The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 203

In the Queen's Hall, Yi Hengshi twisted the red bean chestnut cake and looked at it for a long time, but still put it down. Yi Chuguan wondered, "Brother, why did you put this chestnut cake back on the plate? Is it that the imperial chef's cooking is not delicious?

Yi Hengshi shook his head, but there was a disappointed look on his face: "Little sister, the eldest brother put down this chestnut cake not because the royal chef didn't cook well, but because the royal chef made it was so delicious that the eldest brother put it down."

"Oh? What's the solution to this?"

"Little sister, although the eldest brother is not well learned, he still knows the truth that it used to be difficult for the sea."

Yi Chuguan frowned slightly and said, "Brother, if you have anything to say, just say it." In fact, Yi Chuguan has guessed what Yi Hengshi wants to say, but from the bottom of her heart, she still hopes that her brother will not say that. After all, ambition can kill people.

"This chestnut cake is like power. Brother is afraid that one day he will be abandoned by power in the future." Speaking of this, Yi Hengshi sighed and seemed to have encountered something extremely painful and indignant.

"How come? It's impossible for the eldest brother to be abandoned by power."

"Little sister, I'm not the eldest brother. The situation in the court is changing rapidly. Although you gave birth to the prince, and the emperor has also named the little prince king of Xia, what's the use? Think about Prince Yan who once controlled the whole court, what will happen now?

"That's different." Yi Chuguan said, "You also know this matter, if it weren't for..." Yi Chuguan didn't go on talking and condoning it, and Yi Hengshi also understood what he meant. Xia Yan is the illegitimate son of Emperor Jin, which has become a forbidden word in the palace and is tacit with each other.

"What's the difference? In the final analysis, it's all the same. Little sister, you have to plan early.

"Are you going to?" Yi Chuguan raised his eyebrows gently, "What are you going to do with your little sister? Now that the emperor has been crowned as the king of Xia, is it possible that the eldest brother wants the emperor to be crowned as the prince?"

"Ha, of course, that's impossible. Now that we have a dust prince in our Xia Kingdom, of course, it is impossible for the emperor to abolish the prince's book to make his son a prince." Yi Hengshi said, "However, I heard that today's prince doesn't ask anything, and there are many court ministers in the court who are dissatisfied with him. I think it is still a question of who the throne will fall on at that time."

"So what?"

"So, little sister, we should grasp the power of the whole court as soon as possible. Brother, I have thought about it. Although Dongfang Chong is now the right prime minister, he has no real power. If we form an alliance with him, we will have the support of Dongfang and Ximen of the four princes. Then use Dongfang Chong's hand to get rid of Li Jingluo, so that I can become the prime minister smoothly.

Yi Chuguan squeezed his lips and didn't say anything for a long time.

"Little sister, you are talking. Don't just be stunned." Seeing that Yi Chuguan didn't speak for a long time, Yi Heng was really worried, but at the same time, he was also a little afraid, because he knew his sister very well. Once Yi Chuguan squeezed his lips, it showed that his sister was extremely angry. "Brother, did I say anything wrong?"

"Brother, I think short-sightedness is used to describe you." Yi Chuguan said lightly.

"Rat's eyes short-sighted? Little sister, this, this..."

"Brother, aren't you short-sighted?" Yi Chuguan asked, "How can you say that you have reached an alliance with Dongfang Chong? Can't you explain that you are short-sighted?"

Yi Hengshi wondered, "But this is the best strategy. Where on earth is it?"

Yi Chuguan clenched his fist and gently knocked on the table: "Brother, do you know why most of the ministers of the court oppose today's prince? That's because Murong Lingyue, all the ministers of the court, no, to be precise, although the whole Xia country is afraid of the supervisory court, but there is more fear. May I ask who is willing to support it? Hold a prince that you will be afraid of every day. The prince doesn't care about political affairs and is weak and incompetent in the eyes of the minister in the court. If he ascends the throne in the future, he is afraid that the imperial power of the State of Xia will fall into the hands of the Supervisory Yuan again. But this kind of opposition is like sand on the pavilion, and it is easy to collapse overnight. In addition, I can tell you one thing. Before Queen Yun died, she gave the tiger charm that could mobilize the 500,000 military power of the East and Ximen families to King Kang. Li Jinglue's daughter is Princess Kang's son. If you want to eradicate Li Jinglue, do you think King Kang will stand by?

"What? What?" Yi Hengshi was surprised, "The 500,000 military power is actually in the hands of King Kang?"

"Yes, although I don't know what I want to do, it's a true thing." Yi Chuguan said, "Brother, you have also said that the situation in the court is changing rapidly. Now the three forces, no, maybe not just the three forces."

Three forces? Where did the three forces come from? Yi Hengshi was even more confused.

"King Kang, Prince, Ziran."

"Wait, King Kang also has the desire to seize the throne, but he is a concubine." Because there has never been an example of a concubine prince ascending the throne in the Kingdom of Xia, Yi Heng couldn't help opening his mouth and being surprised to speak after hearing his sister say that King Kang also had the heart of an emperor.

"What about the concubine?" Yi Chuguan said, "Although there is no precedent for the common prince to ascend to the throne, throughout ancient and modern times, it is because the common princes have never mastered too much power. Many common princes were not appreciated when they were young. Occasionally, they were smart. They just regarded themselves as literati, and those common princes were expelled from the palace as adults and became necessary. The clan must be careful and cautious. Because of this, there is no example of a common prince ascending to the throne. To be precise, no common prince has enough power to rebel. But fifteen years ago, if it hadn't been for the obstruction of the president of the supervisory court, I'm afraid who the monarch of the State of Xia might have been at this moment.

Yi Hengshi took a deep breath of cold air and coincided the images of Xia Kang and King Qi: "Little sister, you're right. Now King Kang has got 500,000 military power from the East and Ximen, plus 100,000 military power in his own hands, which is 600,000 military power."

"Yes, although 600,000 is not enough to rebel, King Kang has been fighting on the battlefield for decades, and his generals are brave and good at fighting. In addition, if Beitang and Nangong among the four princes also support King Kang, then King Kang will have millions of soldiers. If King Kang really rebelled, Murong Lingyue, who stood beside the prince, would not stand by and inevitably mobilize the whole procuratorate to compete with it. Although the supervisory court does not have military power, most of the chambers, rivers and lakes are controlled by the supervisory court. The two can compete with each other for several years without winning or losing. However, they can only hang up. It's just the false name of King Xia. In this case, what can we do to compete with it?

After listening to Yi Chuguan's detailed analysis, Yi Heng suddenly realized, but he seemed to be a little unwilling: "But little sister, are we looking up to people like this? You are not such a person."

"Don't judge before you see the situation clearly. After seeing the situation clearly, you should choose the one that is most beneficial to you. Even if it is painful, you must do it. Do you understand?"

"I understand, but...but..." Yi Hengshi twisted the red bean chestnut cake and swallowed it in one bite, "What should I do after that?"

"In the future... Yes, although I look up to people's noses at the present, I still don't want to look up to people's noses for the rest of my life." Yi Chuguan knocked on the table gently and stared at a point in the void.

"I knew you weren't that kind of person, little sister. Big brother knows you, hehe."

"The future situation must be that King Kang and the prince are incompatible. In addition, Xia Yan, who fled to the State of Jin, may not easily let go of Xia. At that time, the State of Jin will definitely raise troops to attack the State of Xia, the battle for the throne, and the invasion of foreign enemies, and the King Kang and the Prince will definitely lose both..."

"Then shall we reap the profits of fishermen?"

"I'm afraid it won't be so easy." Yi Chuguan said slowly, "It's a pity, it's a pity..."

"What's a pity?"

"Unfortunately, there is no military master who plans to plan the world. The prime minister's talent is easy to get, but Kirin's talent is rare, and it can't be met but not sought."

Yi Hengshi said, "The talent of Kirin, alas, if Xiao Ruyan doesn't die, this talent of Kirin is easy to get."

Yi Chuguan sneered and said, "The real Kirin is not Xiao Ruyan, but Jiang Mozhu."

"Jiang Mozhu? That captured minister of Cang?" Yi Hengshi's face was obviously a little more disdainful.