The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 249 Confesy

In the winter solstice of Ruihe, the weather became colder and colder this year. For several days in a row, there was a thick layer of snow, and his feet creaked.

Beiqiu Yin's illness could no longer withstand this cold weather. He fainted several times in the hall. Although the imperial doctor diagnosed that he was overworked, the beauty of Yu knew that it was the soul that it was the soul of people. After drunkenness and died, what she lost was popularity.

I'm afraid that over the years, Beiqiu Yin's internal organs have been hollowed out and forced to hold on.

Fortunately, in recent years, Beiqiu Shuo has become more and more diligent. He was originally talented and intelligent, but now he has made rapid progress. At a young age, he has had a lot of imperial demeanor, which makes her happy.

The only thing that worries her is that the empress dowager has removed a lot of the power of the other party openly and secretly over the past few years. Even so, the existence of the other party is still like a big stone, heavily pressing on her chest. Every time she thinks of it, she only feels that her chest is stuffy, but it is difficult to find a charge for the other party. To death.

What is even more confusing is that she has always been the only one who has taken action, but the other party has only allowed her to cultivate power. Almost one-third of the Beiqiu Dynasty has become the world of her Yu family.

In the morning, Beauty Yu put on a fox coat cloak and went to Fengqi Hall early to say good morning to the queen. The queen pulled her like her own sister.

Queen Lan is a quiet master. She is not as happy as Concubine Yun, nor as competitive as Concubine Wan, and it is much easier to get along with.

In fact, Yu beauties have already seen through that there can be no peaceful world in this harem, especially the new girls who came in the past few years, all of whom have hidden their minds and try to divide the harem world equally with her.

Beauty Yu saw it and let them fight. She learned this from the Empress Dowager. Now she has a son as her backer, and she is not afraid that they can turn over.

What's more, she is the shadow general of the Beiqiu Dynasty. This identity has laid the foundation for her position and no one can move at all. Except for the empress dowager, she is like her natural enemy. Not to mention those grudges, even her existence makes her insecure.

Please return to Zihua Palace. Beiqiu Shuo waited for her to play chess early.

After playing a game of chess, he moved his fingers, and Beiqiu Shuo restrained his proud nature as before and calmed down a little.

"Mother, can Shuoer's chess skills be improved?"

"Yun'er has grown up and knows what is light and what is heavy."

After Yu Meiren said, Beiqiu Shuo was a little surprised: "Can the mother concubine see it?"

Beauty Yu smiled and said nothing, picked up the teacup on one side, drank a few mouthfuls of tea, and then raised her eyes and rubbed a little tenderness in her eyes: "You are better than mother. You should have learned a lot from following Taifu and your father over the years. In fact, our life is like a game of chess, in which masters can see each other's heart, so that they can attack their hearts and win.

"The mother is a master of chess." Beiqiu Shuo couldn't help sighing, but Yu Meiren coldly denied: "No, there is a person in the chess game who is much smarter than your mother's concubine."

"Is that what the mother said about the Empress Dowager?" Beiqiu Shuo frowned. Over the years, he saw more or less the struggle between Yu Mei and the Empress Dowager, but he pretended not to know. After all, these two are his relatives.

"Mother concubine, do you have to fight like this between you and the empress dowager?"

"I don't want to fight. Everything I do is for you, for the country of the Beiqiu Dynasty, and for your father."

Yu Meiren shook her head, and Shuo'er was still too young to know the benefits.

"But the mother and concubine, you didn't teach Shuo'er. You should take the people as the heaven and govern the world with filial piety. The empress dowager and the mother concubine are also Shuo'er's relatives. How can Shuo'er bear the fight? Besides, can't the mother concubine and the empress dowager really coexist peacefully?"

"Peaceful coexistence?" Yu Meiren couldn't help sneering: "You know that the Empress Dowager used to be a person admired by this palace, but unfortunately, she is not right. Even if the mother wants to coexist peacefully, others may not be willing to. I can't let your father's country fall into the hands of others.

"Mother's concubine means..."

Beiqiu Shuo was shocked. Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Xinyu, who hurried in: "Your Majesty, he..."

Xinyu was anxious and didn't expect that Beiqiu Shuo was in the hall at this time. Seeing the beauty of Yu's wink, she immediately said, "Your Majesty, he overworked and fainted again. Now the imperial doctor is treating him in Qianxi Palace."

Yu Meiren's heart tightened. I'm afraid it will be difficult for Beiqiu Yin to get better this time.

I can't tell what it felt like at this time. I don't know when she felt unwillingness and hatred for him in her heart. She remembered his world, and I don't know when she began to trust him anymore.

It's like he doesn't trust her. Yunfei almost had a misdelic. The death-free gold medal has shown that he can't trust her.

If he really loves her and really doesn't care about everything, how can he not trust her?

However, she planted a soul for him with her own hands. Now that he is seriously ill, she only feels sad and angry and has nowhere to vent. That person, she has always been unbearable, but she took action.

If it was to avenge Nangong Fu, she would feel that her love was so superficial, but it was clear that she could be desperate. Until she destroyed a life with her own hands, she did not know how much the child she wished to be just a dream. If time could go back, she would rather lose everything, but time went back. She may still make the same choice.

Because she has no choice at all.

" Shulan, go to Qianxi Palace with me."

After Yu Meiren finished speaking, she saw Beiqiu Shuo's worried face and reluctantly smiled and said, "Shuo'er, stay and read the medical book I gave you by my mother a few days ago. Maybe I can help your father."

Beiqiu Shuo looked hesitant. After a long time, he finally nodded: "Okay."

Yu Meiren sighed and turned around and walked out of the hall. She knew very well that if those medical books were useful, she had already found a way to save Beiqiu Yin. If she did not save him, it was not that she did not want to save him, but that she could not save him at all.

When she arrived at Qianxi Palace, the eunuch in Qianxi Palace saw that it was her and did not stop her. Yu Meiren went straight in. Beiqiu Yin had woken up, but her face was yellow and her eyes were also sunken. It was obviously terminally ill. When she saw her, she smiled slightly: "You are here."

When the imperial doctor saw that it was her, he immediately bowed and stood on one side. Beauty Yu walked over and looked around: "You all retreat. I want to talk to the emperor."

After Yu Mei finished speaking, the people around her withdrew from the hall continuously, and then she took Beiqiu Yin's hand and held it to the side of her face.

"I've just been too tired recently. It's okay."

Yu Meiren's throat was a little choked. She was also half a doctor. As soon as she touched the meridians of Beiqiu Yin, she knew that his body had reached its limit. In fact, she had already knew in her heart that those soul-dementers were poured for him by herself.

"Do you still remember when I was a child, I once said that I would protect you all my life. No matter what you want and what you want to do, you can do whatever you want."

"Of course I remember." Beiqiu Yin sighed: "I still remember that at that time, you were really stubborn and worked hard. No matter what I wanted, you would help me grab it as if you were desperate. However, I was just using you at that time. I thought I would use you all my life. I didn't want you to lose to my heart.

Is that so? Yu Meiren suffered from the bottom of her heart, and then laughed. She also thought that she would protect him so hard that he could be a carefree emperor for a lifetime, but she didn't expect that this life would be so long that she would eventually hate him.

"Over the years, you know that I and the Empress Dowager fight again, but why don't you help me?"

She hid this sentence in the bottom of her heart and asked it after so much time.

"After all, the Empress Dowager is my only relative in the world. I have only figured out until now that some things will change, but some things will never change."

Real? So why did he have such a hard heart when she killed his father and brother? Now, she has to defend a murderer who killed her sister.

Over the years, if it hadn't been for Beiqiu Yin's covert, how could the Empress Dowager have come to this day safely, then what has she done?

"Do you know that the Empress Dowager didn't regard you as her relatives at all. What she wants is actually as a treasure in your hands."

After such a long time, she couldn't help breaking the window paper in front of him. She didn't believe that he couldn't see it.

"Beauty, won't you forgive me?"

Beiqiu Yin's heart was bitter, and his breath began to change. He kept coughing, and his face began to turn red.

Hearing this, Yu Meiren's heart was crisp. The numb pain was connected, and finally she couldn't bear it. She reached out and gently patted the other party's back, but was stopped by Beiqiu Yin's hand and buried in the side of her neck, which made her heart tremble uncontrollably.

"Beauty, I swear that what you want, I will definitely do what you want. Shuo'er is my only son, and I will give him the best in the world. As long as you forgive me, for so many years, I only want this thing."

Yes, after so many years, she just wants one thing. She has done so much, and finally, she just feels more bitter.

It turned out that in his heart, she was the one who cares about him, and he turned a blind eye to those around him that were unfavorable to him. After all, he didn't understand her, or his heart itself was so cruel.

Beauty Yu stretched out her hand and pushed away the other party, remembering the regret she had been regret, and finally smiled bitterly: "What did the emperor say? The minister and concubine will not remember the previous right and wrong. As long as the emperor is fine and Yun'er is fine, the minister and concubine will be satisfied."

"Do you really think so?"

Beiqiu Yin was still a little uncertain. Seeing that Beauty Yu nodded heavily, she was relieved. Her eyes were a little gentle, as if she remembered the past. She reached out and pinned the hair that fell on her forehead behind her ear, with a thin voice like a sigh.

"Beauty, can you dance another dance for me?"

Beauty Yu was slightly stunned. Seeing the carefulness at the bottom of the other party's eyes, she couldn't bear it, but she once swore that once danced in Luoyang City, she would never dance again. Now, how could she break the original vow?

"When the emperor is in better health, I will choreograph a new dance and order someone to dance to the emperor. I'm afraid that my current body will be out of breath if I move."

After Yu Mei finished speaking, she was a little nervous at the bottom of her heart. Seeing that Beiqiu Yin just smiled faintly and was no longer entangled in it, she sighed.

turned around and looked at the lonely snow outside the window. His heart moved and he couldn't help saying, "Your Majesty, do you know what I have been most afraid of?"