The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Extra Peace

Ping An was excited for a moment and pressed Lai Shifu back into the house. Yu Yue and the sound of farming ran out. They were shocked when they saw the situation and heard Ping An say, "Yu Yue, I want to marry this guy."

Getting married, as the name implies, is marriage. In the previous life, the legal age is 20 years old.

At the age of 20, the so-called two decades, and this girl is only half full and wants to get married.

Yu Yue was shocked, pulled her husband's fingers and tremble, and couldn't help looking at the teenager behind Ping'an. The teenager looked like a talented person, but when he saw his daughter pulled by his collar, he didn't know if it was because of poor breathing, and his face turned a little blue. He just looked at the expression as if he had been forced by someone.

Is this the legendary robbery of a good family man?

Yu Yue couldn't help frowning and whispering in her ear: "Is our family safe because of the acne marks?"

Yu Yue only felt a jump in her eyebrows. If it was really like this, wouldn't this girl's head be...

"Woman, you are still young..." Yu Yue tried to persuade the other party, but Ping An dumped the teenager hard and threw him in front of them.

"Yu Yue, go to his house first and book him for me!"

ping an speaks with a resolute attitude, as if they have to do it this time.


Before Yu Yue's words were spoken, she was interrupted by the other party: "If you don't go, I'll go by myself!"

Ping An said and stamped his feet fiercely, reached out to hold the teenager's hand, turned around and ran out of the door.

"Peace!" Yu Yue was anxious and moved his feet in an instant, blocking in front of them. Although she always advocates democracy, after all, this is the reason why no girl's family went to the man's house to propose marriage.

"Ping An, I ask you, do you want to marry him because you like him?"

Ping An is only ten years old. Yu Yuecai doesn't believe that a ten-year-old doll can understand love. What's more, this teenager is also the first time they have seen him. If Ping An has anything to do with him, will she not know?

Ping An frowned and looked at Le Shifu beside her, saying that she had never thought about this problem. She knew that when he was a pig in the past, she didn't like him and liked to bully him. Now she has lost her beauty, but he has become a beautiful teenager. How can she take advantage of him so well?

In other words, she wants to marry Leishifu because of the revenge factor in her heart. When she was beautiful, he wanted to marry her. Now she has become ugly, but she has to rely on him.

It's just that how could she tell others such thoughts?

He pouted and said peacefully, "He said before that he wanted to marry me."

What did you say before? Yu Yue's heart twitched and looked at the farm beside her. She thought, it was over. This girl learned to live her life at such a young age, and she still carried them behind her back.

That's all right. The handsome boy nodded cooperatively, showing a silly smile on his face.

For good, it is not a robbery of a good wife and a man.

Yu Yue knew that if this little aunt decided what she had decided, she would be the same as before, and the eight horses could not be pulled back.

Now that she has made a private life, she has to follow her, face the teenager, and ask for a moment, "Kid, let me ask you, what's your name?" Where do you live? Is there a marriage match?

Obviously, my mother-in-law would ask these three questions when she saw her son-in-law. Unexpectedly, the boy scratched his head and said with a smile, "Mrs. Yu, don't you know me?"

Yu Yue was stunned when she heard the words, and even the farm beside her was stunned.

Is it possible that she knew this boy before? Still, she also has amnesia.

Yu Yue looked at the farm again and asked, "Kid, do I know you?"

"Mrs. Yu, I'm a little fat man!"

Little fat man? Three black lines immediately appeared on Yu Yue's forehead. She confirmed that she had just heard it correctly, and the other party clearly mentioned the three words "little fat man".

There is still some uncertainty. Maybe there is a second little fat man in Yuanxi Town, which may be different from what she thinks.

"Are you a little fat man? The little fat man of the county magistrate's family?

Yu Yue felt that her heartbeat was about to fly up and prayed not to hear any terrible answers. Unexpectedly, Ping An took the lead in saying, "Yes, he is the little fat man who was beaten black and swollen by this girl!"

As soon as this statement came out, the people present were stunned, and the blue-faced appearance of the little fat man came to his mind. How could he believe that the handsome teenager in front of him was the little fat man with no image.

If Ping'an fell in love with the little fat man, this is something that Yu Yue didn't count, then the pig-headed boy turned into a beautiful teenager, which was also the first time she saw with her own eyes.

People are not as good as God. I'm afraid that they are already destined. Yu Yue sighed secretly. Ping An is still young and must not be married now, otherwise it will definitely cause a sensation.

Maybe it will involve a safe identity. This is the princess's son-in-law. In case something goes wrong, her happy life will not start in the future.

For good, in these years, the county magistrate was still Ansheng. He didn't say anything and caused her a big disaster. It seems that the essence is not too bad.

It's just that there is no precedent for this woman to be hired. It seems that she can only work hard on that boy.

Thinking of this, she immediately said to the teenager, "Kid, I haven't seen your father for a long time. Go back first and let your father come to sit here, saying that I have something to talk to him."

The farmer listened and knew what his wife was thinking. He immediately tried to appease his daughter and let the teenager leave first.

Not long after, the county magistrate came in a hurry and saw that Yu Yue was about to salute, but he was feared by Yu Yue's eyes and listened to her, "Your son seduce the daughter of the mourning family. What a great ability!"

This sentence scared the county magistrate almost to kneel to the ground. He secretly said in his heart that the stinky boy had caused trouble as soon as he came back. His voice trembled and said, "The Empress Dowager, my son doesn't grow up. Don't be angry. I'll go back and ask him not to think about it."

"There is no Empress Dowager here, only Mrs. Yu."

Yu Yue said with a cold smile: "Ok, don't panic. I just want to ask when you will come to hire me, but my ugly words can be said in front of me. Now those two children are just on a whim. If one day this marriage doesn't count, you can't calculate it in your mind."

After Yu Yue's words, no matter how stupid the county magistrate was, he understood what she meant and had to leave.

After exchanging bewitching things, it is also a safe mind. This matter will not be over, and there is no more moth.

When Ping An was 15 years old, he had regained his early appearance. Walking on the street, many people came to enjoy it.

The proposer almost broke the threshold of Yu's house. Fortunately, she found an excuse to get up early and sent those people away.

When Ping'an was 16 years old, he fell in favor with a man. The man was extremely beautiful and completely evil. Ping An tossed around several times and thought he had found his beloved one. Unexpectedly, the man was a flower picker, who was better than those prodigal sons.

First love was fruitless and almost lost. Fortunately, Leishifu appeared in time to avoid a tragedy of loss and loss.

When Yu Yue heard about this, she found someone from nowhere, found the whereabouts of the flower thief, broke the root cause of his disaster, and sighed that her daughter was a stupid girl who had not inherited her intelligence at all.

Ping An's feelings are damaged and she doesn't have a skill. For Yue's words, she is a vase that she doesn't like.

Peace has been hit hard. How can I be content with the status quo? Fortunately, Laishifu has always been by his side, and he remembered the moisturizing things he studied earlier when he loved beauty. He couldn't help but come to his business mind. He borrowed some money from Laifu and opened a store of things that women like in Yuanxi Town, including nourishing and moisturizing, gold and silver. Jewelry, later developed into clothing and decorations.

Ping An does have some business brains. Her business is getting bigger and bigger. Later, she opened a bank, a gambling house, a pawn shop, and any industry that can make money.

If it really fulfills what Yu Yue said to her when she was a child, I was born to be useful.

Ping An's business is getting bigger and bigger. In just a few years, there have been a subcolon in various places. Gradually, he became the richest Jia merchant in the Northern Qiu Dynasty. The so-called wealth is comparable to the country, but that's all.

The good thing is that Yue is not a pedantic ancient person. She is naturally relieved that her daughter can stand alone. Now the only thing she is worried about her daughter's marriage. In recent years, she has been busy with her career and is about to become an old girl in the eyes of the ancients.

Ping An is so capable that many people pursue it, but it's a pity that Lai Shifu, the stupid boy, is obviously a talented person, but seems to have identified Ping An and followed him all day long.

Yu Yue couldn't, so she had to discuss with her own man, so she wrote a letter to the imperial city and tried her best to get the emperor's son to marry. She was not afraid that her daughter could not get married, but that she was afraid that she would get on the wrong sedan chair and marry the wrong man.

In the spring of the 21st year of Chongde, the emperor of Beiqiu married Princess Ping'an and the only son of the county magistrate Lai. A month later, there was news of the queen in the imperial city. The emperor unexpectedly set up his favorite concubine despite the opposition of the minister.

In this way, the son of the county magistrate is close to the royal family, which can also be regarded as half of the royal family.

The news that surprised the people of Yuanxi Town was that Mrs. Yu turned out to be the rumored Empress Dowager Xiaoren.

After January, Princess Ping'an married Laishifu. On the day of marriage, the emperor personally came to Yuanxi Town to send a congratulatory gift. The gift turned out to be a plaque. The emperor personally gave a plaque to the store opened by Princess Ping'an and named it "Peace is a blessing".

In the winter of the 22nd year of Chongde, Empress Dowager Xiaoren died in Beiqiu Palace. It was rumored that before her death, Empress Dowager Xiaoren had called the emperor to have a long talk and died the next morning.

Since then, the legendary life of Empress Dowager Xiaoren has not been continued, and the life of her daughter Princess Ping An may be caused by some genetic factors. After Empress Dowager Xiaoren, she has created many legends.