Qing Che Ruyi

The fifth expedition

I simply had dinner. After the maid removed the tableware, I sifted tea and chatted with Che in the room.

"Che, what's the situation at the border gate?"

"The two armies are deadlocked, but the situation of our army is not optimistic."

I sighed that there are few people in the world who can deal with Nangong Li on the battlefield, and the strongest one is now sitting beside me, and the war at the border is really urgent.

"Don't worry too much. With Liu Shucheng guarding in Huaicheng, I believe that Huaicheng will not be captured so soon." He held up the blue and white porcelain cup and said lightly.

"How long will it take us to get to Huaicheng?"

"The march of the army will take 15 days at the earliest."

I nodded and meditated and said to Che, "I don't need a carriage."

Che smiled, looked at me dotingly and said, "My princess doesn't need it."

"Let's rest early tonight. We have to get up early tomorrow." I put down the teacup in my hand and looked at Che.

"Okay, let's go to bed now." With that, a bad smile flashed in Che's eyes and picked me up from the stool and strode to the bed. After a while, the gauze curtain hung down, and the tent gasped and moaned. The spring light was infinite...

When I slept until midnight, I suddenly woke up from my dream and a thin layer of sweat oozed from my forehead. I opened my eyes and saw the sleeping face, but I didn't dare to move. Che has always slept lightly, and he will wake up with a little movement. Looking back on the dream just now, I still have a lingering palpitation.

In the dream, Li stood in front of me bathed in blood, with deep pain in his eyes, and he looked at me like that. The bloody hand touched my face and gently asked me why I had gone so far that he could never touch it again. I looked at the crumbling Li in horror, but there was nothing I could do. The breath slowly pulled away from his body. I almost cried, but there was no empty person around me. I couldn't find Che or my brother, so I could only kneel down in front of me, and my affectionate eyes gradually lost their luster.

This dream is so real that the painful feeling still can't dissipate for a long time after I woke up. I stared at the veil with wide eyes and tried not to think about the eyes in my dream, but his painful eyes repeatedly appeared in front of me.

"What's wrong?" As I was thinking about it, Che suddenly wrapped around my waist and asked me low. Shocked, I looked at him in a panic. Che's eyes are a little tired, but there is an indefinable tenderness.

"Nothing, I just had a nightmare."

The corners of his lips raised a warm smile, gently hugged me into his arms, and said, "Fool, it's just a dream. It won't happen."

I rubbed in Che's arms and said sullenly, "You are all right, right?"

"Of course." Che stroked my back and let me calm down slowly.

I quietly hugged him in my arms, put my hand around his waist, and was no longer so uneasy. Che patted me gently, and I didn't close my eyes until the sleepiness hit again.

I woke up in the glimmer of dawn and lay quietly for a while. Thinking that I might see my brother in half a month, I couldn't help but look forward to it. After waiting for a while, Che also woke up. Seeing me staring at my eyes, he pinched my nose and smiled, "The lazy man woke up early today."

I smiled, sat up from **, pulled away Bo and said, "Please get up."

Call the maid to clean her face and brush her teeth (still my "Tufangzi"). After using it early, I volunteered to help Che take care of his clothes and armor, but I was clumsy and couldn't handle the complicated thing, so I had better to stop and look at Che for help.

Che smiled helplessly and said, "I'm afraid you are the stupidest princess in the world."

I pouted and didn't refute him. I must admit that I am indeed a very unqualified ancient married woman in this regard. Seeing that I didn't speak, he lowered his head and whispered in my ear, "But it's my favorite." After saying that, I raised my head and continued to tidy up my clothes as if nothing had happened. I made a big red face and had to turn around to play with the moon-white robe that was only half of my body.

Everything was ready. Che and I pushed the door and walked out of the room. The rosefinch, Ming Xiao and Ming Jian were already dressed in armor in the courtyard. Seeing the two of us coming out, Qi Qi stroked his sword and knelt down on one knee, but he did a standard military salute.

"Master, the three armies are waiting for your order at the Shence Gate."

"The rosefinch follows the West Road Army, Ming Xiao follows the East Road Army, and the Ming Sword stays in the Central Army."

"Yes." With a bang, the three of them got up neatly and strode out of the house behind Che.

The army marched out of the city through Shengyun Road. The people saw each other off on the side of the road. People stretched out their necks to see the demeanor of the prince and the commander-in-chief, and also saw off their relatives who had gone on an expedition.

This expedition has a total of 400,000 troops. 100,000 each on the East Road and West Road, and 200,000 in the Chinese army. Che was the commander-in-chief, and the eight generals under the battalion led their own troops, and 500 Xuanyi guards followed the army around Che. Among the army, 20,000 imperial gods are an iron armored army that has been fighting with Che in the north and south for many years. When we left Yanyun, Guo Xiang, a fierce general in the court, had led 10,000 soldiers to leave the capital first and went to Huaicheng to reinforce Liu Shucheng.

The army marches, fatigue and hard work is inevitable. Che has to discuss military affairs with the generals almost every night, and there are continuous war reports in front of him. Looking at the tightly locked eyebrows, I was both distressed and worried. The march of the army will inevitably be a little slow, but it finally arrived in Huaicheng on the evening of the 18th. The 18th is finally a little earlier than expected. As soon as he arrived in Huaicheng, he ordered Liu Shucheng to be called to inquire about the situation in detail.

I didn't want to listen to these wars, so I took the sword to the tower and looked at it from afar. More than ten miles away, there are military tents in an orderly manner, and the handsome flag flutters, but it can't be seen because it's too far away. I asked theming Sword behind me faintly, "mingjian, is that the camp of Nanyuan?"


I sighed faintly, Li, brother, do you know that Nianqing is coming? Looking at the unreachable place with his hands behind his back, his heart can't stop the bitterness. The wind hunted the hair hanging in my ear, and my robe turned over. I don't know why there is such a strong wind today. It's already warm spring.

"Princess, this city is very windy, please be careful."

"It doesn't matter."

After standing for a while, I felt that my eyes were blown by the wind and wanted to shed tears. I closed my sore eyes. I turned around and said to the sword, "Let's go back."


Back to the county guard, Liu Shucheng has left. Che was still discussing something with the two generals in the front hall. I didn't want to disturb him, so I went straight back to the room.

I poured a cup of hot water to cover my hands. Thinking of what I had been pressing a few days ago, I raised my eyes and asked Ming Jian, "Jinguan City has been lost?"


"Where is the county guard in the city?"

"Abandoned the city and fled."

I nodded slightly, and Che didn't mention this matter to me, so I didn't ask. I know that he doesn't want me to worry too much and doesn't want me to embarrass him. After all, the other side of the war has my closest brother and Li, who was once reluctant to give up. But after all, I married him, and I must take him first, not others.

"How is the situation in Huaicheng now?"

"If the army arrives two days later, I'm afraid it will be lost."

"It's not easy to persist for so many days under Li's attack." I looked down at the white porcelain cup in my hand and turned countless thoughts in my heart, but I didn't know how to help Che.

I sat at the table in a franx, and my thoughts flew away. I really don't know anything about war, and I don't know anything about ancient military tactics. So she began to admire the powerful heroines in the novel, and her ability to turn their hands over.

"What are you thinking about?" The slightly hoarse voice sounded behind him, and Che came back.

"Nothing." I turned around and saw Che's slightly tired face.

Che sat down beside me. I poured a cup of tea and handed it to him and asked, "How's it going?"

"Liu Shucheng's people are 80% injured, and Huaicheng is almost crumbling."

I nodded and said, "Fortunately, the army arrived in time."

"The situation is still not optimistic. Our army is 400,000 and the enemy is 420,000. Although the power was still between the players, the soldiers rushed all the way and couldn't help but get tired. Fighting at this time is not dominant.

I smiled faintly, "Emperor Xuan has really made a lot of effort this time."

Che laughed when he heard the words and said, "All the elite divisions of Nanyuan Kingdom have come out. In the army, the prince and the prince can see the ambition of Emperor Xuan and his son."

"What about you? If they lose, will you take advantage of the situation to attack Nanyuan?

"Who doesn't want to do grand hegemony?"

I bowed my head and smiled, but I hope there won't be such a day. To this day, I am still naively longing for peace between the two armies. I really don't want to watch them fight on the battlefield.

"It's all your men's ambition. I'm really not that ambitious. The horse grassland and ploughing the mountains and forests are the peaceful life I expect.

"Can you give me 15 years?"


"Five years, you accompanied me to dye mud in this world, and for the rest of my life, I will accompany you to wash away all the dirt and vulgarity."

Looking at Che, my smiling eyes were bent, and my heart was as gentle as water. I said, "It's good everywhere. As long as you are by your side, I have nothing to ask for."

He looked at me fixedly for a while, raised his hand to hold me in his arms and muttered, "If you get a wife like you, what does your husband want?"