The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 5 Flaming Lotus

The moon is like practice, and it is thousands of miles long.

Lenglian, dressed in a fiery red gauze skirt, sat casually on the stone bench in the pavilion, looking coldly at the half-wheel of the moon in the blue water. Next to her stood a teenager with a slightly feminine face.

"Is she really not Murong Lingyue?" Lenglian's voice is like a mountain stream, and there is an indescribable coldness, but her red gauze skirt makes people feel that she should be a woman like a fire, but somehow she always poses thousands of miles away.

"No." Liu Ye walked a few steps forward and didn't know what was thrown into the water. He saw ripples on the originally calm water surface, and the silver moonlight dispersed in circles with the ripples.

"Since she is not Murong Lingyue, why don't you take this opportunity to leave and let me accompany you in this scene?"

"I'm happy." There is no temperature in the flowing night tone.

"You really don't hate it at all?"

Liu also turned around and left a faint sentence: "It's not your turn to take care of it."

Looking at Liu Ye's figure gradually disappearing into the night of the corridor, an unspeakable pain surged in Leng Lian's heart: "Lu Ye, no matter what you become, I won't care."

As soon as I entered the room, Liu Ye saw that the ground was full of kneaded rice paper. Looking at Ling Yue, he held a brush in his hand and didn't know what he was drawing. Xia Kang and Jing Wuying sat not far away, looking tired. Liu Ye asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Xia Kang shook his head and motioned Liu Ye to watch it by himself. Liu Ye slowly walked to the table and saw a picture of chicken pecking rice on the snow-white rice paper, but on the left side of the picture, there was Phoenix's arrogance. What's more depressing is that the four words Phoenix's arrogance written by Ling Yue can only be described as miserable.

Jing Wuying sighed: "Xu Ye, is she a princess or not?"

"Eh? I don't understand what you mean."

"Although she is amnesiac, at least she can still write and draw, but look at the words she wrote and the paintings she drew..." Jing Wuying didn't know how to go on, so she could only shake her head helplessly.

"In a word, this princess has become stupid." Xia Kang came to a straight conclusion.

"You are the fool." Ling Yue put down her brush and stretched out exaggeratedly, "What are you two doing here at this late hour?" When Xia Kang and Jing Wuying heard Ling Yue's words, they found that the night outside the door was already as thick as black ink. After simply explaining Liu Ye, they left.

After Ling Yue saw that the two went far away, she immediately lay on the table: "I'm exhausted. I've been tossing around all afternoon. Those two bastards insisted that I draw some green pine welcome pictures."

"So you drew a chicken pecking picture?"

"What kind of chicken pecking rice picture? This is the proud view of Phoenix. Don't you see an aperture above its head?"

Liu Ye was too lazy to pay attention to whether it was a phoenix or a chicken, and turned his eyes to the four words 'Phoenix Pride': "You not only draw ugly, but also write extremely ugly words."

"Cut, even if you are proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy, painting and poetry, what if you are proficient in poetry and songs? Can it be eaten as a meal?"

"You can't eat as a meal, at least marry a good man. You can't do anything like this. Which man is willing to marry you in the future?"

Ling Yue glanced at the night outside the door and said distractedly, "I, Su Rou, didn't live to find a man to entrust her life."

"What is that for?"

Ling Yue replied in a low voice, but because the voice was too light, Liu Ye did not hear it.

On the winding corridor, Xia Kang and Jing Wuying walked slowly. The oncoming breeze was mixed with a faint lotus fragrance, and occasionally the sound of night insects could be heard.

"The prince is very deep and jealous. General, when you return to the court this time, you must do everything carefully.

"No shadow, is the identity really so heavy?"

Jing Wuying knows what Xia Kang means. Xia is a country with extremely strict distinctions inside and outside. No matter how excellent the commoner prince is, he can't inherit the throne. Only the direct prince born by the queen can inherit the throne. Jing Wuying knew that Xia Kang had always been arrogant. Ten years ago, 17-year-old Xia Kang could not stand the intrigues in the court and the disregard of Emperor Xia, and took the initiative to follow the general Duguba of the town to the battlefield.

There is no intrigue on the battlefield, no identity bondage, but only a cavity of pride that throws its head and shed blood. No matter how noble you are, as long as you have the ability, you can win the respect of the soldiers. It is a kind of life and death together, beyond all righteousness, enough to break through the sky and shake the mountains and rivers.

"General, identity may not be important on the battlefield, but it is very important in the court." In the last three words, Jing Wuying said it very heavily.

"It's too unfair for me to bow to the prince who only knows how to put cold arrows secretly just because I'm a concubine." Xia Kang looked up and looked at the half of the moon in the night sky, cold and solemn.

"The moon is cloudy and sunny, so there is no need for the general to sigh. Things in this court are changing rapidly, and maybe one day this momentum will be given to the general. It's just that before that, General, you have to learn to be patient.

"Patience, yes, what else can I do at this moment besides patience? I have endured a knife on my heart for ten years, so why do I have to bear it for a little longer?

The crisp sound of the flute like a spring suddenly sounded, and Xia Kang saw a fiery red figure standing in the pavilion from afar. He wanted to go there, but considering that he owed her 3,000 taels of silver, he stopped. Xia Kang heard a trace of resentment from the long and melodious sound of the flute. What on earth is this woman resenting? For a long time, he smiled and felt bored, so he changed his direction with Jing Wuying and went to the east pond.

After walking for a while, there were dozens of red lotus flowers blooming like flames floating on the water, which was even more enchanting and charming under the silver moonlight.

"I didn't expect that there was such a beautiful lotus in the world." Although Xia Kang did not study flowers and felt that the act of enjoying flowers was too feminine, he was intoxicated by the red lotus at this moment, because he felt that those red lotuses were like fascinating blood. Perhaps he likes to kill in his bones, so he can be invincible on the battlefield.

Jing Wuying approached a few steps: "The fire of the red lotus, the fire of hell, can burn the soul of the world."

"Burn the soul of the world? Unfortunately, it can't burn out the ambition to control the world. Xia Kang raised the corners of his mouth gently and put his hands behind him, standing proudly like an eagle flying in the sky.

Mirror looked at Xia Kang silently. He knew that the seed called ambition in Xia Kang's heart had begun to germinate, and only one day he would grow into a towering tree. It's just that people make things happen. Can he really fight out of the bloody wind of the court?