The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 89 Actions of all parties

The moon curtain is slanting, and the night wind is blowing.

A few months ago, stationed in 12 towns at the border of Jinshu, the vast army bypassed Wanyuan Mountain of Shu and stationed at the border of Xia and Shu. Because the army was so large, 1.2 million troops were stationed in 16 cities. Of course, the reason why Shu turned a blind eye to this is that as early as when Ke Wu and Duguba's 350,000 troops approached Shu, Shu was already full of troops, and then Ke Wu transferred another 350,000 troops to confluence. In other words, there were more than 700,000 Xia troops on the Shu border. Although the terrain of Shu is dangerous, and Xia did not make it clear what to do. However, after the demise of Cang, the other three countries could not underestimate any military action of Xia.

When the country of Shu was full of vegetation, Jin, located in the west of Shu, offered to send troops and reinforcements. Although Emperor Shu hesitated again and again, he finally decided to take the two evils lightly. Although he promised Jin's aid strategy, he may be bitten back. However, Emperor Shu's favorite concubine is the biological sister of Emperor Jin, so from the perspective of this relationship, Jin Guo is not very good at doing something to bite back.

As the twelve yin charms were delivered by twelve carrier pigeons to the hands of the twelve generals leading the 1.2 million army of the Golden Kingdom, a bloody battle was about to begin. But no one knows that this seemingly fierce bloody battle is only out of a conspiracy of an emperor to regain his military power.

For this reason, the emperor did not hesitate to sacrifice the names of the soldiers and bet on the safety of the whole country.

On the school grounds, the bonfire was burning, and the black handsome flag was hunting in the night wind.

Half an hour ago, when five detectives reported Ke Wu's movements to Duguba, Duguba's suspense was slightly relieved. He always thought that Duguba's transfer of 500,000 troops was to prepare for self-respect, but after several days of strict monitoring, he found that Duguba did not move at all.

However, the casual sentence of the last spy made Duguba's heart hang to his throat.

In the 16 cities of Xia and Shu, as many as one million Jin troops suddenly appeared.

Why was there no wind before? How could such a large-scale migration be without any warning? However, when he was ordered to monitor Ke Wu, such a thing appeared for no reason. If the million army launches an attack on them, there is no doubt that the whole army will be destroyed by him and Ke Wu's 700,000 troops. Even if a small part of it survives, it is likely to be plotted by the State of Shu.

Because millions of troops want to quietly bypass the State of Shu, it is impossible under any circumstances, that is to say, the State of Shu and the State of Jin have reached an alliance.

Even so, the mobilization of millions of troops will take several months to complete. Have the two countries already planned?

Princes concubine Ke Ruyan died suddenly. Ke Wu led 500,000 troops to leave Linyun. In order to prevent Ke Wu from supporting himself, he led 200,000 troops to follow him and secretly monitor them. And now, the million army of the State of Jin suddenly emerged.

Is all this a conspiracy? But what is the purpose of this conspiracy?

"Return to the general, according to the report of the detectives ahead, the Jin army seems to have made some action." A deputy general came forward to report.

"How about Ke Wu?" Duguba frowned and asked.

"To reply to the general, the Marquis of Ning still does not move."

"Do you hold still?" After a moment of meditation, Duguba said harshly, "Notify all the soldiers and prepare for the battle. In addition, send people to inform the Marquis of Ning as soon as possible to ask what's going on."

"The last general will obey."


On the other hand, Ke Wu's mood is not as good as Duguba.

When the spy reported to him that the million-strong army of the State of Jin was nearby, the only thing he thought of was that Jin and Shu joined hands. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain that millions of troops quietly bypassed Wanyuan Mountain of Chu and reached the border between Xia and Shu. Of course, he also knows what Dugu Ba secretly follows. If the Jin army really attacks them, he can only join hands with Dugu Ba. Just when Ke Wu was thinking about whether he should send someone to contact Duguba, he accidentally met the cronies sent by Duguba first.

After some discussion, Ke Wu decided to let the 500,000 army retreat and join the 200,000 army of Dugu Hegemony. In this way, even if the Jin army really wants to launch an attack, it can be delayed for several days. On the other hand, Ke Wufei's biography fed back the situation to Emperor Xia, who was far away in Linyun, and asked for military support.

When the east showed white fish belly, Ke Wu and Dugu Ba's army finally joined. Two generals who had been fighting on the battlefield for several years sat in the military tent and drank and talked. During this period, the two carefully analyzed what had happened in the months, but they still had no idea. I can only wait quietly for the action of the State of Jin.


In the morning, the sun is shining.

Xia Yan woke up with a headache, but found Ling Yue standing by the bed, looking at him seriously. Xia Wuchen sat on a chair not far away, frowned.

"I was yesterday?" Xia Yan only remembered that he got up and wanted to leave, and then he was unconscious.

"Your Highness, I have good news and bad news for you. Which one do you want to hear first?" Ling Yue asked seriously.

"What good news? What bad news?"

"Forget it, I'll tell you the bad news first. The bad news is that you are not the emperor's child.

"What are you talking about?" Xia Yan obviously couldn't understand the meaning of Ling Yue's words.

"I said, you are not the emperor's child. However, there is also good news that you are the child of Queen Yun and Emperor Jin, so you are the prince of Jin and An Luo is your younger brother. Well, this is good news, isn't it?

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Xia Wuchen originally told Xia Yan the beginning and end of the matter. After listening to the whole story, Xia Yan sat in a daze**: "You... You mean, I, I'm an evil seed? Are you the direct prince of Xia?

Ling Yue comforted, "Hey, how can you be an evil seed? Even if you are not the prince of the State of Xia, at least you are the prince of the State of Jin, and I heard that An Luo killed all his brothers and brothers, so there is great hope that you will become the emperor of the State of Jin in the future."

"What do you know?" Xia Yan roared hysterically, "All my efforts have been in the court of Xia for more than ten years. Now you suddenly tell me that I am the prince of Jin? And you, you, Xia Wuchen, even if I'm not the prince of Xia, you don't want to sit on the throne.

Ling Yue frowned and said, "What does this have to do with Wuchen? You are bored. That's the truth. We are going to take the waterway to Yanzhou, and Jieshi Anluo will take you back to Jinguo. By the way, Jiang Mozhu promised that as long as you go back obediently, he will find a way to send Dugulan to you. You don't think about it for yourself, but also for her.

"Lan'er, Lan'er..." Xia Yan muttered Du Gulan's name.

At this time, Liu Ye stood at the door like a ghost, his face was bloodless and indescribably pale. Xia Wuchen looked up and glanced: " Liu Ye, what's the matter?"

"You..." Seeing the flowing night standing at the door, Ling Yue suddenly turned pale with fear, ""

Liu Ye smiled strangely: "Your Highness, the dean wants to see you."

"Does the dean want to see me? President of the Inspectorate?"

Liu Ye nodded: "Let's go."

Although he was puzzled, Xia Wuchen still walked to Liuye, but was grabbed by Ling Yue's wrist: "Wuchen, don't go, don't go."

"Princess Qinghe, no one can disobey the order of the dean, not to mention that the dean did not mean to hurt the seventh highness. Please don't embarrass me."

As soon as this said, Xia Wuchen stepped back a few steps: "You, you are not Liu Ye. Liu Ye will not talk to Ling Yue like this."

"Ha ha, please don't care about such a small matter. The dean is still waiting for you. Please go with me."