The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 151 Yu Yue's Recovery 2

Beiqiu Barracks

Before dawn, the sight was only gray. A slightly white light could be faintly seen in the east. A huge kite crossed the sky and slowly fell down above the Beiqiu National Barracks, like a big bird that was about to fall. Only a very light light could distinguish its shape. The soldiers on the tower raised it. With the bow and arrow, the feather arrows shot out one after another. By the time the kite fell down, people had already gathered up.

It was just a huge kite, which was shot down fraudulently. The only harvest was the envelope tied to the kite, with beautiful and beautiful fonts. The literate quickly recognized it, and the big words on it were red.

The soldier who got the letter did not dare to be vague and immediately ran to the coach's camp. Especially when the two armies fought, there were countless casualties on the battlefield, and this time I don't know if it was the enemy's trick.

In the camp tent, the man wearing gold armor and a blue-faced fang mask sat in front of the desk and carefully analyzed the layout situation, while Zhuge, a woman in pink, stood aside, poured out a cup of tea and put it in front of the man, and gently stretched his locked eyebrows: "How's it going? Do you feel bad?"

"For good, you are clever. Thinking of this reason, although you are a little reckless, it will definitely affect morale, but it is much better than the emperor's disappearance, but how did you know that the queen is pregnant with a dragon?"

The golden armor shadow opened his mouth, and his voice was a little dull. Ying Hong smiled lightly: "The queen is not pregnant."

A few words shocked the man named Shadow: "Do you... Do you know that this is fraud and cheating?"

"What's the use of life if the country is not here? My lady can sacrifice so much for that person. I have long forgotten life and death by doing this, because my daughter would definitely do the same, but I don't know if she is okay now.

The "shadow" looked at the woman with a sad face while talking. As soon as she was about to speak, she was interrupted by the notice outside: "Report."

"Come in."

The voice does not lose the prestige of the general, and it seems that the golden armor is also more bright. Ying Hong has an illusion that the person in front of him has been able to stand shoulder with the shadow general known as a god by the world, especially in these days. Even with the existence of Nangong Fu, he can still make the morale of the whole army Great vibration.

Unfortunately, it's only for a while. Nangong Fu is always a time bomb, and she doesn't know how long they can last.

The person who notified came in and handed over the things in his hand with both hands. It was a letter. The shadow just wanted to take it, but the other hand was faster than him, as if he had snatched the important thing.

Ying Hong looked at the few herself on the letter, and her familiarity made her heart tremble.

It is her, her most cherished young lady, the unparalleled beauty of the Yu family. She will never forget the notes of these words. Her fingers kept rubbing those words, like a long-lost relative, which made the woman who survived when she was seriously injured leave tears.

Open the envelope with trembling fingers, take out the only two pages of paper, and then can't wait to open the folded page.

The moment my eyes touched the content, an indescribable feeling spread all over my body, as if I had been passed through by an electric current, and I was shocked that I couldn't speak.

turned out to be a blank, no handwriting, no words that made people extremely happy or sad, and did not leave any thoughts. At that moment, Ying Hong was a little puzzled, and even the "shadow" beside him was a little puzzled. What did the person who wrote the letter mean?

"What kind of letter?"

The man in golden armor opened his mouth with a little doubt, while the tearful woman only shook her head and looked at the page of white paper. The confusion just now was quickly cracked in her brain.

It only took a very short time. She understood the other party's intention and couldn't help laughing: "This is Miss's letter. I didn't write a word. The first one means to report her safety like us and let us know that everything is fine, so that I don't worry about her."

Can you understand what another person means by writing nothing? The man in gold armor still couldn't understand. He suddenly remembered the woman who was tied up as a hostage on the battlefield before the war. Indeed, she was not too eye-catching. Even people like him were almost sucked away by the dazzling color, which made him feel more familiar. It was the woman's smile that was quiet like him. The person in memory.

should be related. If it hadn't been for her, the child and that man would not have appeared in the Beiqiu barracks.

"What about the second one? What are you talking about?"

The man's voice reminded the woman in joy, and then she reacted and opened the second paper as she said: "I haven't read it yet, but it shouldn't be bad news..."

Before the words were finished, the voice suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?"

Bloomingly aware of something, the man in gold armor frowned through the mask.


It seems that nothing has happened. The woman in pink raised her head and folded the letter back to its original place, but her eyebrows were a little worried, as if she was thinking about something, and quickly made up her mind: "General, this may be left to you alone for the time being."

"Are you leaving?"

The words of "Shadow" are always short, but they express the meaning from the bottom of their hearts. Ying Hong nodded: "Well, Miss may be in some trouble. I have to go to her side to help her."

"Trouble? Isn't it safe?"


Ying Hong said categorically. In her heart, that person must be safe, but when she saw the content of the second paper, she still couldn't help worrying. If she hadn't encountered a lot of trouble, that person would definitely not have let her take risks. There must be something that could not be solved.

"It should be that the young lady has thought of a way to deal with Nangong Fu, but she may not be able to complete it alone."

Ying Hong finished her military salute: "I'll leave it to the general here. I will definitely bring the young lady back safely."

Ying Hong turned around and walked out of the tent, and then walked towards his tent. The white sky of the oriental fish gradually rose a red sun.

Beauty Yu woke up from her dream and had the same dream. The man in her previous life pestered her like a ghost, but now she didn't even shout. Turning around, Yunyao sat at the table on one side and looked at her, as if she had been waiting for a long time.

"It seems that people who do bad things do nightmares."

With some sarcasm, Yu Meiren can't make any sound now, but let the other party say happily: "Don't worry, I've done what you asked me to do. I'm not that short-lived. Flying into the enemy camp tent with a kite should be the most foolproof."

Kite, Yu Meiren thinks of a certain picture. Yes, if the kite can indeed bring the news to Ying Hong, and even if she is found, she can't find the most direct evidence. So this girl is still a little smart.

Beauty Yu smiled coldly. Since she couldn't speak, she didn't bother to argue with the other party. Today is the tenth day, and her internal breath should be restored. She secretly transported the internal force. The heat in Dantian dissipated in an instant, but the wound on her shoulder blade was broken like a bone.

How could this happen? Obviously, it should be recovered. Is it the reason why the last pill has not been taken?

Beauty Yu couldn't wait to take out the small medicine bottle from under the pillow, pour the last pill into her palm, and swallow it in front of Yunyao.

The pill melted in the mouth, leaving a faint fragrance between her mouth and teeth. Beauty Yu turned her head and looked at Yunyao. The girl really looked surprised: "What did you eat? How can you..."

Before Yunyao finished her words, Yu Meiren had already got up, put on her shoes, stood up, and walked towards her.

Yunyao immediately stood up and looked at the approaching Yu Meiren. Somehow, in addition to giving her a beautiful feeling, there was also a strange deterrent on the approaching woman, which made her step by step, hit the table behind her, and knocked the stool beside her leg to the ground.

The beauty smiled, and her body was close to the girl in front of her. Then she raised her arms and was so scared that the girl in front of her immediately closed her eyes. She just stretched out to the teapot behind the woman and poured a cup of tea to her mouth to blow the heat dissipation.

Yunyao closed her eyes and thought that there would be hot pain on her face, but after a long time, she only heard a sound of pouring water. She opened her eyes curiously, but was stunned by the picture in front of her.

Before taking off her simple nature, Yu Meiren smiled playfully and became angry after waiting for the woman.


The arm she wanted to raise did not dare to lift it. The word "you" lasted for a long time. Yunyao could only stare and turned around: "I'm going to prepare a meal for my wife."

The goal was not achieved and fled. Yu Meiren put down the teacup and did not reply as expected. Many things became more difficult.

And Yinghong should be on her way now. She can't take the risk with her life. Nangong Fu, it seems that she has to approach him again.

Approach the man and wait for her whether it is Phoenix Nirvana or the legendary moth to fight the fire and kill itself.

The wound on her left shoulder began to hurt again, and her left arm also moved subconsciously. The pain made her thoughts clearer. Only love can transform hatred. Nangong Fu, if the man is still unintentional, she will not bear to let the poison of Furongshang poison in the man's body.

Put on your clothes and walk out of the hall against the wind. The sun is shining, and your fingertips can smell the intoxicating warmth in the air. Despite the pain, Yu Meiren tried to open her arms and close her eyes.

Learning to survive is a compulsory course in her life, and from now on, waiting for her is no longer the struggle of beauty Yu, lingering, and her wholeheartedly is just a failure.

Beauty Yu opened her eyes, and her eyes were full of brilliance, and the whole face of the sun was particularly bright. At this moment, it belonged to the recovery of Yu Yue.