The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 157 Waiting for the Rabbit

The night was dark, and the incense burners in the hall had been filled with spices. At dinner, the beauty pulled Wuyue Yunyao to form a table of four-person mahjong. They did not touch the dinner, but something was added to their chopsticks.

The medical attack was relatively slow. After the two maids left, Yu Meiren first asked Yinghong to go to Xue Feizi, asking for some precious healing herbs on the grounds of her shoulder and the internal injury she had suffered a few days ago, leaving a small part in the hall, and the rest were burdened.

Compared with ordinary military doctors, Yu Meiren still trusts Xue Feizi's medical skills more, and there are many rare medicinal materials there, which can't be used as a waste.

What's more, Xue Feizi has always had a rule for people to see a doctor, that is, to exchange things for another. I'm afraid that there are still a few people who really use medicinal materials, and he has earned a lot of benefits. By doing so, she is also accumulating virtue for him.

However, in this way, her beauty took advantage of a lot, at least she did not pay the other party's interests every time. After all, she was also blessed by Nangong Fu.

By the dead of night, the people in the mansion should have fallen asleep. Yu Mei and Ying Hong changed their clothes and opened a door crack.

In the past, she was quiet here. Except for Nangong Fu, Xue Feizi and the two maids who served her, others should not appear to her, and the strange man Nangong Fu would not appear in her bedroom in the middle of the night.

Beauty Yu quietly walked out of the house and slowly walked to the dark place to make sure that there was no wind and grass. Then she used her light skills and jumped out of the house.

Like what she imagined, the internal interest has indeed recovered, but it has not been active for a long time, which is somewhat strange.

In Luoyang City, except for the patrol demons, it looks dead. Compared with the empty city where the Beiqiu Dynasty stayed, it looks more like a dead city.

Yu Meiren did not dare to relax her vigilance at all. She walked lightly and tried to slow down the time and frequency of her toes approaching the ground. Normally, the master's insight and ability to distinguish breath are extremely keen. What's more, although her light skills once self-appointed to be the first in the world, she has never dared to move Nangong Fu. Show off in front of people.

After a period of time, she finally reached the gate. There were not as many people guarding the tower as she thought. Perhaps because of Nangong Fu, the demons seemed to be fearless.

It seems that she has finally done a right thing. As long as she restrains Nangong Fu, the people in the demon world will not be afraid.

skillfully used light skills to jump up the tower, and then quickly turned around to the other side of the city and jump down. With a faint sound, someone has noticed this side. Yu Meiren hid her figure in the dark. Fortunately, although she was tall but weak, she avoided the possibility of being discovered.

When the people who found their children on the tower wandered around the city tower again, Yu Mei came out of the darkness and quickly swept away.

Finally, there was no shock to the people in the city. Yu Meiren sighed, and the injury on her shoulder was not yet healed. The range of her movements just now was a little large. She pulled the wound. Yu Meiren rubbed the position of her shoulder blades and accelerated the pace of her feet.

Turned over into the empty city where the Beiqiu military camp is located. The lights in the city are shining, and there are figures walking in almost every tent. Beauty Yu can't help sighing. At this time, I'm afraid that no one can sleep.

If she guesses correctly, Beiqiu's camp should be the coach, and I don't know if anyone has uncovered the ghost face on his face after he was seriously injured, and whether he has recognized him.

If this is the case, then the news that the shadow general is not a shadow should be spread soon, because she was only a teenager when she debuted, and now she should be only a half-year-old child.

Passing through several tents and avoiding the patrolling soldiers, not far away was the commander's tent. Yu Meiren took a deep breath and planned to run over. Who knew that as soon as her body moved, she was hit by the person who turned out of the other side of the tent.

The whole person has leaked into the other party's sight, and it is impossible to escape. Yu Meiren was shocked. When she was thinking about whether to be knocked unconscious in the future, she saw the other party's face.

He was also a general in armor. The middle-aged man's temples were white, but the general's momentum was not seen in those years. This person was Han Shuo, who appeared in Zihua Palace before. Han Shuo's eyes were also staring at the moment he saw Yu Meiren. He seemed to be a little unbelievable, but his voice was deliberately lowered.

"Concubine Hua."

This sentence of Concubine Yu scared Yu Meiren, turned around and looked around, and then pulled Han Shuo and flashed into the coach's camp.

It was dark in the camp, and occasionally heard a few faint coughs. Hearing such a sound, Yu Meiren was relieved, indicating that Beiqiu was not so short-lived.

Lighting the candlelight, Beauty Yu ignored Han Shuo beside her, took down the burden tied to her waist, walked to the edge of the bed, and saw that the man in golden armor was still wearing a ghost face. It seemed that no one had seen the real face.

Beauty Yu didn't have time to think much about it. She stretched out her hand on the man's vein, and her heart also sank. Nangong Fu's hand was not only heavy, but also wanted to take the other party's life. Fortunately, this set of gold armor was secretly created by her at the beginning. It was made of good materials, and the inner side was attached with golden soft armor, which could resist the fatal blow of Nangong Fu.

It seems that this Beiqiu Convering really has to thank her, a life-loving person. Thinking that the action of this hand is not ambiguous, he took out the healing pill from the burden, opened the corner of the ghost face, and stuffed the pill into the mouth of the injured person.

Just a corner, Han Shuo has vaguely seen the man's face behind the ghost face and said in surprise: "This, this is..."

Yu Meiren got up. It is said that Han Shuo is also a veteran of the two dynasties. Although he is not as famous as the divine general and the shadow general, he is also outstanding in battle. At this time, it is not surprising to recognize Beiqiu Shu, but the impersonation of Beiqiu is obvious that he does not want people to know his identity. There must be his intention to do so.

"Huafei, do you know who is lying in **?"

Han Shuo's voice was fierce, and his tone of speech was also respected, but to his surprise, Yu Meiren just nodded without saying much, and began to examine the man's other wounds, completely avoiding the difference between men and women.


Han Shuo asked many questions, but Yu Mei never answered. She felt different, but she could only frown.

Yu Mei knew that he was worried. After checking, she went to the desk and waved her hand to the other party.

Han Shuo came close and saw the woman pouring water from the teapot into the cup. She tapped her fingers and left handwriting on the table.

"General Han must have a lot of doubts, but it's a pity that the beauty can't speak out for the time being."

lost voice? Han Shuo just had doubts. At this time, he suddenly sighed when he heard Yu Meiren's words. On that day before the battle, he witnessed the devil's arrow shot at the woman's chest. At that time, he also pinched a cold sweat. He was afraid that the woman would suffer a lot under the devil's hands. At the same time, he remembered the woman's identity and couldn't help but respect.

"Mother, I'm ashamed."

Yu Meiren shook her head with a smile. Although Han Shuo was a little pedantic, he was still upright.

"General Han, is the man who impersonated the shadow as the god general who called for wind and rain back then?"

The beauty rubbed her fingertips on the left side and went straight to the topic.

"What the Empress said is exactly. Although it is only a glance, the old minister will never forget the demeanor of the general in those years. He is the god in the hearts of our marching soldiers, and only the Empress can compare his posture."

Han Shuo's sentence is what he thought. As a woman, Yu Meiren is a miracle in itself, and although her prestige is not as good as Beiqiu's, she is the only general who fights for the people. I'm afraid she is deeper into the hearts of the people than any other general in history.

"The Empress's dance on that day can be described as charming."

Beauty Yu's heart is also floating. I'm afraid that she can't dance beyond that in her life.

His fingertips stained with clear water and continued on the table: "General Han must save the life of the god general. There is one thing to tell the general that in order to prevent Nangong Fu from killing the master in Wanjun, the emperor has been sent to a safe place by me, and Nangong Fu is up to deal with. General Han as long as he prevents military turmoil, and Yes, I want to hide the identity of the good god general and my identity. I took a risk. It's not easy to stay for a long time. I left all the medicine. They are all good things.

After Yu Mei finished writing, she had wet the whole table. The people outside may have seen the lights in the commander's camp and walked this way.

Beauty Yu got up and hid behind the screen. Han Shuo walked outside the curtain, said a few words to the people outside, and then walked back.

"Mother, you can come out."

Beauty Yu came out from behind the screen, nodded to each other, and did not stop. She raised the curtain. Seeing that there was no one around, she used light skills and swept away into the distance.

The garrison of the Beiqiu imperial barracks is much more strict than that of Luoyang City. Several times, Yu beauties almost found that she was able to return to Luoyang City safely.

After repeated tossing, his shoulders became more and more sore. Fortunately, there was no one in the courtyard. Beauty Yu accelerated a few steps and pushed open the door of the hall. As soon as she turned around, the candlelight of the hall suddenly lit up.

As soon as her body shook, her heart jumped up. Yu Meiren turned around and almost collapsed on the ground when she looked at the man in red and silver hair.

"Where did the lady go so late?"

Nangong Fu's voice could not be heard at all, but his face was cold as if covered with a layer of frost, which made Yu Meiren.

Beauty Yu looked around without a red figure, and suddenly felt a bad feeling in her heart.

"What are you looking for, madam? Are you looking for your good sister?"

ying hong......

Beauty Yu jumped up and down, and her chest hurt when she thought of that name. Now she can't panic. If it's messy, all her efforts will turn into foam.

Strongly suppressing the fear, Lianbu slowly approached the man in red and silver hair, with a smile on his face. Unexpectedly, as soon as she got close, Nangong Fu suddenly grabbed her arm and pulled her into his arms.

The back was attached to the man's chest, and the chill came with the man's deep voice.

"Where on earth did you go just now?"