Qing Che Ruyi

Chapter 14 Go Out

The school had a power outage yesterday. I thought it could be updated, but I still didn't catch up. I'm sorry for Xiaoxiao~~~


Put your hand on the string and slowly put it down. I said yesterday that I would only play for Nangong Li in the future. Will I violate this sentence today? I bowed my head and smiled bitterly. I can't even know what kind of existence it is in my heart.

I didn't want to think about these unanswered questions anymore. I let go and finally stood up and walked slowly to the window. Although his throat was swollen and painful, he still hummed "Butterfly Love" in his mouth, and he couldn't help floating with a lazy smile in front of him.

"I want to tell you, don't leave me, we will go through the wind and rain together.

When I'm lonely, who will accompany me? I still remember the promise you made.

How many clouds float in the sky and how many stories on the earth become legends,

The sky is vast and the earth is vast. Who can understand me? How many words fall in the wind and how many past events fall in the rain. It's windy and rainy, but you leave me in the wind and rain.

"Miss..." Ziqin's soft voice sounded behind her back, and I hummed myself,

I didn't notice that Ziqin had pushed the door in.

Cover the wound on his face and don't want Ziqin to worry. I tried to squeeze out a smile and gave it to her and said, "I was exhausted last night. I asked you to cook goji berries and white fungus soup so late."

"Ziqin is not tired, but she is worried about Miss's health. This window is cool. Don't stand there. Ziqin came to help me, and I didn't say anything more, allowing her to help me back to ** and lie down.

Watching me lie down, Ziqin sat aside at ease. Ziqin, I'll sleep for a while. If Your Highness Che comes back, wake me up.

"Miss, rest assured. Ziqin is by your side."

I smiled at ease, closed my eyes and lay quietly. Although I feel tired, I am not sleepy at all. My brother asked me to ask my heart, but I don't know what's on my mind now. People are so ridiculous. When there is no love in life, they worry about trivial things about their career. Once there is love in life, most of the time they begin to be sad about this inexplicable thing.

One side is Che and the other side is Li. I am not a woman who breaks love, so I can't say that I have no feelings for these two excellent men at all. I'm always slow and slow in love. It's not that I can't feel others love me, but I'm always confusing friendship and love. Just like before I officially fell in love with Tang Yu, everyone except myself had acquiesced in our relationship, and only I still stubbornly thought that we were friends.

The only thing I can be sure now is that I don't love Li. I don't deny that I have been moved by him, but he is never the person I want, so I choose to leave and no longer give myself a chance to compromise. As for Che, there is an indescribable feeling. I don't know whether the remaining consciousness of Yan Nianqing affects me or some kind of emotion invisibly.

The nameless depression surrounds my heart and can't dissipate for a long time. This kind of entanglement in unclear feelings is the most annoying, but I am also such a nervous person comparable to a cable. After I tossed around for a while, Ziqin called me up and drank another bowl of soup, and then I slowly fell asleep under the effect of the medicine.

I slept hazy, but I couldn't wake up. I don't know how long it took, I heard someone push the door in. His footsteps were very light. He walked to the bed and said in a low voice, "You go down and rest first."

"Yes." The small footsteps, Ziqin retreated.

Except for Che, he didn't think about it. But I don't want to open my eyes. I don't know how to face him. I always feel a little embarrassed.

I felt that Che slowly sat down on the edge of the bed, moving gently, as if he was afraid of waking me up. He helped me close the quilt that had been kicked open and stopped moving. I lay there like a needle felt. Che sighed slightly, and his slightly cold fingertips pushed away a few rays of hair on my forehead and felt his pain. My heart was light and bitter.

"If you love him, why do you want to escape? Now that you are by my side, how can you let me go and let you go? The voice was slightly hoarse, and the smell of wine floated into my nose, which was still a little smelly. My heart jumped, and Che actually went to drink. To say these words is to admit your feelings for me. This fool, if we don't say it, we can still be friends. But now, how should I face it? I can't understand my heart at all.

"Che..." I opened my swollen eyes and looked at Che's painful eyes.

Che showed a bitter smile, "Did you hear it?"

I nodded and turned away. "If you want to go back to Liangcheng, I won't stop you."

"But you just..."

"It's just drunken words. Don't take it seriously." After saying that, he stood up and walked out without looking back. Oh, what an awkward personality.

After leaving, I lay down for a while and then made a decision that made my heartache. He got up and put on his clothes, walked to the table, grinded the paper, and wrote a letter to Che with a pen.

I told him that I was leaving and asked him to take care of the three people.

The letter is very simple, but I believe Che will understand me. I can't accept Li, partly because of his identity, but this is the same for Che. I don't want to be a sad woman in the deep palace. At this point, whether I choose Li or Che, it is an inevitable fate.

When I lay there, I hesitated to go back to Linsheng, but I was really not sure about it. I didn't know what I was going to face. I understand Che's feelings for me, but I can't bet on his feelings on my own future. I can't guarantee that he won't marry several wives for some purpose like Li.

At the moment when I pushed the door out, I thought I understood my heart. Li, who is far away on the frontier, can probably always be my brother Li. I can't fall in love with him. He is the kind of man who makes me feel distressed at first sight. With him, I will be burdened. I don't want to do that. And Che, I feel relaxed and happy when I am by his side. If he is not here, I will miss him. He excused that he didn't like me, and I would be unhappy, so I have to admit that I have feelings for Che.

This time I decided to leave, and my heart ached. For Li, I said that I didn't want to share a husband with others, mostly just an excuse. But it's what I really want to say. I can't tolerate the person I like, who is not the only one for me, so I would rather choose to leave than face such a thing. I'm like an ostrich, so what? It's a very wrong thing for me to wear it here. If I can't turn myself into a typical ancient woman, I will really go to grandma's house.

made up his mind, stood up, took out the silver ticket from the burden, and loaded it himself. He sat in front of me with infinite sadness and played a song "Chu Song" leisurely, which was extremely desolate. I cried silently in my heart, dear, I can't take you away. From now on, Li and I will never see each other again, and I will leave you, so I will never leave.

I turned around and picked up a stool. I didn't know where my strength came from, so I smashed it down fiercely. Although my heart seemed to be bleeding, I didn't shed a tear. After hitting it twice, it was so bad that it couldn't be played. The two of them heard the movement in the room outside the door and pushed the door and rushed in. Seeing me smashing the stool like crazy, I hurried over and took my hand. I smiled and didn't struggle, just obediently handed them the stool.

"Where's Che?" I asked Mingjian, probably because my eyes were too indifferent. Mingjian was stunned when he saw it and said, "The Lord is downstairs."

I didn't say more. I bypassed Mingjian and Mingxiao and went downstairs. Walking down the stairs, I saw Che sitting alone at the table drinking in the distance. There was a seven or eight empty bottle on the table, and Che was still pouring wine for himself. I just wanted to step over, but I saw Shuiqian standing beside Che. Shui Qianqian was persuading Che with a sad face, but Che turned a deaf ear. I smiled bitterly, took back my steps and quietly retreated from behind.

I found a few horses behind the inn. Probably the guests who lived here rode, and I guess Che and the rosefinch's horses were also among them. I picked a dark horse that looked good. After saying a few words to it, I turned over and got on the horse. I rode on horseback and couldn't help wondering when my skills had become so good. But the current situation is not as much as I thought. I guess the letter I put in ** will soon be discovered, so I quickly left.

At this time, it had begun to get dark, and I rode directly out of the city from the inn. Fortunately, I stole the horse but no one found it. When I went out of the city, I found that I had no sense of direction and didn't know the way. I had no choice but to run on the horse. I don't know how many miles I ran out. I only felt that my legs were worn out and hurt, so I began to move forward slowly.

Once it calms down, the expression just now begins to appear in front of you. She likes Che, otherwise why is she always by his side? Fortunately, I didn't show up just now, otherwise how embarrassing the scene would be? Maybe I can't leave when I appear in front of Che. In fact, I just want to see him again. There is no other intention. Now I have finally seen it and have no regrets.

I was thinking nonsense and didn't notice that I had wandered away from the town and entered a dark forest. When I came to my senses and saw it clearly, I almost exclaimed. Oh, my God, where the hell am I going? This place is almost dark (a little exaggerated). Looking back and forth, there is no way out. I want to cry without tears, so I can only pray silently in my heart that I will never meet any beasts or indigenous people to eat me. Thinking of this, I quickly took the reins and let the horse stop. My remaining reason tells me that I can't go any further. The deeper I walk in the forest, the greater the danger.