The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 185 Empress Dowager

In the Zihua Palace, because of the decree of the Empress Dowager, there has been no access to other palaces for half a month. Even the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager dare not act rashly.

The hall was burning with incense, covering the original strong smell of herbs. ** people coughed a few times, were a little thirsty, and slowly opened their eyes.

Xinyu has been staying by the bedside for a few days and has not been sleeping. Now when she sees Yu Meiren waking up, she is immediately overjoyed and quickly helped her sit up and add more machine tool bedding behind her to make her feel more comfortable in the exam.

"What time is it?"

There was no light in the hall, but it was bright. Obviously, it should be daytime. Yu Meixi clearly remembered that it was also in the afternoon when she fainted. When she woke up, she was still a little tired and dizzy, but there was no such painful pain in her chest.

"If you go back to your mother, just after noon, will you be hungry?"

Yu Meiren's heart moved slightly. At noon, she should have slept for more than a day. For such a long time, will Nangong Fu have...

Thinking of this and dared not think about it any more, Beauty Yu raised her eyes and moved her body to sit up from **. Xinyu immediately stopped it and said anxiously, "Mother, your wound is just a little better. These days, the emperor has been taking care of you sleeplessly for fear that something will happen to you. You should take good care of yourself. Take care of yourself."

"How long did I sleep?"

Yu Meiren's eyes fixedly looked at Xinyu. The black and white color made her heart tighten.

"It's been half a month."

Half a month, it has been half a month. Yu Meiren didn't dare to think about it. She was afraid that if she thought about it more, the worries in her heart would become a reality.

"What about Beiqiu Yin? He has..."

In the middle of Yu Meiren's words, she couldn't go on. She was too worried. Xinyu was just a little maid of honor and would not know what Beiqiu Yin had done.

"What do you want to know, why don't you come and ask me in person?"

In the conversation between the two, a warm male voice was suddenly inserted. Hearing the sound, Xinyu immediately knelt on the ground and leaned down to salute: "I see the emperor, my emperor..."

"Get up. I have something to say to the imperial concubine. You go out first."


Xinyu looked at the woman worriedly and had to leave the hall.

After Xinyu left, Yu Meiren's little face suddenly stiffened and resisted her physical instinctive weakness. Her eyes looked at him without blinking: "I want to see him."

Beiqiu Yin felt bitterly. He knew who the "he" in Yumei's population was, but he couldn't let her see him yet.

"Wait for your injury to heal."

"Excuse." Now Beauty Yu is no longer the innocent stupid girl. She will no longer be willing to be a fire moth because of any sweet words. How can he talk to her in this tone?

"Beiqiu Yin, as long as I see him and make sure that he is still alive, that's enough."

"He is really alive."

"I don't believe it. I don't believe what you said. I have believed in you for a long time, no, I have believed in that earthworm for a long time, from eight to 19 years old, 11 years old, Beiqiu Yin, have you ever told me a truth.

Her heart hurts, not because of the wound, but because of the warm face in front of her. Time flies, and it seems that there is no trace on this young face, but her heart has been hurt by him.

Looking at his eyes and slowly feeling deeply sad, she suddenly laughed, with a little sound, and tears of laughter flowed out of her eyes, making the wound begin to hurt.

Beiqiu Yin felt a pain in his heart, held the woman's hand, then pulled her into his arms and hugged her slightly.

Beauty Yu wanted to break free, and tears kept pouring out of her eyes. Her hand was against the man's chest, biting her lower lip, and the corners of her mouth dripping into bitterness, but she heard his voice, with an unprecedented eager warmth, buried in her neck, making her senses begin to hurt and nerves begin to numb.

"When you are better, as long as you are better, I will definitely let you see him. I promise that he is still alive, beautiful clothes, palaces, and everything the royal family enjoys, I will give him everything. I just want you, as long as you are fine."

Well, he wanted her to be fine. The tears stopped and her smile was quiet. She only wanted him to be fine, but he gave her the price of a substitute, the end of an abandoned son. What right do he have to call her good now?

"Beiqiu Yin, haven't you figured out yet? So far, my value to you has been gone. Why do you have to be pretentious and make me a sad joke?"

"Fool, you will never be a joke."

Beiqiu Yin let go of her, then put his hands on the back of his head and looked at her hard: "From now on, as long as you want, I will do everything for you. If you like hibiscus, I will build a hibiscus garden for you in this palace. If you want my life, my life is here. You have a lifetime to kill me.

"Who taught you these words?"

Yu Meiren looked coldly at the man in front of her, her eyes were deep, almost sucking his soul into her.

"Beiqiu Yin, I know you too well. You can never know what I like or hate, because there is only a glorious beauty in your heart, not me, Beauty Yu. If someone hadn't told you that in your life, I'm afraid you wouldn't know what I like and what I want!"

"That's all, I will take good care of myself, but I hope that next time I want to see Nangong Fu, you don't stop me, otherwise, I won't believe you again."

Yu Meixi grabbed the other party's hand and got rid of the confinement behind her head. Beiqiu Yin's palm loosened and no longer insisted. He was afraid that her wound would crack because of excessive force like last time, and he could no longer bear the feeling of losing her at that moment.

"You have seen me and expressed what you want to express. You can go back."

Her determination and resistance to him were more serious than a few days ago. Beiqiu Yin smiled bitterly, tid the quilt for her, then got up and sighed, "You haven't recovered yet. Don't go out to walk around first. It's easy to get infected with the cold, and the mother's place..."

After a pause, Beiqiu Yin smiled and said, "I will deal with it there. As long as you take good care of yourself, it's enough. If you can't take good care of that person, I don't think that person will want to see you like this."

In a tentative tone, he saw the woman's eyebrows jump faintly. Beiqiu Yin stopped talking. The moment he turned his back, he only felt that the distance between him and the woman was getting farther and farther. Maybe only hatred can bring them closer now. If so, he is also willing to choose to follow the south The way Gong Fu said, at least she will not completely reject him outside her heart.

The tears on her face were not dry, and her skin felt a little tight. Yu Meiren couldn't help turning her head and looking at the bright yellow gradually fading away, and her chest seemed to be blocked.

Beiqiu Yin is right. Now that she is dragging her broken body, how can she see that person like this? She owes too much to Nangong Fu. Beiqiu Yin doesn't understand her feelings at all.

It's okay if he doesn't understand, at least she doesn't have to worry about herself.

She sighed. She supported her body and moved from ** to the bedside, but she didn't imagine such weakness. Put on her shoes, Yu Mei got up. As soon as she took off her robe, Xinyu came in from the outside.


Putting down the food box in her hand, Xinyu trotted to Yu Meiren, reached out and grabbed the robe in her hand. She asked anxiously, "What is the Empress doing?"

"The room is so stuffy that I want to go out for a walk."

This said shocked Xinyu. At this moment, Yu Meiren's body can be said to be weak. Beiqiu Yin has just told her not to let her walk around. If something happens this time, what should she do?

However, she knew the relationship between Yu Meiren and Beiqiu Yin, and did not dare to take him out to suppress her. Instead, it had to dress her first, and then said, "I just made some food in the kitchen. It's all delicious things. It's better to eat a little first. If you don't eat anything in your stomach, you won't have sperm. God."

"It doesn't matter."

In fact, Yu Meiren had already felt hungry and thirsty. Although she knew that the other party was afraid of her going out, she also followed the other party's intention and opened the food box, and Ren Xinyu added a bowl of porridge to her.

Beauty Yu scooped a spoonful and just put it in her mouth, she heard the eunuch at the door shouting: "The Empress Dowager is here!"


The hot porridge numbed the tip of her tongue and was choked. Beauty Yu coughed out of breath. Xinyu, who was so scared, was a little confused. When the Empress Dowager came in, she saw this scene.

Beauty Yu couldn't care about the wound pain caused by coughing, and immediately bent down and bowed. Before she could open her mouth, she was supported by the woman in front of her. The voice of the Empress Dowager was as easy and approachable as before. Hearing in the ears of Beauty Yu, there was an indescribable feeling.

"Look at this little beauty, she has really lost a lot of weight. Let's avoid etiquette. You can't even bear to see your family."

"Thank you, Empress Dowager."

Yu Meiren got up and shook her thin body. Xinyu immediately held her. Seeing that the Empress Dowager sat down, she went to the chair and sat down.

"M Mother Su, bring the Qiongmi Yulu pills brought by the mourning family for the imperial concubine."

When Mother Su heard this, she immediately took a delicate small box from the hands of the palace man behind her, and then opened it, revealing a longan-sized pill, as transparent as ice jade.

"This is what Emperor Taizu gave to his father when he was alive. It is said that the person who took it has the effect of prolonging his life. The family gave it to you today. I hope you can recover as the beauty you first knew."

"Why is the Empress Dowager so good to the beauty?"

Beauty Yu didn't understand. She killed her son and killed her grandson. No matter how much she liked her, she would not have no grudge against her.

"The mourning family is not good to you. The mourning family is for the Beiqiu Dynasty and the people of the world, because the mourning family knows that you are the only one who can assist Yin'er in this world."

"The individual is small, the country is big, and the mourning family is an experienced person. What you have done is right or wrong in your eyes. No matter who you hurt anyone, you have never betrayed the world. The Empress Dowager doesn't understand this. The emperor doesn't understand, but the mourning family understands it. So beauty, I think you should also understand the meaning of mourning.

When the Empress Dowager spoke, her expression suddenly became cold, and then she was as kind as before.

"Well, the mourning family just happened to pass by the Zihua Palace and came to see the imperial concubine by the way. The mourning family knows that this harem is not the world of the empress dowager, nor the queen's world, but belongs to you. The most indispensable imperial concubine of the Beiqiu Dynasty, the mourning family's words are all about this. How to choose? You should understand, Mother Su, I Let's go back to the palace.

After the Empress Dowager finished speaking, she stopped staying. Beauty Yu looked at the Qiongmi Yulu pills on the table and looked at them for a long time. Suddenly, there was a pain in her chest and a mouth spit out of blood.