The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 154 Discovered

At night, Nangong Fu left. Yu Meiren sat up from ** and calculated that Yinghong should also fall down, but there was no movement now, and Nangong Fu suddenly changed.

Out of the hall, the moonlight was like water, which made her small face bright and seductive. She felt someone next to her, and Beauty turned her head.

Xue Feizi's usual white clothes and handsome face, but his eyes are extremely clear and beautiful.

After a short beating in his heart, he had slightly guessed the other party's purpose, and a light smile appeared on his lips, quietly waiting for the other party's next words.

"I want to talk to you."

The expression on Xue Feizi's face did not change, but his voice was a little solemn. After saying that, he turned around and walked along the corridor far away without waiting for her to agree.

Beauty Yu did not hesitate and quickly followed up. She also wanted to ask some words. Without revealing on the spot, she was either unaware or had another purpose. No matter what it was, it was harmless to her.

For her, it is a good thing for Xue Feizi to pursue something, so that she can find her weaknesses and make her think less.

Yu Meiren followed Xue Feizi to stand in a quiet place where few people came. Xue Feizi turned around, looked at her for a long time, and said righteously, "You poisoned the main body of the palace."

Yu Meiren's heart trembled. Although there was some speculation, she was still a little flustered and nervous when she was really noticed by the other party. Fortunately, she was also prepared in her heart so that she would not be temporarily confused.

She almost wanted to speak again, but in the end she just raised her eyebrows and restrained the smile on her lips.

"Your loss of voice is actually not that serious. It's just that there is something wrong with your throat. At most, coupled with excessive shock, I think you know very well that the reason why you haven't spoken now is that the residual poison in your body has not been solved and hurt your throat. I have checked the pulse of the palace owner, and it doesn't look like the middle. Traces of poison, but some poisons don't look like the poison on the surface in some special ways.

Xue Feizi looked at her as he spoke, as if observing the change of her expression. After a moment, he stretched out his hand and pulled her wrist, lifted her sleeve up, and then put his fingertips on her wrist.

Yu Meiren deliberately calmed her breathing down and her heart beat a little fast. In the face of such a question, she was more or less nervous. Xue Feizi had guessed the truth seven or eight points. Without evidence of poison, he could actually guess so accurately, and she was not misled by her previous actions at all.

After staying for a period of time, Xue Feizi let go of his hand and showed a slightly bitter smile on his lips: "Actually, I was also misled by you that day. I thought that your loss of voice was caused by the palace owner and completely ignored the hidden toxicity in your body. Later, I saw that there was indeed something strange in your throat, so I expected that I must have hurt my throat. Unfortunately My medication has not made any better these days, but today I found that there is a potential toxin in your body, so I think of the situation of that day. The injury to your throat must have been caused by phagocation poison, and then you lost your voice because of excessive sound caused by being scared.

"You are very smart. If it hadn't been for the sudden physical change of the palace owner, I wouldn't have noticed this. Why? Why are you so obsessed with it?"

Obsession? Beauty Yu sneered from the bottom of her heart. If she could speak at this moment, she must have calculated the account with him. She could have been her eldest daughter of the Yu family, but they insisted on letting her get involved in such a dispute. Who would have thought that she was also a weak and slender woman and wanted to be loved by her parents. My husband spoils her life, not as she is now, as a chess player, who has been tortured, and reborn with rebirth with unwillingness and resentment.

Beiqiu Yin, whoever says that he loves deeply must hate him. She can't hate him at all, making her look like a clown living in the emotional world. How many times can she finally stop thinking about it and Xiyi, as long as she bears the responsibility of the world and sees that he doesn't die.

Finally, she had the idea that if her existence was to devote the world to him, then she would rather forget him for the sake of the world.

This is a promise to Xuan Xiyue and to herself. Only this time, she really did one thing for the world, and then hid her name and wandered around the world.

But this time, she almost fell into a state of doom. Thinking about those pictures, she felt that her soul was trembling. She sacrificed so much that no one could blame her anymore.

She wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh. The memory was a little bitter. She did not deny that she owed too much to Nangong Fu, so she used blood to repay his past life, and the poison she had also been repaid with her body. She was not wrong, and there was no need to admit her mistake to anyone.

The arrogance in her bones made her turn her face. Somehow, she always had a humble feeling when facing this man's questioning, as if she was wrong in everything she did, but subconsciously kept telling her that she was not wrong.

What kind of poison is it? It's not too late yet. Tell me what kind of poison it is.

Xue Feizi held her shoulder anxiously. Yu Meiren turned her head and looked at the other party with some mockery. Furongshang's poison was the only poison she extracted behind her master's back. The prescription of this medicine had long been lost. She also heard the legend of the person who developed the drug and got it unexpectedly, and she tried her best to get only one pill. If it is an antidote, it is simply delusional.

What does it mean? Is there no antidote? It can't be without an antidote. Can you tell me what poison it is?"

Xue Feizi couldn't help shaking the other party. She still doesn't understand. Sooner or later, Nangong Fu will notice her poison. Maybe she has become suspicious. If she is so stubborn again, when the incident happens in the east window, Nangong Fu may really kill her. Even if Nangong Fu doesn't do it, relying on the tens of thousands of demons in Nangong Fort alone. , will also aim to hunt her down.

Why? Why did she still not understand his painstaking efforts? If it was just the palace owner, he would try his best to protect her, but why did she become what she is now?

Xue Feizi was puzzled. Yu Meiren had been hurt by the shoulder of the other party, and then pushed the other party away.

He doesn't know what to do with her. Why does she care about what he thinks? What's more, even if Furongshang's poison can be solved, he has to use the painstaking efforts of the poisoner as an introduction. Whether he can practice it or not is a problem.

Why does she take a risk for a dying man who has tortured her and will hurt her at any time?

Yu Meiren doesn't want to pester the person in front of her anymore. At the moment he looked for her, she had expected that he would not tell Nangong Fu. Although she didn't know the reason, as long as he didn't say her, it didn't matter.

With a cold smile, Yu Meiren stopped looking at the man on one side and strode forward.

Xue Feizi looked at the woman's back, but did not catch up with her. Now Yu Meiren may no longer be the intelligent but quiet girl in her memory. The wound in her heart was finally poisoned by herself. If someone stopped her, she may really be ruthlessly destroyed.

Although he couldn't believe it and didn't want to believe it, as the woman left, his heart seemed to leave quietly.

The wind at night was a little cold. Xue Feizi stared in the direction of the woman's departure for a long time before sighing along the road.

When the man in white left, a red dress came out from the other side of the corner of the corridor, like long black ribbon covering half of his face. A pair of charming eyes quietly flashed with cold light in the dark, and his clenched fingers slowly opened.

The wind messed up half of her long hair, revealing a charming face. The corners of the woman's mouth moved slightly, as if she were forbearing something. After a moment, she turned around and walked in the other direction.

When Yu Meiren returned to the hall, Wu Yue still added incense to the incense burner as usual. She was a little surprised to see her come in and almost knocked over the incense burner.

Beauty Yu looked up and down at herself. At this moment, she was dressed in a white dress and suddenly appeared in the hall, which seemed a little scary, but this little girl was too exaggerated.

showed a faint smile at Wu Yue and walked into the inner hall to untie her clothes. Fortunately, the wound was not cracked by the violent action just now, but it was still a little painful. Looking at the outside of the hall, Wu Yue did not know when she had left, so she relaxed and took out the medicine given to her by Xuan Xiyue from under the pillow and put it on the wound. Pour out some.

Nangong Fu has changed his attitude towards her. At this time, it is not beneficial for her to pretend to be seriously injured. It will inevitably make people suspicious if it is delayed for a long time. As Xue Feizi said, Nangong Fu is very calculating and will definitely not be suspicious of her at all. She should be more careful in the future.

She should use up the medicine given by the master as soon as possible, and then dispose of the bottle, otherwise people will find that it will cause trouble.

The difficulty lies with Xue Feizi. This man has guessed what she has done, and one day she will become a disaster. Except for him, it is not what she really wants. After all, this man has saved her life several times, and she is not an ungrateful person.

Wait, she can only wait. If this man still refuses to give up, then she has to...

Unconsciously, the nails seep into the skin and feel the pain, and there are already broken nails left in the flesh. Sewing.

Killing that man, even Ying Hong doesn't want to see it. Thinking of Ying Hong's expression on that day, she couldn't bear it. After all, she has lost Yu Ji, and she doesn't want to lose another sister.

And Nangong Fu, when the name popped up in his mind, followed by a pain in his heart. Yu Meiren reached out and pressed her chest. Her heartbeat was very stable and there was no problem. So did what happened just happen or her illusion?

can't continue to be soft-hearted. Once again, she told herself that her heart became cruel. The beauty living in this era has died, and the world that really belongs to Yu Yue really belongs to her.