Qing Che Ruyi

Chapter 18 Life, Life

I sat down on the small stool with Tiger Head. I said, "Brother Tiger Head, I have some money. You can take it first and buy something for your home another day."

The tiger smiled and said only one word: "Okay."

I was a little stunned in an instant. I thought it would take me a long time to persuade the tiger's head, but I only said one sentence and he agreed. I had to swallow the rest of the words into my stomach and slowly digest them.

Next, Hutou and I began to fall into a situation where there was nothing to say. After holding back for a long time, I finally jumped out a wise question: "Brother Hutou, what did you do up the mountain today?"

"Mom said that you are weak, so ask me to come back and make up for you. By the way, cut some firewood and take it to the market to sell.

"Has the family always relied on this to make a living?"

"We grow everything we eat by ourselves. There are forests in the mountain, and the tables and stools are made by cutting down trees and taking them to Uncle Shan's house, so we don't need much money."

I thought for a moment and said, "Brother Tiger Head, can we go to the town these two days?"

"Can't, why not? There will be a market tomorrow. What's wrong? Do you want to go?

I nodded, "I'll go with you tomorrow." I originally planned to let Hutou go alone to the town to put something, but according to him, most of the people in this village are self-sufficient. I guess I don't have any research on the objects sold outside, so I'd better take the risk to go there in person.

"Alle." The tiger's head smiled happily, and his simple appearance warmed people's heart.

When the matter was finalized, I let the tiger head go back to rest. After the tiger head left, I lay down and began to figure out what to buy in town tomorrow.

In the afternoon, the tiger head was supposed to help me deal with the pheasant and rabbit, but I stopped it.

At present, the materials at home are extremely insufficient, and the meat you want to make must not be good. You'd better wait until tomorrow to buy all the raw materials in the town. Now the temperature is cold, and I'm not afraid that they can go bad.

Trivial things fill my life all day, and there is no wave in the calm days.

The next day, I got up early. Put on the coarse clothes borrowed from Aunt Zhang yesterday and completely armed yourself as a peasant young man. After breakfast, he swaggered out of the door with the tiger's head.

When I got out of Hutou's house, I found that Fancunguo was a veritable poor and remote place. Maybe it's because in winter, the village is full of depression. The dirt road between the village is uneven, the houses are all adobe houses, and the dilapidated doors are open, which suddenly reminds me of the word "not closing at night".

I saw several "seven aunts and eight aunts" along the way, and it was rare to see me like seeing prehistoric dinosaurs. I had no choice but to honestly tell Yunyun, who was rescued from the mountain forest by the tiger's head. After listening to this, the aunts looked at me with an expression of "I knew it" and I was speechless.

I finally escaped the questioning of my aunts, and I walked on the road with the tiger's head with a black face. The tiger looked at me with a smile and said, "Girl, don't mind. There are few outsiders in our village, and the aunts see you and think it's rare.

"Brother Tiger, I understand. It's okay." I raised my face and drew a big arc at the corners of my mouth to look at the tiger's head. The tiger head also gave me a bright smile and stopped talking.

It took more than an hour's walk to the town. I was a little puzzled. According to this distance, Fan Village is not far from the town. How can it be so poor?

"Sister, let's sell it here." The tiger's head pointed to an open space on the street and said to me, interrupting my thoughts.

I nodded and sat on the straw mat I brought with him. Looking at the bustling crowd in front of me, I was a little nervous for fear of meeting Che and Ming Jian. I put it on my knees and buried it low, leaving only a pair of eyes outside looking back and forth at the people passing by.

In a short time, the firewood we brought was sold out. I guess it was probably because the tiger-headed man was simple, honest and looked like a child. But no matter what, the firewood is sold out.

I took the tiger's head to find various shops in the crowd. After a lot of efforts, I was quite successful. I bought flour, eggs, oil, sugar, and all kinds of pots needed to make snacks. Sichuan pepper, pepper, ginger, cooking wine, etc. are needed to make meat. I bought tables, chairs, and fabrics again. I feel so happy when I spend money. I think this may be a pathological psychology. In the past, I was not satisfied in modern times, but now I go back to ancient times to be extravagant. I remember that when I was still in modern times, I insisted that my parents would not support me. I earned that poor salary in Beijing to support myself. I didn't dare to buy anything I liked. It was very pitiful.

The tiger's head looked at me buying this and that, and forgot to stop me. He only knew that it followed me and became a veritable "shelf". After buying it, there were so many things that we couldn't move back, so I had to hire a car to send us back to Fan Village.

In the carriage, the tiger's head looked at the goods around him, swallowed his saliva, and asked me, "Girl, where did you get so much money?"

I smiled mysteriously, "Girl, I earned it." I didn't say that to him at all. I really earned it. Thinking of this and Qianwei Pavilion, I can't help but feel a little sad. I don't know how Fuquan is now. Has he become a top chef?

"Sister, what are you thinking about?"

"Nothing, I think of a former friend."

"I don't think you look like a maid." Hearing the tiger's words, I was shocked and looked up at him. I laughed a little unnaturally. In fact, I felt sorry for lying to him and Aunt Zhang. But I can't say that I'm the crown prince's side concubine, and I escaped from marriage. Then he was targeted by the fourth prince of Linsheng and ran away again? Then they have to sweep me directly out of the door. Who dares to take me in such a "sinner"?

The tiger smiled and scratched his head, "I just think girls know a lot and can do things, not like a little maid."

"Brother Hutou, the maid of this big family knows little, but it's not good. The master will look bad, and he will inevitably be beaten, so I secretly read some books when I was in my home." People say that a lie often needs a lot of lies to make up for it, and now I am in this situation. I feel that I'm getting farther and farther on the road of being a liar, and I probably can't go back. God, forgive me, I'm a well-intentioned lie.

Hearing this, the tiger nodded, "Sister, you really suffered in the past."

I smiled bitterly and stopped talking, looking like I was talking about sad things. I guess if it goes on like this, I can be an actor.

When I returned to Hutou's house, cooking smoke had risen in the yard. It was Aunt Zhang who was cooking. I stuck out my tongue. This was originally my job, but because of today's crazy shopping, I missed the time to prepare dinner.

I stood outside the yard and directed the hired little worker and driver to help the tiger head move miscellaneous things in. To be honest, the feeling of pointing fingers is really good, which makes me think that I am a strategy-planner general.

Aunt Zhang heard the noise outside and came out of the kitchen tremblingly. Seeing us carrying big and small bags and small boxes of things, the expression was more surprised than seeing the big dinosaur.

I walked over with a smile, held the excited Aunt Zhang, and said, "Aunuch, this is what Brother Hutou and I bought from the town today, and we can live more comfortably in the future."

When Aunt Zhang heard my words, her eyes were a little wet. She held my hand and said, "Son, why are you? That's all the money you have worked hard to save. Don't give it to my old lady and that stupid boy. We are used to it..."

"Aunuch--" I shook Aunt Zhang's hand and began to act disgustingly.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it..." Aunt Zhang smiled, and her voice was full of warmth.

At dinner, we have used a new table, and Aunt Zhang and Hutou were very happy. I also feel very comfortable. As far as I'm concerned, I may not really be able to do anything for them. This is probably the only thing I can do to repay my life-saving kindness.

After dinner, the three of us chatted for a while, and then I went back to my room to sleep. Today, I was so tired that my two eyelids were entangled and fought straight. I lay in ** and fell asleep in a short time.

Time flies and time flies. When I sighed at this sentence again, it was already more than three months later, when the spring was warm and the flowers were blooming and the grass was growing and the warbler was flying.

In these three months, I have basically become a small village girl. I successfully met dozens of men, women and children in Lefan Village, and also succeeded in fattening Aunt Zhang and the tiger's head. My life is as plain as boiled water. There is nothing special, but it is down-to-earth.

In these three months, I have lived a free life. Whether it's Li people, the court people, or Che people, I haven't seen any of them. The news in the village is blocked, so I don't know what's going on outside. I don't know whether the court has sent someone to arrest me, whether Li has returned triumphantly, and whether Li has married that stupid woman Yan Wanru. So I'd rather think about nothing and live a heartless life in Fan Village every day.

In my spare time, I will let the tiger head take me to the mountain for a walk. The weather is warm, everything is beginning to revive, and the trees on the mountain are also sprouting. In my eyes, my heart is full of vitality.

One day, when I was wandering around the mountain, I found a large tea tree. At that time, I was so happy that I almost turned over. I pulled over the tiger's head and excitedly introduced the tea tree to him. He had an inexplicable expression and didn't understand what I was talking about at all. I didn't bother to pay attention to him. I put him aside and ran to study it carefully. I found that the stem in the middle of the tender leaves at the end of the tea tree shone like a piece of gold, and then I decided to name it Jinsi Longjing. Therefore, from that day on, I grabbed Hutou Mountain to pick tea with me every day, and then returned to the Zhang family to make tea. It is now the fourth day of my work. I sit in the yard and slowly wrap the tea leaves. The sun above my head makes me feel like gold.