The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 98 The Poison of Broken intestine

It's August 12th in a blink of an eye.

Yanzhou, a town with a warm climate all year round, even on a sunny day, there is always a faint water mist in the air. Half of the year, there is continuous drizzle and cloudy clouds. However, due to its high terrain, there has never been a flood. The unique climatic conditions have also become a gathering place for many literati and elegant scholars.

The gray-black gate stands tall, and the patrol soldiers with swords on the observation deck are back and forth. Through the open brown gate, you can faintly see the bustling crowd in the city.

"Cough..." The white silk was red, and Jiang Mozhu put the white silk into his sleeves with an indifferent expression. Since ten days ago, Jiang Mozhu has been spitting blood, during which he has also experienced two life-and-death issues. An Luo held Jiang Mozhu with a solemn expression. Although An Luo always gives people a warm feeling, at present, he is like a lonely snow fox, and his red eyes seem to be bleeding.

"Would you like to take a break?" Ling Yue turned her head and her eyes were full of worries.

But Jiang Mozhu didn't even look at Ling Ye, but took two steps forward and looked up at the word Yanzhou on the high gate.

"What are you doing here?" In order to break the awkward atmosphere, Ouyang Wan said, "Go to the city, there is no money to get from standing here."

"Don't go to the city first." Jiang Mozhu withdrew his sight from the tower.

"Don't go to the city? I fainted for more than 20 days and came to this place where chickens don't shit and birds don't lay eggs. Now tell me not to go into the city? Why?"

"Wait others."

"Wait? Who is it?"

Stepping - the sound of horseshoes from far to near.

A snow-white horse appeared in front of everyone. Immediately, a woman in an ice blue skirt jumped down and walked towards Jiang Mozhu with a smile: "Long time no see."

"Long time no see." Jiang Mozhu replied with the same smile.

"I didn't expect that you weren't dead yet. It's amazing. It's amazing that you can still live so long after being hit by twelve bone-peating nails. It's not in vain for me to come here thousands of miles. However, if I come back in a month, what are you going to do?

"Then I'll wait at this gate for a month until you come."

The woman patted Jiang Mozhu on the shoulder and smiled more: "For the sake of your sincerity, I will do it harder later."

Suddenly, the woman walked to Ouyang Wan again and stretched out her right hand to pick up Ouyang Wan's hair: "Yes, the toxicity has not completely disappeared."

Ouyang Wan subconsciously took two steps back: "Don't study my hair."

"I didn't expect that there are really people in the world who can survive." The woman seemed to be a little unhappy and put her hands on her waist. "Wait a minute, let me study you and see if something is different from others."

"broken intestine powder? What kind of broken intestines?"

The woman opened her eyes wide and looked surprised: "Huh? Aren't you poisoned by broken intestines? Otherwise, how could the hair be this color?

"I've never heard of it."

"The broken intestine powder is a poison desperately refined by the medical saint. A few years ago, it was stolen empty-handed by the first god in the world, and his whereabouts have been unknown since then. At first, the hair color will be gray or silver, and then it will gradually turn red, and then orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue and purple. In the end, it will turn black, but..." The woman took two steps forward with an extremely serious expression. "Once it turns black, the poisoned person will die, but after death, she will climb out of the ground every full moon night and eat all the living people she sees."

Ouyang Wan took a deep breath: "Really?"

The woman nodded: "Really."

"I believe that you are a pig. How can there be such a bullshit poison?"

The woman turned her head slightly: "Don't you believe what I said?"

Why do I believe you? How can you climb out of the ground when you are all dead? Even if it's true as you said, just set fire and burn the body, won't it?

"Fire?" The woman looked a little proud, "If the body is burned with fire, half of the people in the world will be poisoned."

"The more you talk, the more nonsense it becomes."

"I'm serious. Anyway, it's not me who is poisoned, but I still want to study you carefully.

"Who the hell are you?" Ouyang Wan asked impatiently.

"Lan Xiaoyou, ah, so you may not have heard of my name. But... you should know when you smile." Lan Xiaoyou said with a smile, "A smile was created by the Lan family. Those who drink a smile can avoid the pain of reincarnation. After cutting off the corpse, the soul can be reborn."

Ouyang Wan turned his voice and looked depressed: "Why did I talk to this girl with a brain problem for so long?"

"Hey, what I said is true." Lan Xiaoyou stamped his feet angrily.

Jiang Mozhu said lightly, "Little friend, leave him alone and go into the city."

In the city, there is a white fog.

Lan Xiaoyou covered his nose with his hand all the way. It was not only her, but also Ling Yue and Jiang Mozhu covered his mouth and nose with brocade respectively.

Lan Xiaoyou slowed down and walked side by side with Ling Yue: "Ha, do you know that this water mist is bad for your health?"

Ling Yue shook her head and said, "I don't know, but since you have done so, it always makes sense."

"Smart, much smarter than the guy who was broken in the front." Lan Xiaoyou said with a little appreciation on his face, "Actually, what I just said was true, but that guy didn't believe it and pissed me off. Do you believe it?"

"I believe that if you want to lie, you have to say something reliable, but you said that the person who is broken will crawl out of the ground on a full moon night after death? So won't the body rot? Isn't it just a skeleton that will come out?

"Wrong." Lan Xiaoyou said, "The body of a broken person will not rot. If the body is burned by fire, the toxins emitted will be something to half the world. Hey, but it doesn't matter. As long as you trap the body with the Yanyu coffin, it will be fine. Then the body won't run out."

"Yanyu coffin?"

"Yes, it's the second treasure in the world." Lan Xiaoyou's eyes were shining and his hands were folded in front of his chest: "Alas, I dream of looking at the jade coffin, but the dream will come true soon."

Hearing Lan Xiaoyou say this, Ling Yue's heart thumped and a faint premonition rose: "Why can the beautiful dream come true soon?"

"Jiang Mozhu promised to take me to Cangguo to see the Yanyu coffin, so in exchange, I want to cure his illness. Speaking of curing the injury of bone nails, I'm afraid only my Lan family can do it all over the world.

"Oh, is such a serious injury really cured?"

"Of course, although his whole body muscles and veins have been broken and his internal organs are completely injured, I still have a way to make him feel better."

"What's the way?"

"Peel and change the bone." Lan Xiaoyou smiled faintly.

"Peeling and changing bones? It sounds a little bullshit."

Lan Xiaoyou curled his lips and said, "Well, it's normal. Most people don't believe in the Lan family's medical skills."

Not to mention the people in this world, even in the 21st century, when medicine is developed and perfect, Ling Yue will not believe that there is a question mark on whether there is such a thing as anesthetic in this world. Thinking of this, Ling Yue asked, "Do you know the anesthetic?"

Lan Xiaoyou shook his head: "What is that?"

"The name of a soup." Ling Yue has no intention of popularizing medical knowledge.

"What a strange soup." Lan Xiaoyou thought for a moment and suddenly looked at the night walking beside Ling Yue. "Ah, your yin is very heavy."

Liu Ye glanced at Lan Xiaoyou and did not answer.

"Friend, how can you make up to see if I'm sick? It's also good to treat it as soon as possible. An Luo asked with a smile.

"Ah, you still have an old problem. Do you still need me?"

"You know the cause of the disease, but you can't cure my disease." An Luo frowned and said, "I'm dying of illness."

"You have to tie the bell to untie the bell. This is the prescription."

"Well, but what if the bellman ignores me?"

"Oh, I don't know about this."

"Well, then I can only die of death." An Luo said with a distressed face, "Where on earth are we going? Do you want to eat?"

"Go to my house." Lan Xiaoyou said with a smile, "treat Jiang Mozhu, and then go to Cangguo together. Hahaha, what a happy life."