that a faint dialogue can be heard in the dark. Beauty Yu wants to open her eyes, but she seems to be sealed in a narrow dark space and can't get out.

"Her body is too weak. Unless Feizi is here, she will be relieved. If she can't wake up again, her life may be in danger."

Someone sighed, and someone paced anxiously: "The left guardian was sent by the palace master to find the token of the lament. It is impossible to take care of the girl at all. What can I do? If something happens to the girl, the palace master will definitely blame us."

After saying this, the person who originally sighed seemed to think of something. Suddenly, he said something in the man's ear on the bed. The woman's eyelids on the bed moved. After a long time, she suddenly opened her eyes.

The moment she saw the light, Yu Meiren's head was still about to crack in pain. She glanced at the charming woman in red, as if she wanted to confirm something.

She didn't hear that sentence very clearly. Thinking about it carefully, she was sure that what she heard was "The token is in my hands. If you want it, wake up quickly."

She hasn't handed it over yet. Beauty Yu's heart thumped and supported her desire to get up.

"The girl is awake, the girl is awake."

The two maids came to help her with a smile. Yu Meiren sat up and smiled at the two maids: "Wu Yue, you and Yunyao go out first. There is a misunderstanding between me and Moyin Guardian and want to talk alone."

The two maids hesitated when they heard the words and remembered what had happened before. Wu Yue was still a little afraid. After thinking about it, she still saluted and pulled Yunyao out.

When the two left, Yu Mei restrained her smile, looked at the magic sound on one side, and said bluntly, "What are the conditions to send the token to the Beiqiu military camp?"

"Do you still count the promises you made to me before?"

Promise? Yu Meiren's heart jumped. She couldn't remember the promises she had made to Moyin, but Fortunately, she still remembered that she had said a lot of promising promises, so she had to smile: "Which one are you talking about?"

"As you said, after I help you, you will let me leave Nangongbao. I also want to live a normal woman's life, teach my husband and children, and live a stable life. Can this promise still be counted?"