The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 72 Window Talk

Child, my mother finally didn't pass on the status of the humble concubine to you. Dugulan, who is about to reach her prenatal period, sits by the window every afternoon and whispers to the unborn child in her belly.

She wants a prince, because only by giving birth to a prince can her status be more stable. Although Xia Yan's affection for her has reached the point of obeying, she knows that all women can't escape the fate of old age. At that time, countless younger and more presumptuous women would capture Xia Yan's heart.

All she must control the power of the whole court before that day, and must let her child sit on the high dragon chair, so that she can feel at ease.

I just don't know why, Jiang Mozhu's words hovered in her heart for a long time, lingering: Princess, you must give birth to a girl this time.

Maybe it's just a joke. Even if Jiang Mozhu is doing nothing, it is impossible for him to know whether the child in his belly is male or female. Every time Du Gulan thinks of Jiang Mozhu's words, she comforts herself like this.

But the more so, the more she is afraid that Jiang Mozhu's words will come back. Such a determined expression seems to have known everything for a long time. For this reason, Dugulan asked the imperial doctor to diagnose her pulse several times, but the imperial doctor only said that the fetus was safe and could not know whether it was a prince or a princess. In order to eliminate her uneasiness, Du Gulan will go to Fu Lushou in the palace near dinner and pray that she can give birth to a prince.

"Why, do pregnant women like to be in a daze?" Xia Yan brought a bowl of freshly boiled fetal medicine to Dugulan and gently raised a wisp of green silk hanging from her forehead.

"Do you think I will give birth to a prince or a princess this time?"

Xia Yan smiled gently and said, "You have asked 800 times. Don't worry, you will definitely give birth to a prince. Even if we give birth to a princess this time, we can give birth to more in the future.

"You are going to Cangguo tomorrow, and the emperor is so cruel." Dugulan was a little helpless. Which woman didn't want her husband to be with her when she gave birth to a child.

"Alas." Xia Yan looked out of the window, and the drizzle seemed to stop. "I feel that many things have changed since Lao San came back. I really don't know what my father is thinking, and Lao Qi. I really don't know what he is thinking.

Dugulan picked up the medicine bowl, frowned and drank the medicine: "There is no precedent in the history of Xia's concubine becoming the emperor, so you don't have to worry too much. On the contrary, your brother is always a little worried."

"What can I do if I'm worried? You don't have to kill him." Xia Yan was a little anxious and said, "Actually, I haven't thought about it. I've done it before, but I don't know why it was known by the president of the Supervision Institute. Xia Wuchen died, and I died too. What do you think I can do?"

"Calculations, the dean should have come to Linyun 40 years ago, so it can be said that the dean should be 60 years old now." Dugulan analyzed, "Fifteen years ago, King Qi rebelled, and the dean persuaded the rest of the countries to send troops to rescue them overnight, which was simply something that even God could not do."

"Yes, God can't mobilize so many troops overnight. I have also tried to send someone to investigate the dean, but all the people sent were without any information. In my opinion, the most terrible thing about Xia is not my emperor's father, but the president of the supervisory court. Xia Yan turned his head and said, "As long as the dean is unhappy, he may be able to raise troops to rebel and change the dynasty."

Dugulan pondered for a while: "I guess the emperor is probably also secretly investigating the dean. The side of the bed does not allow others to snoo. One day, the dean's face will turn white to the world.

"I hope my father didn't have died before then. Ah, I almost forgot that I'm going out of the palace."


"Jiang Mozhu said that there was something important to tell me. They are all people who are about to die, and it's still so troublesome."

"I have been doubting that Jiang Mozhu's injury is really that serious? Could it be pretended?" Dugulan didn't believe that a dying person would still be interested in fighting in the court, not to mention such a smart person.

Xia Yan shook his head and denied: "When he was imprisoned, Mei Nianfa was tested. It is indeed not long before his death. After that, the imperial doctor has also diagnosed and treated many times. Even if he is well recuperated, he still has three or four years to live. In fact, even if I promise to help him restore the country, I don't know if he has the order to wait until then.

"It's unreasonable." Dugulan picked up a plum from the plate and put it in her mouth.

"What is unreasonable?"

"Jiang Mozhu was hit with twelve bone-through nails when he was envoy to the Kingdom of Jin. If Emperor Jin wanted to kill him, why did he choose such a troublesome way? Isn't it enough to cut off his head directly?

"Maybe it's like he wants to force some intelligence. After all, he is a general and should know the military deployment of Cang Guo well." Xia Yan thought sideways.

"I heard that the reason why Jiang Mozhu made an envoy to Jin at the beginning was that he fell in love with Jin's fine works, Xiao Ruyan. That's why I wanted to propose marriage to Emperor Jin, but when Jiang Mozhu arrived in the Kingdom of Jin, he was put under house arrest and nailed into the bone and became a useless person. After that, he was rescued again. Dugu Langton paused and then said, "Although his body is useless, his head should not be useless. In terms of wisdom, he is far above Xiao Ruyan, and he said that he is the bloodline of the royal family of Cang. Since this, even if the bones are separated, it is impossible to watch Xia Guo annex his territory.

Xia Yan nodded: "It seems a little unreasonable for you to say so."

"Now, the prince of Cang has tried his best to restore the country. In this case, why didn't he try to prevent Cang from perishing at the beginning? It's completely contradictory."

"Then why on earth did he do this?"

"I think he has a reason to help you to sit on the throne."

"What's the reason?" In front of Dugulan, Xia Yan always likes to ask why. Most of the time, it is not that he can't figure out the mystery, but because it has become a habit for him to ask Dugulan why.

"I don't know."

Xia Yan smiled and said, "I didn't expect anything else you couldn't understand."

"What I can't understand is not just this one, the monster of Shuiju Yundu, your father's favorite singer who disappeared 20 years ago, and the inexplicable Murong Lingyue." Dugulan looked out of the window and was a little distracted.

"The most difficult mystery in Murong Lingyue's body is the Qingsong welcome picture where Shen Haoran's lifelong treasure is hidden." Xia Kang said, "I wanted Li Changle to rob Ling Yue in Cangguo, so that we can get the treasure alone, and secondly, we can also let Lao San get a dereliction of duty. But I didn't expect that Li Changle couldn't even do such a small thing. Fortunately, he was still in the top ten in the world. I really don't know which rice bucket came out.

"If Li Changle is not poisoned by the holy flower, he may be able to defeat the mirror, but you also know that the holy flower is harmful to martial arts and body in addition to controlling people."

"Alas, Lao San has no shadow around him, Lao Qi has Ouyang Wan and the dean who doesn't know whether he is an enemy or a friend. Even Lao Liu has a master with good martial arts skills. As a prince, I actually have nothing." Xia Kang patted the table angrily.

Dugulan turned her head quietly: "This is indeed a problem. Although this is the court, it is always better to have a strong martial arts person around to protect it. Why don't you go to Cangguo this time and see if you can make some Jianghu people?

"That's what I plan to do. Just think of it as going to play in the mountains and rivers. It's just that our child suffers, and his father is not around as soon as he is born.

Dugulan smiled faintly and lowered her head and stroked her stomach: "I don't know if the child will be like you or me in the future."

"I hope our children are as beautiful and smart as you and ambitious as me." Xia Yan wanted to say that she was as beautiful as Dugulan and as smart as herself. But on second thought, Dugulan is so smarter than him that Xia Yan feels a little depressed. "In a word, it's good to be safe. Don't be like three years ago... by the way, the death seems a little inexplicable."

"You don't have to worry about this. It's not good to know too much."

"Do you even want to hide it from me?"

Dugulan nodded gently and was a little helpless: "Actually, I'm not saying that I want to hide it from you, but this matter is too complicated and there are too many people involved. Up to now I can't figure out what's going on."

Oh, forget it. On the contrary, it has nothing to do with me. I have had enough of that woman for a long time.

"Ye." Du Gulan's heart trembled slightly, and sooner or later she would get tired of it.