The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 163 Falling off the cliff

Nang Fu looked at the ugly ghost face, and his knuckles were clucked by him. That sentence was like a sharp blade passing through his heart, making the smile on his face look more enchanting and cold.

"Why don't you continue to disguise?"

"You've found it, haven't you?"

Beauty Yu suddenly felt bitter. She covered up the decadent in her voice and asked coldly, "I'm just curious. How did you know this time?"

She looked at him and saw that his smile was getting cold and his voice was fierce: "The fragrance on your body is really a poison."

It turned out to be the fragrance on her body. She laughed dumbly, but looked at him doubtfully: "That day, I was obviously..."

"Obviously covered it with a heavier strange fragrance, but how can there be such a heavy aroma on the shadow? If I tell you that even that fragrance can't hide the fragrance on your body, aren't you surprised?"

He forced his eyes to see a special smoke from it, but no, it was as quiet as a dead lake, not even a surprise ripple.

So that's the case, it's just to cover it up. She should have expected that he had calculated her from the beginning, so how much does he know about his calculations?

It's just a calculation between each other. Why does she bother herself and seek that trouble?

"Nang Gong Fu, have you ever loved me now?"

When she asked this sentence, she laughed at the bottom of her heart. At the moment of life and death, she actually asked the same question, which reminded her of the picture a long time ago. He had also asked her so resolutely why, but she couldn't remember her answer.

Why? She also wanted to ask herself why she killed a person who loved her deeply at that time, and now why she asked Nangong Fu like this.

"What about you? Have you ever loved me?"

The same rhetorical question, she lost her voice and was speechless. She forgot to ask herself when she asked him, so what about her? Did she fall in love with him? When did you start to have feelings for that impossibility?

"Why did you betray me? Why did you lie to me again? Yu Meiren, why do you think it is?

When Nangong Fu spoke, he suddenly took action, which was so fast that she was caught off guard and there was no possibility of avoiding it. His hand had already splitting on her face. The fierce palm wind stopped at the moment before approaching the mask, and only heard a click, and the ghost face on his face on his face instantly broke into pieces, revealing the stunning color under the mask.

Beauty Yu instinctively closed her eyes without pain. She only felt the wind brushing her face and something sharp rubbing against her cheeks. She slowly opened her eyes and saw that Nangong Fu was approaching in front of her. She reached out and touched his hair.

"Its color makes me feel scared."

The voice was still hoarse and sobbing, and she was even a little hopeful. He didn't kill her immediately because he still loved her a little. He couldn't bear to do it, so her self-righteousness was established, but...

"Will you kill me?"

She raised her eyes and looked at the cold silence in the man's eyes, and a touch of bloomed on her lips.

"I remember you said that the three most hated things in your life, one is the person who lied to you, the other is the person who betrayed you, and the third is the person who dares to threaten you. I think I have done all these three things. I'm afraid I'm the only one who dares to do this in your life. In this way, are you still willing to kill me?"

She is enchanting and calm, with a flower-like smile. In Nangong Fu's eyes, she is particularly dazzling, but her heart is full of endless pain. She wants to destroy, but she is particularly pitiful.

Knowing that it was poison, he had to tie her to his side to see how she hurt him to the bone, but there are always times when the pain is tired.

He stretched out his hand, put his arm around the woman's waist, pressed his palm on the woman's waist, and then swirled to the edge of the cliff.

This time he was outside, and inside, the sword fell to the ground with a bang. He held her slender waist tightly, and his voice slowly blew across her ear in the wind.

"I only give you one chance. If you want to live and die with me and jump down together, then I will treat you as loving me and everything can be blamed, but if you don't want to, hum, then I will definitely kill you."

Yu Meiren was slightly stunned. Her fingers were still wrapped around the man's hair, but she had reached the edge of the cliff. She also said the same thing a long time ago, and she clearly remembered that his answer was "I do", but she wanted him to die.

What about this time? Will it be retribution to punish her for being ruthless to him?

She smiled, carefully stroked the strand of silver and white hair, then let go of her hand and watched it fly between her fingers. She raised her head and smiled a little more in her voice.

"I have always liked to agree with others not to die before each other, but I have asked you if you would like to go to Huangquan together. Since you have asked me the same question, I will definitely give you an answer."

Yu Meiren suddenly tiptoed up, leaned forward, close to the other party's side face, and slowly spoke out.

"I don't want to."

The word has not been said yet. She has carried down the inner palm wind and hit the other party's chest directly. Nangong Fu has been aware of it and quickly dodged away, but she was in the arms of the beauty.

"B bitch."

With the harsh curse, Beauty Yu turned around and looked at the man in red and silver hair not far away, laughing bitterly: "People say that the evil fate of the previous life will be rewarded in this life, and what they owe to others will be paid back. If they can't be returned in this life, it will be a disaster for the next life. I don't believe in life, but I believe that there will be a lifetime."

She watched his resentment gradually turn into a trance and suddenly smiled.

"I will definitely not meet you in my next life."

You won't meet that earthworm...

After Yu Meiren said, she turned around and tried her best to fall into the bottom of the cliff, just like in her previous life.


Nang Fu moved his footsteps and reached out to touch the edge of a golden light, but it was finally a step late. The golden light shined and fell quickly to the bottom of the cliff. He didn't want to jump down.

At the bottom of the cliff, just to find the golden light, the wind roared in his ears. His figure was like electricity, and he quickly circled the body of Beauty Yu, and then turned over to the wall of the cliff. He hugged her tightly, but he couldn't find a fulcrum several times. It was very difficult to fold and fold like this.

The rapid fall was a little dizzy, but it was also gradually clear. Yu Meiren shook her head and wanted to push away the Nangong Fu who circled her, but she heard the other party say coldly, "Do you really want me to go to Huangquan with you?"

At that moment, my heart was more bitter than Qiu Lian, and my throat was astringent, and I couldn't say anything coldly: "I'm a poisonous snake. I just want to kill you. If you saved me, I will definitely regret it."

"Then have you ever asked the farmer if he has any regrets?"

When Nangong Fu spoke, she was still looking for a foothold. She couldn't slip under her feet. The whole person leaned sideways against the cliff, and the sound of gravel cutting through the skin, and even she felt the pain of impact on the inside.

"How are you?"

Yu Meiren panicked and pushed the other party hard again: "Let go of me, or we will all die."

"You want to die, but I won't let you die. Don't forget that you owe me a life. I have the final say on your life."


This time, it was her turn to ask him: "I thought we were just calculating with each other. I thought you must hate me very much. I thought you were just..."

She thought that what she had said was not finished, but she was suddenly kissed on the lips by the other party, and her voice stopped at her lips for a moment, while his tongue quickly wrapped around the tip of her tongue, containing her doubts.

She looked at him stupidly and looked into his eyes. They slid down the cliff like this, and the bloody smell in the air fell into her nose, and then her tears fell down together.

He closed his eyes before her, but opened her eyes the moment she closed them. Yu Meiren's heart was full of bitterness. The more lingering she was, the more bitter she became, and the more bitter she became.

Nangong Fu's palm pressed the back of Yu Meiren's head, and his other arm tightly wrapped around the other party's body. He moved secretly. His feet touched the cliff wall, and then pressed his feet when he hit the other cliff wall. His body instantly rotated in the gap between the two cliffs, and then his eyes slowly closed.

"Puff" fell into the water, and Yu Meicai woke up like a dream. She opened her eyes and was stunned that both of them fell into the river.

They were not dead, and they were not happy or happy. She looked at him, but saw that his right arm clothes were cut open several times, revealing that part of the flesh and blood were blurred. She vaguely remembered that day when he rode a horse to leap over two cliffs, and there had been such a picture to save her.

The tears on his face were not dry, but his nose was sore. He reached out and pulled up the other party's arm, but he didn't know what to say.

"It hurts."

He spoke seriously in the joke, which made her a little laugh.

"Who told you to be a hero to save the beauty and rush to be the poor farmer? This is called self-reliance."

She laughed, and the atmosphere was much more relaxed, but her heart was bitter: "I'm sorry, in fact, I..."

"I don't want to know the answer yet."

Nangong Fu stopped what she was about to say. Yu Meiren was a little sorry. She didn't want to say some words until today, although she was not sure which one was her true, because at the moment she just fell off the cliff, she thought of not only Nangong Fu alone, but also the earthworm, falling in love at first sight under the peach tree. It's enough to make her unforgettable.

This idea is a little strange. She didn't know love in her previous life, so she never fell in love. In this life, she still doesn't know, so she doesn't know which one she loves or whether she both love.

She felt a little incredible how a person could fall in love with two people, so when Nangong Fu stopped her, she chose not to speak, but to change a question.

"Why do you want the world?"

"I used to be just interested and wanted to know what the magic of that position was, but later it was because of you."

The other party's eyes were a little burning, and Beauty Yu avoided it. Turn around: "Go ashore first, or I will owe you my life when your blood is dry."

After she finished speaking, she helped him walk to the shore. The sentence "because of you" wandered back and forth in her head, making her heart beat constantly.

When she got to the shore, she helped him sit by the big stone, but she couldn't help looking up at him.

"Nangong Fu, if I say, if I say I want you to give up the world, let's travel around the world and go boating on the lake together, okay?"

Yu Meiren said carefully for fear of angering the other party. She still remembered his words on that day. If there was no world, he would not have existed.

As soon as the words fell, the smile on Nangong Fu's lips suddenly solidified, and his face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, and his voice was a little sharp.

"Beauty Yu, I saved your life, but you want me to give up the world. You really know how to take an inch."