The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 167 Falling into the Abys

A plate of exquisite dishes filled the table, and even Ling Yue, who had eaten delicious food from various countries, had to admit that the chef of this palace still had two brushes. However, although she is very picky about food, she can tolerate even if there are only steamed buns and tea for three meals a day. To some extent, the appetite will make people stupid. But it is acceptable to indulge once in a while.

"Woo, woo..." Somehow, Liu Ye ate while making an almost puppy-like whine, as if he was admiring the delicious food.

" Liu Ye, this... What do you mean by your whining voice? Do you feel that these dishes are delicious? Ling Yue put a piece of jade tofu into her mouth, and the softness that melted in her mouth made people linger. What's more rare is that the mellow fragrance left on her lips and teeth could not be dissipated for a long time.

Liu Ye nodded and looked at a plate of ham and stir-fried beans on the table with a happy face: "Woo... woo..."

"It seems that Chu Xuan is not simple. Not only the dumplings are first-class, but also this kind of home-cooked dish can be made so delicious... Well... It's simply a six-star level." It's delicious, but as the saying goes, you should be moderate, so when you are seven minutes full, Ling Yue put down her chopsticks, made a cup of tea by herself, and drank it leisurely.

However, before drinking half of the tea, Liu Luo came in in a hurry. Ling Yue narrowed her eyes and looked like she was about to fall asleep: "Alas, it's not even stable to eat a meal. Is there something wrong with the emperor?"

"Ha ha, princess, you really expected things." Liu Xi said with a smile.

Hearing Liu Xi's words, Ling Yue almost sprayed out the tea that had just entered: "What's the matter? How can your Duke Liu listen to the orders of others except for the emperor's orders?"

Although this was a little cold, it was true. Liu Xi was not very dissatisfied and still smiled and wanted to welcome him: "Princess, in fact, the emperor just came to ask me something."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"This slave doesn't know."

Ling Yue said, "This is strange. You don't know what's going on and ask me again?"

"This... The emperor just told me to say, do you understand the mystery of Phoenix?" Liu Xi said as he looked at Ling Yue quietly.

"Oh...the mystery of Phoenix." Ling Yue nodded and said, "I know. Just tell the emperor that Ling Yue remembers his promise and will definitely solve the mystery before the deadline."

Liu Xi nodded repeatedly, waiting for Ling Yue to continue talking.

When Ling Yue saw that Liu Xi did not leave, her face suddenly sank: "I'm done. Why don't you leave?"

"I obeyed." Liu Xi retreated respectfully.

Ling Yue glanced coldly outside the door and said, "This slave is quite curious. Fortunately, the emperor got along with the mystery of Phoenix. Alas, it seems that I can't hurry up.

"Sister, what are you going to do with that treasure?" Liu Ye said, "At that time, we can't tell the emperor that it was drawn by you randomly."

"Of course not. In that case, can we still sit here and eat so leisurely?" Ling Yue said, "Hee hee, don't worry, the mountain people have their own tricks."

Liu Ye wondered, "Sister, when did you become a mountain man?"

"This is just a metaphor, just a metaphor. Liu Ye, I found that your level of complaining is very high..."

In a few days, I didn't realize it was late February. As the temperature gradually rises, the whole palace seems to become vibrant. The maids' clothes were replaced with thin cicada-like veils, and of course, it was also a three-year draft envoy at this time. Ling Yue is not very interested in the draft, because no matter how she chooses, it has nothing to do with her, but her idea was subverted by an imperial edict brought by Liu Xi.

"What?" Ling Yue's eyes were about to fall out. "Do you think the emperor ordered me to participate in the draft? Is this a little... that thing..."

"Ha, princess, you don't know anything about it. There are many noble women from famous families sent to the palace this year. The emperor thought that the prince has no one to serve him so far, so he wanted to choose a concubine and the crown princess together. Although this princess is determined by the emperor, you still have to go out of form anyway, don't you?"

"I and my son choose concubine together. Why am I so panicked?" Ling Yue shuddered. At the thought that the woman in 28 years old was going to marry an old man over 100 years old, she felt strange. However, if you think about it carefully, it is also very happy to marry the most powerful man in the world to some extent. Of course, this kind of happiness is completely unnecessary for Ling Yue.

Liu Xi heard the sound of Ling Yue's strings and shook the dust and said, "The princess, you are ready to start the selection of the crown princess in ten days."

"Wait, what should I prepare? Do you still have to take the exam?"

"Qin, chess, calligraphy and painting, poetry and songs, dance and tea ceremony, female red needle and thread are all the contents to be tested."

After hearing Liu Xi's words, Ling Yue's chin was about to fall on the table: "How can I test these? Didn't you take the exam to make money? Don't you think marrying a wife who can make money is the most important thing? However, as soon as she said it, Ling Yue felt that she was very stupid. May I ask which super rich man will consider her ability to make money when choosing his wife? This question is like saying to a monk: I'll sell you a comb. What's the matter?

"Princess, you really can laugh..." Liu Xi gently covered his face and felt that if he laughed so directly, he would definitely be hated by Ling Yue.

"This is not a joke... But if you think about it, a wife who is proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting is also good. Well, I know. If there is nothing to do, Mr. Liu, please come back.

"Then the slave quit first."

The second day of March, silent late at night.

Xia Wuchen and Ouyang Wan entered the palace from the south gate and directly entered the Chengfu Hall. That night, when Ling Yue fell asleep peacefully, she did not know that her fate had fallen into an irreparable abyss.

From March 3 to March 20, a grand selection ceremony was held at the Xia Palace during the 17 days. However, Ling Yue, who was supposed to be in the election, suddenly fell ill, which was diagnosed by the imperial doctor. Ling Yue was stunned and couldn't understand what the imperial doctors were talking about, but she didn't care, because the reason why she fell ill was all because of the cold air entered into Liuye's body.

The whole palace is busy with the draft. In addition, although the Zhemei Hall where Ling Yue lives is located in the southernmost part of the palace, it is also relatively remote, so it is still quiet. The people outside are busy, but he can lie leisurely and enjoy ** Spring in March. Of course, it would be better if the birds outside the window could not sing so frequently.

Ling Yue leaned on the bed and held a Buddhist scripture in her hand, but she only occasionally glanced at it and did not study it in depth.


, Xia Wuchen came several times, but was sent away by Ling Yue. But I don't know why, although Ling Yue didn't see him every time, Xia Wuchen's heart was a little happy, but this kind of happiness was not on his face, but in his heart.