The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 37 Suspicion in Fire

Ling Yue looked at the yellow and white vegetation in the courtyard and thought about how to see Xiao Ruyan. She had to see Xiao Ruyan before Emperor Xia took action, and knew from her mouth what agreement had been reached between the two. Although Ling Yue knew that the agreement reached between Xia Di and Xiao Ruyan had nothing to do with her, she had always believed that if she participated in the game without even understanding the rules of the game clearly, she would definitely lose or die miserably.

"Do you think Xiao Ruyan is dead?" Liu Ye said lightly.

As if a very subtle electric current passed through her mind, Ling Yue's heart suddenly sank: "You, what did you just say? Xiao Ruyan is dead?"

"I'm just guessing." Liu Ye didn't seem to be sure, which was entirely out of an intuitive thinking. "The emperor's house arrest of Xiao Ruyan is reasonable on the surface, but if you study it carefully, it is indeed an extremely abnormal behavior. Since Xiao Ruyan is bound to die, why is he under house arrest? Therefore, there are only two possibilities. First, there is no agreement between the two, and it may still be in the negotiation stage. Second, Xiao Ruyan is dead, but the emperor temporarily blocked the news for some purpose.

"No matter what kind of possibility, we can't confirm it now."

Just as Ling Yue and Liu Ye were guessing various possibilities, Xing'er hurriedly trotted towards them from not far away: "Princess, something big has happened, something big has happened."

"Huh? Something big happened? Is it possible that the emperor died?

When Xing'er heard Ling Yue's words, her red face immediately turned white: "Princess, you can't talk nonsense about this. If it spreads out, it will be killed."

"So it's not that the emperor died. What the hell happened? Let's see if you are in such a hurry."

"Xuanhua Palace, fire, fire." Xing'er didn't seem to have recovered from the shock brought to her by Ling Yue's words just now, and she was still a little out of breath.

"What? Xuanhua Palace caught fire. Isn't that where Xiao Junshi lives? How is Xiao Junshi now? Ling Yue looked at Liu Ye, and the two nodded tacitly. Then Ling Yue didn't say anything and rushed to Xuanhua Palace with Liu Ye.

When Ling Yue rushed to Xuanhua Palace in the night, she found that the whole palace had been swallowed up by the fire. Even though Ling Yue and others were more than 50 meters away from the palace, they could still feel the heat waves rushing to their faces layer by layer. At the same time, in order to prevent the fire from spreading to other palaces. Countless palace maids are carrying buckets to put out the fire in an orderly manner.

In addition to Ling Yue and Liu Ye, there were also some empresses and concubines, as well as Prince Xia Yan, who arrived only a little later than Ling Yue. Next to Xia Yan stood Dugulan in a lavender palace suit, which was as enchanting as an orchid blooming at midnight. Since the appearance of Dugulan, many people's eyes have turned from the burning firelight to Dugulan, and even Ling Yue can't help but be attracted by Dugulan's stunning beauty.

"The one standing next to the prince should be Dugulan."

Liu Ye glanced at Dugulan, and then turned his eyes back: "Yes, the prince used to be romantic, but since he had this Dugulan, he has been dedicated."

"It's really amazing that it can make the men of the emperor's family focus. This kind of thing is simply less likely than five million."

"Five million?" Liu Ye suddenly had a big question mark on his head.

"Ah, it's the probability of suddenly picking up five million taels of silver. Do you think this probability is very small?"

Liu Ye thought for a long time and tilted his head and said, "If you really pick up five million taels of silver, how can you take it away? It's very heavy..."

Dugulan's eyes, standing next to Xia Yan, are slightly lazy, and they seem to have been accustomed to the eyes of people around her.

"If it continues to burn like this, I'm afraid the whole palace will be burned." Xia Yan stepped back a few steps because of the heat coming from his face.

"If this fire is a natural cause, it may burn the whole palace, but unfortunately, there will always be a limit to manpower."

"You mean that this fire was deliberately set by someone, but who is so bored to burn the Xuanhua Palace?"

Dugulan said softly, "Is there anyone else besides your suspicious father who can make the German slaves in the palace to put out the fire in such an orderly manner?"

Xia Yan looked at Dugulan with an unbelievable face: "Do you mean that this fire was released by my father, and my father wants to kill Xiao Ruyan?"

"eighty-nine out of ten is like this."

"Father has no reason to do so. If my father is just to kill people, he would not choose such a troublesome way to set fire. According to my understanding of him, my father will definitely use that method of killing without blood. Xia Yan clenched his fist with his right hand, carrying it behind him, and his eyebrows were also locked. It's just that because he is so elegant that this action of bashou hand is a little strange to others.

"I don't know that the emperor's heart can be seen through so easily, but don't worry, the truth will slowly emerge over time. Before that, all we need to do is wait and see what happens. Dugulan smiled and said softly, "I think you should pay more attention to Qing and Princess."

"Princess Qinghe, what do you pay attention to her?"

"That night, His Royal Highness Ouyang Wan, Xie Tingyu and Ling Yue all left the flower banquet early to drink in the Centennial Bureau. According to Li Changle's return, it was too strange for His Royal Highness and Ling Yue to express their love for each other during this period.

"How can I see it?"

"From another perspective, will you like the son of an enemy? After your father slaughtered all the royal families of Cang, the only surviving princess fell in love with the prince of Xia. This kind of thing is ridiculous.

"Isn't she lost her memory, so this situation is not impossible." Xia Kang dragged his chin and pondered for a while, "Is it possible that she pretended to lose her memory and then deliberately approached Lao Qi in order to avenge her father? This kind of story is too bullshit."

Dugu Lan sneered and said, "You also think it's nonsense, and you still say it like this. From the perspective of the overall situation, it doesn't matter whether she has amnesia or not.

"Whether she has lost her amnesia or not is very important. Only she can draw the green pine welcome picture left by Shen Haoran. Why do you think it is not important that the treasure that all four countries covet?"

"In other words, what are you going to do after you get the wealth of the country?"

Xia Yan blurted out: "Of course, keep it well. After I ascend to the throne, I will unify the whole world with that wealth."

"To the throne, you still know that you are going to inherit the rule of this country." Dugulan said, "So, that Qingsong welcome picture is not the key at all. For you, sitting firmly in the dragon chair is the key point. Now the emperor recalls Xia Kang to the palace, which has a great intention to help. Besides, even your own brother, who is usually light-hearted, has 100,000 military power, but you, the prince, don't have any military power at all. Isn't that enough to explain the problem?

"I also want military power, but now my power in the court is too large. How could my father give me military power? Let's not talk about this. There are a lot of people here. Let's discuss it when we have time."

Whenever Du Gulan and Xia Yan discuss this issue, he will be restless and think of Xia Wuchen, who has the same direct blood as himself. Perhaps one day, the brother who has already retired will suddenly emerge and compete for the throne with him. This is a nightmare that Xia Yan can't get rid of, but he can't cut Xia Wuchen with a knife to prevent future troubles. Although he has been murderous many times, there is a very tricky force behind Xia Wuchen supporting him. That force comes from the supervisory institute, specifically from the president of the supervisory institute that has never appeared.

Xia Yan clearly remembers that when he sent people to put chronic arsenic in Xia Wuchen's food, he woke up one morning and came out with an extra piece of paper under his pillow, which only said: If Xia Wuchen died, the prince would die. Signature, President of the Supervisory Institute.

At first, Xia Yan felt that it must be a boring trick made by Xia Wuchen, but in the end, it was finally determined that the paper did come from the supervisory institute and did come from the dean. Since then, Xia Yan began to feel like a thorn in his back, and more and more wanted to know who the director of the supervisory institute was.