The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 50 Burning Fire

Emperor Xia was silent for a long time until Ling Yue thought that Emperor Xia would not answer his questions.

"If you don't want to tell me, forget it..." Ling Yue didn't expect to get an answer from Xia Di. The reason why she asked that question was just to have a try, so the result is not very important.

"Why did you ask the dean about it?"


"Is it just out of curiosity? You can infer so much from Xiao Ruyan's death, and even find the dean of the Supervisory Yuan. It can be seen that you have been spying from the beginning, so Ling Yue, you are not curious, but you can't accept the existence of uncertain factors. Xia Di's tone is plain and has no emotion, but it is not very cold. "Actually, there is another reason why I left you in addition to the treasure left by Shen Haoran. Do you know another reason why I left you behind?"

"I'm not the roundworm in your stomach, not to mention that even the roundworm is useless. How can the emperor's mind be so easily guessed?"

"I hope you can help me find out the identity of a person."


"President of the Supervision Institute..."

"Is there something wrong with my ears? Your Majesty, the person you asked me to investigate is the dean? Wait, I was just asking you about the identity of the dean. Why did you ask me to investigate the identity of the dean now? Is it possible that even you don't know the identity of the dean for so many years?

"Forty years ago, I was just a prince. At that time, Linyun was far from as prosperous as it is now. It was not until the arrival of the perfumer and dean that Lin Yun gradually became as dazzling as the pearl of the night. Later, my father died and I successfully succeeded to the throne. At that time, although I was the direct prince, I didn't have much strength to support me. On the contrary, my younger brother, King Qi, was deeply loved by the royal relatives, but because of his status, he could not inherit the throne. But I know that if there was no dean at that time, King Qi would definitely force me to abdicate with the support of the royal family and the four princes. For decades, the dean has paved the way for me to imperial power, and even calmed down the whole world..."

Xia Di paused and then said, "Until fifteen years ago, my arrogant brother, King Qi, finally couldn't bear it anymore. He joined the four princes to launch a palace coup. At that time, the million troops of the four princes had been killed outside Linyun City, and almost two-thirds of my military strength was transferred to fight against the impending State of Jin. Just when I thought there was no hope, the dean did something that I would never forget in my life.


"The dean put 99 wooden boxes on the tower where the broken army was ready to attack, and then, when the 99 wooden boxes were opened, all the people who passed the wooden boxes were shocked and almost went crazy." A faint smile appeared on Emperor Xia's face, as if telling a very novel story with a little complacency. "In the ninety-nine wooden boxes, fifty wooden boxes were full of silver tickets, and the other forty-nine were full of gold leaves. Then, the four princes' army saw silver tickets flying down from the tower, mixed with glittering golden leaves. Just when the army of Sigong was crazy about those silver tickets and golden leaves, the dean actually mobilized 300,000 Cang army, 300,000 Jin army, 200,000 Chu army, and 500,000 Chu army. I'm afraid that God can't mobilize 1.3 million troops of the four countries overnight except for the president.

"That dean is really rich, 50 boxes of silver tickets, 49 boxes of gold leaves, where did so much money come from? Ah, if it were me, I would be reluctant to waste so much..."

The corners of Xia Di's mouth twitched slightly, but it was difficult to say anything. He had to cough twice and said, "So, I hope you can find out who the dean is."

Ah? What?" Ling Yue was still immersed in the flying silver tickets and golden leaves, so that she didn't listen to Emperor Xia's last words at all.

"I hope you can help me investigate the identity of the dean."

"Oh...wait, why did you ask me to investigate? In fact, it's okay for me to investigate, but my fee is very expensive..."

"Ha ha, the emperor asked you to do things, but he dared to cash out?"

"Of course, prices are soaring these days. Why don't you need money? And as the saying goes, people's mouths are short and their hands are soft. If you don't do things with silver, I don't think you will be relieved, will you?

"Ah..." I don't know when Liu Ye, who was lying asleep in **, suddenly opened his eyes and made a scream like killing pigs. Hearing the strange cry of Liuye, Emperor Xia thought of what kind of master and what kind of slaves there were. The two masters and servants even shouted strangely.

"Wake up?" Ling Yue turned her head sideways and asked.

Liu Ye opened his half-dream and half-awake eyes and looked blankly at a point in the void. He didn't know whether to nod or shake his head. His head was up and down for a while, and he was far away for a while: "I'm tired, exhausted." It seemed that after a fierce battle, Liu Ye frowned and sat up from **, but because he had just woken up, his head was still drooping.

Then, Liu Ye slowly turned his head, looked at the Xia Emperor sitting in the chair thoughtfully, and then slowly turned his head back, poofing, and fell asleep again in **.


"Return to the emperor, Liu Ye has suffered from narcolepsy since he was a child and always falls asleep unconsciously, so please don't be surprised." Ling Yue downplayed and stroked it. Because except her, no one knows that Liu Ye is practicing.

"So it is." Xia Di nodded, stood up, brushed his sleeves and said, "It's getting late. Ling Yue, you should also rest early."

"Thank you, Emperor, but Ling Yue has one more thing to ask the emperor."

"Say, who can you dare to ask such a taboo question as who the dean is? I guess what you want to ask next is just some small things about sesame and mung beans."

Ling Yue's eyes widened and said seriously, "Your Majesty, the questions I want to ask below are much more serious than the president of the Supervision Institute."

"Oh? It's more serious than that. I'm interested in talking about what it is more important than the dean.

"Cough... How much money did the emperor give me?"


"You asked me to investigate the president of the supervisory institute. This is very risky, so we must negotiate the price now, don't you think?"

Xia Di thought for a moment and said, "How much silver do you want, Lingyue?"

"10,000 taels."

"Is it silver or gold?"

"Of course, it's silver. How can it be gold? If it's gold, won't it become 200,000 taels of silver?"

"Okay, then 10,000 taels of silver, and I'll send it to you later."

"Ah, that... monthly settlement is fine."

"Month ending?" Xia Di looked at Ling Yue inexplicably.

"Yes, 10,000 taels of silver a month, I don't mean a total of 10,000 taels of silver."


When Emperor Xia returned to the palace garrisoned by 24 Yulin troops, he saw Xia Kang standing in front of the tent door with his hands behind his back, arrogantly like an eagle in the storm. The night wind blows gently, and his dark blue clothes swinging with the wind. When he got a little closer, he found that Xia Kang, who was about to stand, had an inextinguishable burning fire in his eyes.

What does that fire light mean? Xia Di knows it better than anyone else.

As early as 15 years ago, when King Qi was wearing a silver-black helmet and holding a Xuanhan sword, what leaked in his eyes was the burning firelight in Xia Kang's eyes at this time. It's just that the firelight 15 years ago is more decisive.

"Lao San, what's the matter with me?"

"My son paid a visit to my father." Xia Kangkang wanted to salute, but was blocked by Emperor Xia.

"This is no better than the palace. There are not so many rules. Come in." Xia Di smiled.

Xia Kang was stunned. He vaguely felt that his father was no longer as indifferent as before and seemed to have some so-called fatherly love for him. A trace of warmth surged in his heart. Unconsciously, Xia Kang felt that there was something hot in his eyes that wanted to fall. In the end, Xia Kang just took a few deep breaths and tried to raise his head to let the hot thing come from and go back.

In the emperor's house, you can only bleed, not tears.

Because once you cry, it means you have lost.