The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 96 Chat with nothing

The night is swaying, and there is a little noise in the guest shop. By the paper window, Ling Yue stopped and stared at the crowd on the street in twos and threes. Compared with the prosperous imperial capital, this town inevitably gave people a little depression.

Time travel is a fresh but ironic word. If you travel to the long river of history, Ling Yue can tell herself that she accidentally went through the wrong time and space. But the facts tell her that her travel originated from the game created by artificial intelligence. If it is a game, what are the people she met in the game, and what are the joys and sorrows she experienced?

When Jiang Mozhu told her what was going to happen in three years, she was just sad and never despaired.

However, when she saw another self as Murong Lingyue, a forgotten loneliness faintly rose in her heart. Until Su Rou told her that the world was only created by the dead Gu Li with artificial intelligence, she could no longer deceive herself and wailed through the whole soul, but no one knew it.

Jiang Mozhu is his younger brother, Gu Li.

In this case, why didn't he tell the truth?

Everything seems to be a huge mystery. I think I can see the truth, but I don't know it's just the tip of the iceberg.

Xia Wuchen, Ling Yue still remembers that day in the Qinglong Hall, his eyes were clear and his face was clean. Like breaking the dawn and clouds, it has never been stained with a trace of secular sadness. However, Ling Yue couldn't see through his clear eyes and what he looked like after his light face. Just like he has never entered Gu Li's world, but she also doesn't know why Gu Li is willing to put down all his dignity and pride for herself.

In the flowing night, his yin and handsome face is slightly evil, like the teenager who occasionally looks at the night sky and smiles, Gu Li.

The reason why he dotes on Liuye is that he is surprisingly similar to Gu Li's face.

The reason why he loves Xia Wuchen is that he has too many expressions similar to Gu Li, fragile and soft, but with pride and determination that others can't destroy.

For Xia Kang, Ling Yue knew that she had no feelings for him, but she was in the conspiracy and had to be cautious everywhere. Of course, she is not satisfied with being a pawn who can only obey others, but only have absolute power to stand in the middle of the whirlpool without being swallowed up.

Wuchen is her king, Liuye is her scholar, and Xia Kang is a pawn who may become a king at any time.

However, the chess game is far from so simple.

I don't know that there are also Su Rou and Jiang Mozhu.

The breeze by the window, and the bitterness in my heart, who can I talk to? Standing opposite me is myself. What kind of words can be used to describe this feeling except for Huangtang?

When Jiang Mozhu told her that Su Rou had killed six of herself who had crossed into this time and space and was ready to kill the seventh her, she shouted like crazy that she didn't believe it. Until Jiang Mozhu told about the key, in the imperial mausoleum of Cang, there was a coffin made of Yanyu with six bodies in it, and the key to open the coffin was the cross obtained from Elizabeth.

Therefore, she has to confirm Jiang Mozhu's words with her own eyes.

But what can happen if it is confirmed? Everything is just a game. And everything she has experienced is just illusory.


The moon is like practice, and the wine is fragrant.


Jiang Mozhu leaned against the wooden door and looked sadly at the chickens walking around in the yard. An Luo sat on the water portal, holding his chin in his hands and looking at the chickens with great interest.

In the courtyard, the purple figure stood with his hands behind his back, looking up at the full moon, meditating for a long time, sometimes frowning, sometimes relieved.

"Your brother has been looking at the moon for an hour."

An Luo sighed, "He is not looking at the moon."

"Then what else is he looking at?"

An Luo turned his head and looked confused: "He is looking at Chang'e. Since I told you that Chang'e lives on the moon and I told him this story, my senior has been thinking about how to get to the moon."

"The moon is actually not so good." Jiang Mozhu smiled faintly.

"But there is Chang'e on the moon." An Luo returned to the road.

"That's just a myth, and there is no Chang'e on the moon."

"Ha ha, in fact, it doesn't matter whether you have it or not. If you believe it is, you don't believe it or not."

"Anluo, your words are very profound."

An Luo sighed again: "Actually, it's very simple to want to be profound, just say something that others don't understand. In fact, things in the world are very simple, but I don't know why people always like to think too complicated things.

"If it's not complicated, is it still human? In those years, you poisoned all your siblings, but today you have traveled thousands of miles to find your own siblings. What on earth are you doing?

"I just don't want to see them bleed for the throne, so I accidentally killed them all."

Suddenly, Chu Xuan looked at Jiang Mozhu in a dazment: "Brother Jiang, does Chang'e really live on the moon?"


"Oh." Chu Xuan returned to the posture of looking at the moon.

"Brother, it is said that there is no Chang'e on the moon. Why are you still staring at the moon?"

"I'm studying whether the lack of the moon has anything to do with the appetite of these chickens. Do you think these chickens are particularly good at the full moon?"

An Luo picked up a pot of wine on the ground and took a few sips: "I think your illness is getting worse and worse when you are full."

"What disease?"

"The disease here." An Luo pointed to his head with a smile.

Chu Xuan turned his head and smiled again: "Each other, each other. Jiang Mozhu almost forgot that the woman who lived in the store went to see someone yesterday.

"I know."

"Do you know?"

"He went to see the president of the Supervision Institute."

Chu Xuan turned his head and walked towards Jiang Mozhu: "Is that the dean who won a city by my father?"

Jiang Mozhu nodded: "Exactly."

"If I had known it was like this, I would have secretly followed it."

"I advise you not to do that."


"No reason, it's just a piece of advice." Jiang Mozhu gently brushed his sleeves and dusted his body.

"Okay, I remember your advice. By the way, the one called Liu Ye... martial arts seem to be good.

Jiang Mozhu walked slowly to the courtyard and frowned: "The night is only a little inferior to your master. You should understand what I said. Also, don't let me see these chickens tomorrow morning."

"A little inferior to my master." Chu Xuan thought for a moment and said, "It seems to be very powerful. I didn't expect to have such martial arts cultivation at such a young age. What is the reason?"

"Like you can see, it's just a little eunuch." Jiang Mozhu raised the corners of his mouth gently, and the smile at the bottom of his eyes became stronger.

"Brother, don't play the main stream night." An Luo said.

"I don't have that hobby." Chu Xuan waved his hand and said, "Anluo, are you going to take Xia Yan back to Jin in a few days?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"When you pass by Wanyuan Mountain, help me bring this to the mountain slave."

Wow - I saw a flash of cold light, and a dagger with blue light suddenly penetrated straight into the wall.

"Dragon scale dagger, the seventh treasure in the world, brother, where did you get this treasure?"

"The mountain slave lent me, and now it's just the original. Don't swallow it."

An Luo said with a smile, "Am I that kind of person?"

"If you are not that kind of person, can you tell me where the deep sea soul in your neck came from?"

"Don't talk about such an un elegant topic. By the way, my brother has never heard you mention the gambling between your father and the dean. What on earth did they bet between them?"

"Actually, that bet is boring." Chu Xuan smiled helplessly.

"Even if it's boring, I really want to know."

"My father didn't tell me, but from the rumors outside, it seems that my father and the dean are betting on whether it will rain the next day. My father said no, but the dean said no, so the dean lost a city to my father.

An Luo was a little disappointed: "It's really boring. I didn't expect that someone in the world would bet on this."

"If you don't talk, no one will treat you as mute." Chu Xuan stared at An Luo.