Qing Che Ruyi

Second wedding

In this way, I moved into the Yukun Palace and faced the queen every day. The queen is a graceful woman. At first, I was curious about how such an indisputable person sat in the back seat for so many years. Later, she slowly found that the queen was not relying on her poisonous means, but on her broad mind and unparalleled atmosphere. The queen has only one princess Hejing under her knees, and she married the son of the general who protects the country three years ago, so the queen now looks even more desireless.

The Ming Emperor will sit in the Yukun Palace almost every day. The emperor and queen respect each other. Maybe there is less sweet romance between them, but no one can see that the relationship between their husband and wife is unbreakable.

The queen and I either go out to the imperial garden to enjoy flowers every day, or chat in the Yukun Palace. After staying in the palace for a while, I found that the rules of Linsheng were very interesting. Take the Ming emperor's marriage to the princess as an example, as I guess, if I can't get the approval of the Ming Emperor, I'm really just a side concubine. And the imperial edict of Emperor Ming on that day in Prince Che's mansion had no practical significance at all. It is estimated that the biggest purpose is to tell me about the holy matter of entering the palace.

After knowing this, I was somewhat annoyed. The abominable Che knew that I was risking to become a little wife when I entered the palace, but I didn't know that I would hear it. If Emperor Ming really doesn't like me, will I still wrong myself to be his side concubine? But even I didn't expect that my meal made Mingdi nod and approve, which really made me feel a little confused. Later, the queen told me that Emperor Ming knew a lot about me, but he wanted to see for himself what ability my daughter-in-law had before he agreed to the marriage.

But after all, I felt confused about this matter. In the end, I didn't understand why I became the princess of Qingyuan and was accused of marrying Prince Che. In short, I can finally get married, and I won't think about so many things and make myself worry.

During my time in the palace, I hardly saw Che, and I didn't know what he was doing. Originally, I wanted to question him angrily why I was not afraid of becoming a little wife. Later, even I threw this matter away. When I saw Che, I knew that I was blind and poor. I always felt that I had to say something, but I just couldn't remember it.

Half a month after I lived in Yukun Palace, Che sent me a brand-new dragonfly. I was stunned on the spot in an instant and opened my mouth but couldn't speak. Looking at the spoiled eyes, I only felt that my eyes were swollen, as if they were full of tears. While the Empress was not in the hall, Che said, "I will give you the best in the world." When he said this, he was as conceited as ever, but I deeply believed in him.

I was curious about the origin of Qi, but Che refused to tell me, but smiled indifferently. Finally, under my coercion and lure, Mingjian told me that this was made by Che and two craftsmen in four months, and most of the work was done by Che alone.

I was moved in a mess, but my face never showed it. I still talked and laughed with Che, as if there was no such thing. At this time, the queen always looks at me with her eyes, but her face is often kind to her mother.

I will play songs for the Queen in my spare time. Every time I hear sad songs, she will unconsciously show sadness in her eyes. I don't know if she also had many sad stories when she was young?

After the Ming Emperor learned that I often played the piano in Yukun Palace, he would also ask me to play it to him from time to time. When he heard the joy, Emperor Ming would also hum some small songs, which made the queen cover her mouth and laugh.

Emperor Ming really made me feel helpless. He asked me to cook some food for him and send it to Qinzheng Hall every day, so that later, I almost became his royal chef. One day, after eating bird's nest stewed snow pear and listening to another song "Acacia", Emperor Ming stroked his palm with a smile and said, "Che'er's daughter-in-law is really good. She has to go to the kitchen and enter the hall. I am very satisfied." I smiled on one side of my face, but there was only a bitter smile in my heart. A year ago, when I heard my brother that Emperor Ming sent someone to kill Mr. Mu Jin, half a month ago, Che told me that he used Hu Fu and Xuanyiwei to exchange power for this marriage with Emperor Ming, I never thought that Emperor Ming was such a confused person.

However, to my satisfaction, just as I was about to leave the palace, I found that Emperor Ming looked much better. I don't know if the diet had any effect.

The day before I got married, the queen took my hand and sat with me in the side hall and said gently, "Yourr, tomorrow you will be Princess Che. If you marry someone, you can no longer be like a child."

"Mother..." I wanted to cry. To be honest, this scene is very like a mother marries her daughter.

"If you become Princess Che, you must know how to advance and retreat. You can't be petty because Che'er loves you. Do you understand the meaning of this palace? The queen patted my hand and said earnestly. I nodded and knew that the queen was talking about the concubine later.

"There will definitely be grievances, but the common people will have three wives and four concubines, not to mention Che'er, who is the prince."

"Madam, don't worry, you know all these principles, and you won't make it difficult for Your Highness Che." I said it cleverly, but I thought in my heart that I would dare to accept the side concubine, so I immediately raised my legs and left without hesitation.

"That's good," the queen breathed a sigh of relief. "From the first sight of seeing you, I like you. Your cleverness and cleverness are really close to the child, which makes me want to hurt in my heart. If you marry Che'er tomorrow, you will also be the daughter-in-law of my palace. In the future, if you have time, you will often come to the palace to walk around and talk with me to relieve my boredom.

"That's natural, and I'm afraid that the mother will be annoyed by then."

"It's too late to hurt you. How can you be annoyed?" The queen smiled and helped me close the broken hair in my ear.

"Then Qing'er left the dragonfly in the palace and often came to play it to his wife in the future."

Hearing my words, the queen was angry, raised her bare hands and patted my forehead, and said, "Why did you forget what I just said so quickly? It was given to you by Cheer. How can you stay in the palace, a confused girl? I have asked Feng De to send someone back to Che's palace tomorrow. You can't be careless about everything like this in the future. People with a heart will hold your little braids.

"Yes, your son knows it's wrong." I pouted and lowered my head to act coquettishly with the queen.

"You girl." The queen smiled comfortably, took care of my long hair and said, "Take a rest early. You have to dress up."

"Hmm." I nodded and watched the queen stand up from the collapse. After thinking about it, he raised his hand to hold the queen and whispered, "Empress, I have a presumptuous request. Can you agree?"

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"Qier wants to invite your mother to stay tonight."

The Empress smiled tolerantly and said, "What a child who hasn't grown up. Then this palace will depend on you."

I lay with the queen**, feeling that I was huddled with my mother many years ago. My nose was sore and tears fell down.

"You stupid girl." The queen picked up the veil and wiped away my tears. "Marrying is a happy event. Why are you crying?"

"At the mother's side, Qing'er thought of her mother."

"Well, you are also a poor child." The queen sighed and took me, "Go to bed. I'll be here with you tonight."

"Hmm." I answered in a low voice, but I didn't feel good. I was finally going to get married, but my parents were not around. The loneliness spread little by little in my heart and gradually surrounded me...

At that time, I was woken up by the queen on time and began to get up to bathe and change clothes, preparing for marriage. The queen has been by my side, looking at me with a nervous expression with a smile.

If it weren't for my own experience, I really didn't know that the royal marriage would be so complicated. When I was still sleeping, I was taken here and there by my maidservants, constantly tossing on me, with words in my mouth. I just clearly remember that my hair was combed by the queen. Her movements were gentle and gentle, which made me sigh in the haze about how there could be such a good queen in the world. It seemed that I was really lucky and didn't meet a unruly mother-law.

When everything is ready, it's almost time. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw something crawling out of the tomb. The white face, red lips, and all kinds of gold jewelry on my head made my head a little straight. The queen stood aside and looked at my "zombie bride" makeup with satisfaction, put down a golden emerald bracelet from her hand, and said to me, "Qier, put this on."

"Mother, this..."

"It's a gift from this palace." With that, the queen came over and put herself on my wrist.

"Thank you." I hurriedly knelt down to salute, but before my knee touched the ground, I was pulled up by the queen. "You are the bride today. Don't kneel down."

I smiled and stood up. After sitting and waiting for a while, a maid hurried in from the outside and knelt down and said, "Empress, Prince Che has arrived at the palace gate."

The queen nodded, turned to Xi Niang and said, "Bear Hipa."

Xipa put on my head full of gold jade, and my world turned black in an instant. Then I completely relied on the help of Xi Niang around me and did everything I should do.

Maybe it's because I didn't sleep well, my head has been drowsy. So much so that I have no idea how to get on the sedan chair and how to get out of the palace gate. I just listened to Xi Niang's whisper in my ear and followed it step by step.

Along the way, I felt that the people on the street were extremely lively, and I couldn't help laughing at the corners of my mouth. Looking down at the cat's eye stones in my hand, my thoughts are erratic. Brother, I'm married, and I've found what I want. How about you? With the sound of gongs and drums, probably no one can hear my low sigh.

The sedan chair stopped and arrived at the Chewang Palace. I can imagine standing tall and holding a golden bow. The sedan chair trembled and I saw a pair of slender hands under the handkerchief. It's clear, gently put on, and there is a feeling like a different world. Holding the hand of the son, we grow old together, Che, we finally waited for this day.

Che took my hand and led me to the house. With him by my side, everything made me so relieved, as if the world had calmed down.

Byetang, it turned out to be the same and different. This worship is the agreement of the mountain alliance and sea oath, the promise of bald old age, life and death, and talk to Zicheng. We promised each other, and this life is accompanied by life and death.