The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Extra Peace

Ping An and Yu Yue came out of the county government and couldn't help wrinkle her face. She was just humiliated by the unscrupulous county magistrate. Now she is also worried and suffocated for a long time. Finally, she couldn't help asking, "Yu Yue, Ping An obviously has a father, but why didn't my mother let her father come out."

I don't know how many times the little guy asked her such a question when he remembered it, but...

"Woth, your father is sick and is not easy to be exposed to the wind and sun, which is not good for health."

I don't know how many times I've heard such an answer. Although her father has been sick all year round, and although her father always sleeps more than when he is awake, she just thinks there is something wrong.

"Is Yu Yue afraid that his father will run away with other women when he goes out, so he wants to hide his father?"

"Nonsense." Yu Yue's eyes stared, and the little guy immediately took a step back and curled her lips. Although her eyes were big, she could still stare at others, but at this time, she couldn't help retreating.

"Woman, who did you hear that?"

The child is only five years old and five years old, and she doesn't understand modern farts. Yu Yue frowned. Is it that the ancient children are precocious, or did this girl also come from her place?

Impossible, impossible, Yu Yue immediately gave up this idea. Could it be that this girl took a fancy to that stinky boy?

Thinking of the boy crying and crying mother when he was bullied just now, she couldn't help shivering and shouted harshly, "Say, why did you just bully that little fat man?"

"Because he robbed my sugar man, no, if you can't grab it, I will hit me. Who will I beat if I don't?"

After Ping An answered, he couldn't help but feel strange: "Yu Yue, why did you ask me this question?"

"Is it that you are afraid that I will like that little fat man!"

Yu Yue was slightly stunned and couldn't help sighing. Sure, today's children are so precocious. Really, there is nothing wrong with her worries.

"Do you have..."

"No, absolutely not!" Ping An immediately vetoed: "You are dizzy. At least I'm a bully flower. How can I fall into the hands of a little fat man!"

What the little girl said was full of righteous indignation, which was indeed a little reasonable. Yu Yue no longer pestered with her, but the maid beside her smiled all the way when she saw them like this.

Entering the house, Ping An immediately ran to the inner room and saw the man lying on the rocking chair in the room. He couldn't help shouting, "The farm!"

The farming slowly sat upright from the rocking chair, with warm eyebrows and an intoxicating smile.

Speaking of this, this title is no longer with me. Ping An frowned. She also asked her mother why her father had such a rustic name, which was not in line with his temperament at all.

But Yu Yue told her, " girl, the people who farm are all honest people."

She heard such an explanation in the clouds, but she got used to it and got used to it.

"Woth, where are you crazy today? Come and beat my back."

Ping An curled her lips. Look, they didn't pay attention to her Ping An's name at all. She didn't look like a daughter at home. She was obviously a rough girl.

Despite this, she still rubbed over and lowered her back to the other party.

"Lander, let me ask you a question. Yu Yue said that you are honest, and you can't lie to me!"

In fact, she has asked this question, but she has suffered some small humiliations today. In the past, they all thought she was a confused person, and now they must ask it clearly.

"Lander, why didn't my mother let you go out?"

The man in white smiled and knew that the little girl wanted to know this question for many years. This time he must break the casserole and ask to the end. He immediately turned around and held her in his arms and pressed her little head to look at it.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?"

Ping An finally broke free from the other party's arms and was pressed down by the other party. I don't know how many brain cells will die.

"Let's see if you want to break your head."

The other party said, put her down and said, "Woman, you have gained a lot of weight again!"

She has gained weight. Is she fat?

This is the most blow she has heard so far. Yu Yue said that it is now popular for bone beauty, with breasts, buttocks and collarbones. Her figure must be cultivated from an early age. Only when she grows up can she face a group of beautiful men and choose from thousands of choices.

But now, the land growers say that she is fat, heavenly spirit, earth spirit, and her world has been subverted by one sentence.

When the man in white saw Ping An's originally bright little face, he was wrinkled together in an instant, and his big eyes were also full. Full of tears, I couldn't help sighing, "Oh, I'm teasing you!"

Oh, I'm teasing you!

The sky collapsed, the ground cracked, and what did she hear?

With a "wow", the peaceful universe began to explode. She remembered Yu Yue's words. The tiger did not appear to be powerful. You think I am helloketty, and now she is going to be powerful.

A Yu Yue is enough. Now even the land grower has climbed on her head. Do you want her to mess with this family?

"Lander, are you bullying my daughter!"

Because of this vicious cry, the hostess of this family attracted Yu Yue and came in angrily. She did not look as virtuous and gentle as usual, but closer to the tough woman.

The man in white frowned and couldn't help but feel sad. It seemed that he still didn't expect himself to climb up to the little girl.

So, I had to please him and say, "Madam, I didn't."

"No, this girl is used to being fierce. How can she cry like this?"

Yu Yue raised her eyebrows and looked at Ping'an crying. She knew the trick of the girl and asked her to believe that the girl could be weak unless the sow could climb the tree.

However, since she likes to act, she accompanies her. Anyway, their mother and daughter have three major joys a day, one of which is to bully the "fielder". Who said that this person has bullied her a lot before.

"Mother, it's safe to bully the farm."

Ping An is very smart and knows how to add oil and vinegar at the right time. When the man in white sees that the mother and daughter are of the same heart, he has to use a killer mace.

"I am a lonely man. If you bully me again, I will run away from home!"

With a decisive voice, the man in white stood up from the chair.

"Where are you going?"

The mother and daughter spoke at the same time, and the man in white seemed to be greatly wronged: "Where else can I go? Fortunately, I have an eldest son. Shuo'er is so filial that he will never refuse to take me back..."

"Wang, you have done something wrong, why don't you come out and admit your mistake? It's your father who farmed. How can you bully your father?"

In a single thought, she made a dramatic change, and Ping An couldn't help curling her lips again. Every time she saw her turn over, she was about to turn over. However, this kind of deception made her the least status in the family again.

For good, she can still show off her power outside, otherwise, she really won't be running.

"Dad, peace is wrong."

She was obviously not wrong, and she was still a little unwilling, but as soon as she saw Yu Yue's beautiful eyes, the momentum, the sense of oppression, and looking at the successful expression of the man in white, she couldn't help swear secretly: Well, it's not too late for a gentleman to revenge.

It is said that bad people bully good and fear evil. In just three days, the county magistrate has come to the house to admit his mistake with the little fat man who has just lost his swelling.

Safely climbed to the chair and sat down, looked at the fat man, and then looked at the thin appearance of the county magistrate. I couldn't help sighing that the genetic problem was really unreliable.

Every time someone comes, the "fielder" of her family will immediately hide. In front of the hall, there is only the aunt who raised her, Yu Yue, who is different from each other, and she is famous in Yuanxi Town.

The little fat man laughed ecstasy when he asked someone to hit her, but now he recognizes his mistake but is twisted, which makes her very unhappy.

To be honest, he is the only one who dares to fight with her so far in Yuanxi Town, which also makes her sigh a little.


In private, this is the first time that the little fat man called her like this, which really made her a little uncomfortable.

She blinked, but saw that the little fat man's face turned a little red. She also winked at her for a while before saying, "When you grow up, be my daughter-in-law!"

The boy was confessing to her and stared peacefully. She has also seen her marrying her daughter-in-law in Yuanxi Town several times. It is said that it is a matter of a woman's life. First look at the little fat man's appearance, and then think about her own beauty.

Finally, she sighed, "Did you think, or did your father ask you to say it?"

Yu Yue said that it is good to live a lifetime and have a clear conscience. Don't hurt others, so she just didn't have the heart to tell the truth.

He prayed in his heart that the other party must say that his father said it, so that she could immediately reject him.

The little fat man was also shocked when he heard the words. He didn't want the other party to guess so accurately. Before going out, his father told him not to offend this little ancestor again. He must be ten thousand times better to her. His father was the best for his mother in his life, so it must be right to marry her as a daughter-in-law.

Besides, his cousin is a favorite concubine, and her brother is the emperor. He married her. If he wants to have enough confidence in the future, he can kill other people's nine clans.

After thinking about it, he still decided not to tell the truth, lest the other party get angry and the cooked duck fly again.

"My father hasn't beaten me since I was a child. You are the first one. You are so fierce that only I can stand you. If I marry you as a daughter-in-law, you will not be wronged."

Ping's heart couldn't help twitching. He still eliminated the harm for the people. He was a masochist, but he suffered losses.

However, she is loved by everyone, and she plans to choose thousands of choices in the future.

The little body trembled, and Ping An's eyes stared. For a long time, a word popped up in his mouth: "Get out!"

He dared to curse her that no one wanted her, and he still wanted to muddle along.

The little fat man was also stunned for a moment and couldn't help but feel a little wronged. He clearly listened to his father's words and licked his face to please her like this. She actually asked him to get out.

A man? At least he is also a little man. It's a small thing to be beaten and lose face. How can he stand such humiliation?

"Bad girl, if I hadn't seen that you have no father, I would..."

Before this sentence was finished, it was already the bottom line that peace could bear. Regardless of the presence of adults, let alone the image of a lady who had just made up her mind to maintain, she immediately roared and rushed up.

Hearing the sound, the adults present immediately came up to pull the fight. Unexpectedly, they were accidentally injured and had to retreat aside.

The county magistrate couldn't scream bitterly when he saw the situation. In a few minutes, the little fat man had retreated, with a pig's head face, looking at the proud little face, and couldn't help sighing in his heart. Although he was defeated, he was glorious.

From that day on, he made up a decision from the bottom of his heart that he dared to make her lose face.