The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 130 Accident

In the dream world, the dark reincarnation, someone follows behind him like a shadow. No matter how he runs, he can't get rid of it in any direction.

In the dream, there was a person dancing, wearing the whitest skirt, and using unique dance steps to let her follow and keep following, as if she were the dancer who incarnated as a fairy. As long as she catches up with her footsteps, she can find the final salvation.

But she couldn't see it. She could only hear the sound of dancing and the footsteps chasing her behind her. Her world was dark, and then someone kept laughing behind her.

You are cruel, you deserve it, you deserve it, you deserve it, it's time to pay for it.

Fear gradually invaded the brain, and then something gradually lost in her body, cold, and colder and colder. She felt that the footsteps behind her were getting closer and closer, and she was competing with the bull-headed horse face.

Help me, who will save me? At this time, she suddenly heard the dance step getting closer and closer, as if someone was guiding her. She ran in that direction with all her strength. Suddenly, there was a light. The darkness behind her turned into a silhouette of her arm, which was pulled long in an instant towards the distance, and her surroundings gradually bright. Get up.

Light, it's all light. Where is she? Is it a paradise like Qionglou Yuyu in a dream, or another beautiful phantom hell.

You were redeemed. She heard such a voice, and then turned around. It was the dancing woman with her back to her. She was happy to smile, and then approached the woman who redeemed her. Before she asked who she was, the woman had turned around.

Wravel lightly and write about Luo Shen, and you should know that a shallow smile is deep.

She was surprised and said unbelievably, "It's you."

The woman stretched out her hand between her lips, gave a "hush", and then turned around. Suddenly, it disappeared, and the light also disappeared. She looked around in horror and then shouted desperately.

"Help me, you save me..."

"Why hasn't she woken up yet?"

Yu Meiren's fingers have been working on each other for a whole night. Obviously, Xue Feizi told her that as long as she woke up in the morning, nothing would happen, but it was already early in the morning, and she had not woken up yet.

"Madam, you haven't slept all night. You'd better go and have a rest. There are slaves here to watch."

Break? How dare she go to rest? In case the devil Nangong Fu comes, how can the two little girls control him? Although she may not be able to stop him, the two maids may not even dare to stop him.

"I'm not going. Go and invite Xue Feizi. Come on, I want to see him immediately."

"However, Zuo Hufa went to the palace owner. The palace owner was unconscious yesterday and did not wake up. Emperor Beiqiu personally took command. If the palace owner does not wake up, no one can give orders."

The fingers were clenched together. She didn't hear anything wrong just now. The earthworm actually went into battle in person. Is he crazy? He is not Nangong Fu's opponent at all. If he fights, he can only die.

"The emperor of Beiqiu personally conquered? What about the shadow general? Why is he not in charge?

Yu Mei opened her mouth tentatively. Yunyao's little girl was a little hesitant. Suddenly, she remembered that Zuo Hufa stressed that she should never mention this matter in front of her wife, but she had already opened her mouth. According to her personality, she would definitely continue to ask. After careful consideration, she seemed to have said what she shouldn't say, and nothing else was nothing.

It's really annoying. If only Wuyue were here.

"In Madam's words, General Shadow was injured by an arrow by the palace owner. It is said that the old disease has occurred again, so he can't send troops for the time being, but there are also rumors that the current Shadow General is not a real shadow."

"What are you talking about? Is she hurt?"

Beauty Yu felt a pain in her heart. She had already felt that something had happened, so she had to send the token out early. With the token, even if Nangong Fu's martial arts were no matter how high, in the face of hundreds of thousands of troops, there were times when she was exhausted. However, if he got the token, then the Beiqiu army could only be destroyed and was in disaster. Escape.

"I just heard that Madam knows General Shadow?"

"How can I know him?"

Beauty Yu suddenly realized that her performance was a little strange and immediately restrained her emotions: "But I used to be the daughter of Beiqiu Youcheng. Of course, I don't want anything to happen to Beiqiu. It would be great if there was no war in the world."

"Yes, if there is no war in the world, Wuyue and I may still be with our parents."

Yunyao smiled, and her little daughter's mentality was all shown on her face: "If people in the world don't have so much ambition and hatred, then the left guardian will not be unhappy."

"Yunyao, do you like Xue Feizi?"

A smile appeared on Yu Meiren's face and remembered Ying Hong's expression on that day. I really couldn't imagine that this extraordinary Xue Feizi could make so many women move for him.

"I don't like it, but respect it. Zuo Hufa is the lifesaver of me and Wuyue. Of course we will like him and hope he will be happier."

Is that so? Beauty Yu turned her head and looked at the magic sound that has not yet woken up. Women in the world are all emotional animals, and they should have sought that kind of simple happiness. I'm afraid this woman is the same, but the living environment is different. In order to live, it will change a person, just like her, how selfish she was before rebirth. After rebirth, he also thought that he had a clear conscience, was troubled by hatred, and took advantage of countless sincerity. People are independent individuals, so selfishness is inevitable.

"If you were given another chance, what kind of life would you choose?"

Unconsciously opened his mouth, and the person who knew that ** would not answer her, but the little girl around him said, "If I can start all over, I must be a good daughter, a good wife, have a lot of children, and live a down-to-earth life."

Yu Mei raised her head and sighed with a smile.

If you were given another chance, what kind of life would you choose?

Who is it and who is talking to her?

The dreamer's eyebrows beat, and someone came with light in the dark, dressed in beautiful clothes, beautiful facial features, and the feather fan shook gently, and gave her a jasper hairpin with a smile.

If time can go back, she hopes to freeze at this moment forever. She hopes that he is really a young man in her dream, and then she will take the initiative to hold his hand. No matter who he is or whether he has a wife and concubine, she will follow him until her death.

But as soon as her hand touched such a picture, she fell into darkness and pain again. Suddenly, it came from the position between her neck, as if to pull something out of her body.

** suddenly convulsed like **. Yu Mei opened the quilt, and the cloth wrapped around her neck gradually penetrated blood. She withdrew her hand and ordered Yunyao, who was at a loss on one side, "Come on, go and recruit Xue Feizi quickly."

Yunyao got the order and immediately walked out of the hall. Yu Meiren turned her head and looked at the person who couldn't stop twitching, and the color in her pupils became darker and darker.

Can't die, she can never die. If she dies, she will not only bear the debt of a human life, but also watch the people in deep trouble. And that man, the man she has loved all her life, still can't forget him. At least she can't let him die like this. He still owes her. A lot of things must be returned to her in this life.

I don't know how long it took to stand before the sound of footsteps sounded behind her. Yu Meiren turned around, but her smile froze on her face.

The red clothes like fire set off the ice-carved facial features more enchanting. The silver hair was scattered, and the deep pupils were as black as ink. The man stood where he was, but his whole body released a murderous atmosphere.

Nangong Fu is coming, Nangong Fu is coming...

The fear hidden in her heart screamed rapidly. She couldn't help retreating until her legs were against the bed, and then suddenly a hand grabbed her hand. Yu Meiren turned around. The sick person was still struggling in her dream. The expression on her face was extremely painful, and her voice was weak and almost inaudible.

"Help me, help me..."

The panic in her heart had not subsided. Yu Meiren looked at the slender finger that grabbed her hand and almost cracked the wound in her hand again. She turned around again and looked at the devil-like man behind her. Yunyao trembled beside him. She raised her head and let the fear in her heart. The spread of the deadline, and then she firmly greeted Nangong Fu's eyes.

"I won't let you kill her."

The man in red and silver hair did not open his mouth, stared at her for a long time, and then walked towards her.

She couldn't retreat, but she couldn't get out. Yu Meiren's hand hidden in her sleeve had been shaking. When Nangong Fu approached, she could feel the chill on his body. His hand reached out to the sick woman. Yu Meiren was shocked and immediately reached out to stop her. When her finger just grabbed the man's hand, it seemed to be ice. The long-sealed cold instantly penetrated into her body like a needle. She instinctively wanted to back her hand and looked at the man in front of her in surprise: "Why are you so cold?"

Cold like a dead person, is it really like those movies in the previous life that there are vampires in this world, and their bodies are cold, just like the current Nangong Fu.

"Are you a vampire?"

Ghost? Nangong Fu sneered and ignored the woman's ignorance. He reached out to help the woman who was sick.

"You can't suck her blood, if, if you..."

"Don't you want to save her?"

The cold words, the cold breath, the beauty did not seem to understand, but the man had helped the sick woman up, and then reached out to enter the internal force into her back position.

It turned out that he wanted to save her. Yu Meiqi sighed slightly, but she didn't understand why he wanted to save her. Moreover, this person had never saved anyone except killing people, and he was not a doctor.

"Before the battle, Xue Feizi couldn't come back in a short time. She could only ensure that she would not die in this way."

Nangong Fu's words were a little sudden, but what Yu Meiren understood was that Nangong Fu could only guarantee that she would not die for the time being, but could not save the magic sound. They could only choose to wait and wait for Xue Feizi to come back, which means that he would stay in the same room with her for a long time, and she could not leave during this period, otherwise Even if he kills the magic sound, no one can stop it.

"If you are tired, go and have a rest. I'm normal now that I won't kill people casually unless I can't control the magic in my body."

"I'm not tired."

Without thinking about it, Beauty Yu took over the other party's words. To be honest, she didn't trust him. How could she believe the words of this murderous and completely inhumane person? Even when she laughed, it was when others were in pain. How can such a person willingly lose his internal strength to a person who betrays him? What is his purpose?

Maybe he wants to know the whereabouts of the token like her, but he is much more hateful than himself. At least she doesn't want to bear a life, and he has already carried countless lives.

Yu Meiren walked to the table on one side and sat down. As time passed, Nangong Fu still maintained the movement, and she gradually became a little sleepy.

She can't sleep, she must not sleep, and she has to monitor this man.

Beauty Yu opened her eyes wide, but unfortunately, the sleeping god seemed to be wrapped around her, and her eyelids slowly became heavier and heavier.

With a bang, Nangong Fu turned his head. Yu Meiren fell asleep on the table at some point, but the beautiful little face always frowned, as if she couldn't even get along with someone when she fell asleep.

Nangong Fu Ning wanted to laugh for a long time, but his face was very stiff. He turned his head and raised his eyebrows. The woman in his arms was the one who betrayed him. In fact, as long as he strangled his throat now, he could let the person who betrayed him disappear in the world, but...

He turned his head and looked at the sleeping woman, and suddenly there was an impulse to touch the beautiful face, as if he had longed for this action for a long time.

Obviously, it should be hatred. Why did he have such a feeling? It seemed that it existed a long time ago. Nangong Fu turned his head and his pupils became deeper. After a long time, the look gradually melted and returned to the original tranquility.