The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 200 Enjoying Flowers

The voice fell slightly, and everyone present felt that their knees were suddenly weakened and almost fell to the ground.

When the dessert was served, someone began to retreat in panic, and even Yu Ji's face changed. As we all know, this woman relied on the favor of the empress dowager and the emperor, and even the empress dowager did not pay attention to it. Now if she wants their lives, it is not impossible.

Some people have begun to complain about the queen's recklessness and ignorance. If Xiang Dou fights when the two are together, why drag them into the water and enjoy the flowers in the back garden? I'm afraid they will all want to be the dead souls under the flowers.

The maid holding a snack seemed to deliberately circle in front of the concubine present before stopping in front of the queen. Yu Ji looked at the pastry in front of her and turned pale. She looked up at Yu Meiren, and her eyes flashed and frightened.

"Beauty Yu, what do you mean?"

In addition, she showed her heart. When Yu Meiren saw the wandering little face, she couldn't bear it. She walked over, took a piece of cake from the tray, put down a piece, and was in front of Yu Ji in front of the entrance of the fortress.


Before the action was finished, she was interrupted. Beauty Yu turned around, and the speaker was Lan'er, who was about to be banned.

Beauty Yu was a little puzzled. She looked at the woman's plain face and waited for her words to say. Unexpectedly, the girl actually took a piece of pastry from the tray and said, "Alan'er has just been promoted to the grade. The imperial concubine's kindly rewarded her, and Lan'er accepted the mother's kindness first."

After Lan'er finished speaking, she put the pastry in her mouth.

The concubine present saw her chewing a few times, swallowed it, and waited for half a sound, but there was no difference. Only then did they know that they were all suspicious just now. Although their hearts were relieved, their faces did not look good.

Just now, they were afraid and had already reflected in the eyes of Yu Meiren. At this time, they didn't know how she would deal with this matter.

"Why, is it possible that the Empress thought that this palace would poison this dessert?"

Yu Meiren turned around and did not look at the little woman more, but looked at the queen.

In front of the queen, she claimed to be the palace, which violated the palace rules, but Yu Ji was weak and didn't think much about it, but other concubines listened to it and remembered it in her heart.

"In fact, you don't have to worry. The beauty has always been soft-hearted and will not do that cruel thing. If you are not harmful and frank, how can you be afraid of my little cake?"

After saying that, Beauty Yu stared fiercely at the maid holding the cake: "It's really a little hoof with no eyesight. Why don't you help me share the cake to your sisters?"

Xinyu immediately met and smiled at Yu Meiren. Yu Mei had already expected that the queen would not be so simple to enjoy flowers this time. There must be some way to embarrass her, so Yu Mei has already ordered people to prepare cakes.

Beauty Yu didn't do this in order to give the queen a majesty. She just wanted to teach Yu Ji a lesson and let her learn to be calm. At the same time, she can shake the potential prestige of the title of queen and make some of the queen's party members shake. Such a method of killing two birds with one stone is absolute. Good.

I didn't expect that Xinyu was still smart, but this reminded her of another person. Her heart felt very tight when she thought of Ying Hong. She also sent someone to inquire about her news in private, but she got nothing. What happened after that day? And Yinghong is life or death, and where did she go?

Whether true or false, the concubines present ate some cakes, and even Yu Ji was hindered by what had happened before and cooperated with everyone to taste a little. Yu Meiren saw it, but her eyes turned to Furongtang not far away.

My heart was cold, and Yu Guang looked at the face of the woman who had just taken the initiative to try. She had just helped her. Is it true that she was thinking about her old feelings and felt ashamed of her as she said, but after all, she still became that person's concubine.

And the concubine, Yu beauty glanced coldly and had already noticed that she was the only person present who did not eat pastries. The pastry was always hidden in her sleeve. If she didn't look carefully, she must have thought she had eaten it.

It seems that this woman is really as calculating as she imagined, which can make Beiqiu Yin be lucky to her many times.

What gives her the most headache is actually the fetus in this woman's womb. If she gives birth to a prince, it will definitely become her obstacle, but she is an unborn child. She has not lost her conscience and will bet on his life.

What should I do?

Beauty Yu was still in her mind. She heard someone say "ah" and turned her head in surprise. She saw that the concubine's face was pale and her forehead was sweating slightly. She couldn't help but be shocked. She had just clearly done nothing, and the concubine didn't eat anything at all. How could she do it?

"Quick, hurry up, send it to the doctor."

Empress Yu Ji was already a little panicked, took a cold look at her, and then called the palace people to pass on the imperial doctor.

Concubine covered her abdomen, and her expression was extremely painful. She didn't look like a disguise. Just as Yu Meiren was about to walk over, she saw her panicked back a few steps, as if she was afraid of her approach, and almost fell to the ground, so that Yu Meiren had to stand still and dare not lean on her again.

It wasn't long before the imperial doctor hurried over, got the queen's order, and stretched out his hand to give Yun's pulse.

"What, is everything wrong with Yun?"

Yu Ji's anxious voice is a little less calm. She knows in her heart that if there is something wrong with the fetus in Yun's womb, no matter what happened, as the initiator of this flower appreciation conference, she can't escape.

Thinking of this, she was even more angry with Beauty Yu. She had expected it to be her so-called, so she stared at her fiercely and said in a fierce voice: "Come on, take the pastry brought by the imperial concubine to the Imperial Hospital for examination."

After hearing this, the palace people came to get the cake, but was stopped by Yu Meiren: "Wait a minute, the queen might as well listen to the words of the imperial doctor and make a conclusion."

Beauty Yu has made up her mind. I'm afraid this has been designed by someone. She must not let this cake fall into other people's hands first, so that people can understand their hands and feet and suffer injustice.

"What? Didn't the imperial concubine think of any other way to get out?"

"I don't have that much thought, but I'm afraid someone who has already paid attention to my plate of cake."

After saying that, Yu Meiren ignored Yu Ji, turned around and walked to the imperial doctor and asked gently, "I don't know if Concubine Yun has been poisoned?"

After the imperial doctor diagnosed the pulse, he got up and replied respectfully, "Don't worry, the Empress Yun's qi and blood was just a little empty, and she was just shocked. I don't think there should be any big deal."

It seems that she has just been worried. Yu Meiren turned around with a smile and hooked the corners of her lips: "Is the Empress so panicked in everything?"


Yu Ji was stimulated by her words, but she couldn't find any rebuttal. She had to delay for a long time, but Yu Meiren didn't want to stay anymore.

"Someone, send the concubines back to the palace with the phoenix cham of my palace. I also feel a little uncomfortable. Xinyu, Shulan, you walk around the palace. Everyone else should go back to the palace first. If the emperor comes to the palace, say that this palace will go out for a walk."

It seemed to be deliberately showing off. In the second half of the sentence, Yu Ji gritted her teeth and saw the woman's lotus step moving. She definitely did not pay attention to her and walked along the lotus pond with two maids alone.

After a distance, Yu Meiren sighed from the bottom of her heart. The flower appreciation just now was really shocking. She was just thinking about the child in Yun's stomach, and such a thing happened. How could she not be afraid?

If something really happens, she is not sure whether Beiqiu Yin or the Empress Dowager will protect her, and her previous efforts are in vain.

When Yu Mei thought of this, she faintly felt that things had not ended. At least in this palace, there were still many intrigues. Although she was bold, she did not see that her mind was more complete than others. If Ying Hong was still there, she must have dealt with it easily, but Ying Hong's place was also what she was worried about now. The problem.

"Xinyu, what do you think of what just happened?"

Beauty Yu suddenly opened her mouth and scared Xinyu. Thinking of what had just happened, her heart has not calmed down yet. If something really happened to Concubine Yun just now, Beauty Yu will definitely be involved.

"I feel that the concubine suddenly had abdominal pain, which was a little coincidental."

Beauty Yu smiled. She also thought that if the remaining dessert just now was sent to the imperial hospital as the queen said and was tampered with, even if she was the emperor's favorite woman and the charge of poisoning the dragon species was enough to destroy her previous kindness. Even if she was not beaten into the cold palace, she would still be with the queen. No chance.

"Indeed, someone wants to play tricks under the eyes of this palace, if it's just to protect themselves, but if she has other intentions, I will definitely not let her go."

"However, the maidservant thinks that Lan Guiqi is not a simple person."

Shulan, who had been silent, suddenly opened her mouth, and Xinyu also smiled and agreed, "Mother, the noble concubine Lan just now looks like this, but it actually helped you. If she has no old relationship with her master, the maidservant will definitely think that she has ulterior motives."

"Oh? Does that Lan Guicubine still have an old relationship with her mother?

Shulan was surprised to hear the words. If so, it would be a different matter.

Beauty Yu shook her head, and her thoughts suddenly stirred up and became chaotic. She stared at the light color in the pond. She was happy and shocked. She jumped on the surface of the pond alone, and then picked one that had not yet opened. Budded hibiscus

"The Empress is also a master of martial arts. It is rumored that General Shadow is a woman. It's really our mother."

While Shulan marveled at Yu Meiren's light skills, Xinyu couldn't help worrying: "The Empress's current body is not suitable for using internal breath at all. Oh, why didn't you hold her just now?"

"But how do I know..."

The two argued only with an exclamation. The woman who had stood firmly on the surface of the pool was a little too large, and the heat in Dantian dissipated, causing her feet to fall towards the pool.

"Be careful."

When Xinyu and Shulan shouted at the same time, they felt a bright yellow flashing from behind and quickly swept towards the woman on the surface of the water.

Yu Meiren shouted badly in her heart, but her waist had been wrapped around an arm. The man's voice rubbed her ears and came in gently and helplessly.

"I see that you are born with water criminals, and you will be deeply immersed in this pond again and again. If there is no me, let's see who can save you, this nonsense little girl."

When they wanted to look back, the two had fallen to the ground, and the two maids accompanying them had hurriedly greeted them.

Yu Meiren turned around and looked at the man behind her, still trapped in what he had just said. It was neither pain nor resentment, but full of sadness, grievance and anger, and there was no way to start.

For a long time, she looked at his face, as warm as jade, just like many years ago, but the outline was much more clear.

Suddenly, she remembered that day, the oath he made to her, like a big stone hitting her chest, broke into thousands of pieces, and collapsed with a roar. And she finally laughed slowly.

"You saved me, and from then on, you promised each other with your body. When I gave birth to a child for you, how can you promise him in the world?"