Qing Che Ruyi

Nanggong Li Extra (special delivery, update continues)

The side story that has been written for a long time has been posted today to solve some doubts in the article. I hope the children's shoes will like it


I am Nangong Li, the third son of Emperor Xuan, the third prince of Nanyuan. My mother is Lan Shufei, and my mother is a gentle woman, but she is not favored by her father. The mother concubine has an indisputable nature, but I can't stand the mother concubine being coldly seen and excluded everywhere in the palace. Since I was a child, I have vowed that I must become the master of this palace, let the mother concubine be worshipped by thousands of people, and no longer look at people's eyes. Nangongyi, the brother of a compatriot, is extremely lazy to urinate. He doesn't seem to pay attention to everything, but only obeys to my brother.

I tried my best to practice martial arts and learn, hoping that my father could give me a smile of approval and get his approval. But his father is looking at the eldest brother more. He will praise the eldest brother for his excellent writing and the progress of his swordsmanship.

I always ask my mother why my father doesn't like me. My mother often smiles gently, but never answers my questions. One day when I was seven years old, when I returned to Yongning Palace from the imperial study, I found my mother crying in the hall. I asked my mother what was wrong, but she just bowed her head and said nothing, but I still remember the fear in her eyes. Two days later, the mother hung herself in the palace. I don't understand why the mother left our brothers alone. Since then, my heart has become more lonely. It seems that only I and Yi are left in my world. I don't want to associate with people, but I am more diligent in my homework and swordsmanship.

I grew up, and my father looked at me with more expectations. On my tenth birthday, I saw the woman I loved all my life, Yan Nianqing, in the vast white snow. Her small body stood behind Yan Yingchen. When she saw me, her jade-like face burst into a pure smile than snow.

From then on, I have someone I want to protect. When she is around, the sky will be particularly blue. She will always follow me and shout, "Brother Li, Brother Li."

At the age of 12, there was a war between the Nanyuan Kingdom and the Qiyu tribe. Despite the strong opposition of Yingchen and Qinger, I insisted on asking my father to follow General Ye to the front line. I thought my father would not agree to my request, but I didn't expect my father to agree with a smile.

So from that year, whenever there is a war, I will lead troops to fight against the enemy. In the past few years, it can be said that he has made great achievements in battle. However, my father didn't seem to take all this in his eyes. When I was 16 years old, I made my eldest brother the crown prince.

At that time, I already knew how to hide and forbear. After my eldest brother was appointed as crown prince, I became more modest and obedient. Even my father said that my nature was really like a mother's concubine.

Yi and I were awarded the title of prince and both moved out of the South Zheng Palace. From then on, Yi became more cynical, and I also had more time to spend with Qing'er.

I agreed with your son that as soon as she passed, I would ask my father to marry. However, just a month before Qing'er and ji, my father suddenly received an urgent report that there was a rebellion at the border gate, and my father ordered me to lead the army to suppress it.

I have been away for four months. When I returned to Liangcheng, I got a bolt-like news - Qing'er suddenly became seriously ill, resulting in amnesia.

I hardly know how I spent those days, but when I saw Qing'er again, I found that she was different. She exudes an indescribable look. Although she is still her, I know that she is already another person. However, instead of making me feel strange, she made me more unable to stop, and I couldn't wait to ask my father for marriage immediately. But I have to put up with it so that I can really have her in the future.

Qing'er was favored by the eldest brother at the palace banquet and became the crown princess. I know this is her resistance to us. My heart hurts, but I can't do anything. I asked my father to marry Yan Wanru. Only in this way can I stand more steadily in the court.

Since then, Qing'er's eyes have changed. I clearly saw the despair in her eyes, and my heart was like a knife, but I couldn't explain everything to her. Yourer is getting farther and farther away from me, but I still firmly believe that I can save her one day and hold hands with her until old age. Until one day, Qinger met a person she called "brain-damaged". I could see the brilliance in her eyes and felt a great threat.

When Qinger was with me, she became a little at a loss. She said to me, "This situation can be remembered, but it was already confused at that time." This sentence is like a sharp blade inserted into my heart, which is uncontrollably painful.

As time went by, I was still the gentle prince, but the wound in my heart was torn deeper in Qinger's dodge. Yichang will hold his head and sigh. He knows everything, but he will never say it. I always tap his head with books and tell him not to care too much and just be the prince of Anle. I want to protect him from all storms, which is my only promise to my mother.

Qier finally left Liangcheng. She fled, but I breathed a sigh of relief. After Qing'er left, there was a war in the north. The Northern Warring States invaded our territory, and I led troops to fight on the front line. But I couldn't let go of your son. I ordered Luo Yan to find him.

It was my expectation that Qinger did not want to go back to Liangcheng with Luo Yan, so I was not too disappointed. I ordered Luo Yan to take people to secretly protect your son and monitor Lin Fengche's behavior. I have to guard against this person.

A few months later, I finally returned to Liangcheng triumphantly. There was no reason to excuse the delayed marriage, and finally married Yan Wanru into the door. On the wedding night, I pretended to be drunk, but I really didn't want to have any relationship with Yan Wanru. That night, I slept in the Warm Cloud Pavilion and never stepped into the new house.

Luo Yan has always sent the news of Qing'er back to Liangcheng. I know that Qing'er has arrived in Fan Village, and Lin Fengche's people have been looking for her. I ordered Luo Yan to release false news, which led to Lin Fengche's men not getting any clues from Qinger in three months. On the other hand, I arranged everything in Liangcheng and rushed to Fan Village alone.

In Fancun, I saw Lin Fengche and a happy Qing'er. I stood at the corner of the house and watched Lin Fengche hold you in your arms, and watched you have no choice but to accept Lin Fengche's unreasonable request to sleep with you. I almost couldn't help rushing over, but I also knew that it was not the right time, so I put up with it even though my heart was so painful that I was going to die.

Returning to Liangcheng, my father and I deployed a plan to attack Linsheng. My father turned abnormally and ordered my eldest brother to lead the army, and I stayed in Liangcheng.

A few days after the eldest brother led the army, I unexpectedly saw Wei Ziyin in the house. She told me a lot about Qing'er and begged me to lead the army to the front line with my eldest brother. As she spoke, I unconsciously drank seven or eight pots of wine, and my eyes were full of Qing'er's voice and smile. Later, I was so drunk that I woke up and found that I was lying on ** while my clothes were scattered everywhere.

Then my father secretly called me into the palace. After a detailed discussion, my father ordered me to rush to the border to help my eldest brother. I obeyed my orders, but I was planning the next step. All the arrangements of my father are under my control. I don't know whether I should say that I really respect him too much, or whether I should say that the tiger father has no dog son.

The war with Linsheng has always been deadlocked, and I have to admire Lin Fengche, who is my opponent. I know that Qing'er is also in Huaicheng and has married Lin Fengche. I'm so sad that I almost forget to breathe, but the war in front of me is urgent, and I can't give myself a chance to breathe.

The decisive battle finally came. Under my plan, the eldest brother finally fell on the battlefield. I didn't have to lose the first battle, but I lost. Qing'er held the eldest brother's body and cried so much that he almost fainted. I was by her side, but I could only watch her cry. Lin Fengche held Qing'er in his arms. Although Qing'er was still crying, he looked so quiet in Lin Fengche's arms.

I almost felt that I had lost my daughter forever, but God gave me another chance. After I ascended the throne, Wei Ziyin told me about the hibiscus jade hairpin. In exchange, she begged me to keep her child in the palace. She was willing to guard her eldest brother for the rest of her life.

I did not hesitate to summon Yingchen into the palace. Although I was full of guilt, I restrained him, found the jade hairpin, and ordered Yan Fu to go to Yanyun City to invite Qinger back.

In Tai'an Palace, I finally saw Qing'er. She still smiled like that. She called me brother Li. My heart hurts. Brother Li, does she still treat me as my brother?

I allowed Qinger to meet Wei Ziyin. As long as it was Qinger's request, even if she violated the ancestral system, there was nothing she could not do. It's just that after Qinger came back from the imperial mausoleum, her eyes became strange. I was suddenly afraid, so I ordered you to go to bed.

That night, Qing'er cried and begged me. I knew that she already had Lin Fengche's child. In fact, I never wanted to force her. I just want to know her heart and whether she will come back.

She said: Life and death are broad, and she will talk to Zicheng. It is an agreement with Lin Fengche. She said: Even if she dies, she will give birth to this child for Lin Fengche. I clearly saw the determination in her eyes, and I felt that one of my heart was numb.

The imperial doctor said that her pregnancy was dangerous. I was suddenly afraid and hated Lin Fengche in my heart. Since that day, I have been by Qinger's side every day, watching her and Si En. I feel that Qing'er is as ethereal as a wisp of smoke, and I can't hold it.

She smiled and promised to stay with me, and I almost believed it. But I know that she just wanted to save Yingchen. Yingchen is my brother and my most loyal minister. How could I hurt him? You really don't understand me.

Yingchen left the Nanzheng Palace. I asked Qinger over and over again if she would stay, and she said it lightly. I tentatively asked her about the future, but she still refused without thinking about it. I knew that I would probably lose you forever.

But even if she doesn't love me, I want to look at her like this every day, which is my greatest happiness.

Late night, looking at the sleeping Qing'er's temples, I could only sigh deeply. I won this country, but I lost the people in front of me forever...