The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 265 Chapter 266 Brown Sugar Ginger Water

Seeing that Emperor Jin seemed to intend to stay, Jin Yan's uneasy heart fell a little, but Du Gulan was not so relaxed. Because she sensed some clues from the slightly frown of the Golden Emperor, it seemed that this time it was not Jin Yan's thought-up, because even the Golden Emperor seemed to be a little worried. At present, Dugulan uses her child to leave Jin Yan, which is the most logical interest. It is said that there is no important thing as a child who is about to be born. After a while, Emperor Jin said to Dugu Lan Youyou, "Princess, you are pregnant with the blood of our golden royal family, but you should be careful. If there is any difficulty, just tell me."

Dugulan's eyes flowed, but she was thinking about something else: Is the emperor really hinting at her to keep Jin Yan with the royal blood that has not yet been born in her belly? Dugulan thought for a while and pondered, "There are more emperors, I have nothing else to ask for. I just hope that the prince can be with me when the child is born, so that the children in the minister's belly will be happy."

"Okay, just do as the princess said. I'll figure it out." Jin Di nodded and said, "In this case, I won't bother you two."

"My son sends it to the emperor." Dugulan and Jin Yan said in one voice and saw the departure of Emperor Jin.

When Emperor Jin left, Jin Yan couldn't help hugging Dugulan and kissing her on the face: "Lan'er, you still have a way. Why didn't I expect to leave myself with my child?"

"I just thought of this, but now it seems that even the emperor seems to be very worried about Jiang Mozhu." Dugulan said slowly, "You didn't see the emperor's frown like that. I was just testing it, but I didn't expect it to test me. I have to say that this is also a return of luck, but it is unknown if you can be so lucky next time.

"If my father is relieved to Jiang Mozhu, I will feel strange. Anyway, Jiang Mozhu or General Feiyu's envoy to the Kingdom of Jin was poisoned by his father. How could this hatred be ignored? Jin Yan said, "My key will never leave such a dangerous person by my side, and I don't know what my father thinks."

"Maybe your father doesn't want to, just have to force it." Dugulan said, "At present, there are only two princes in the State of Jin, you and An Luo. Before that, there was only one prince. He and Jiang Mozhu have a good relationship. Naturally, there is nothing you can do about it. However, I'm curious about why Jiang Mozhu should help you return to the State of Jin. I can't figure out about this matter."

"Is't that guy just like to do such illogical things? Who knows what he wants to do? Let's not talk about this, let's listen to the baby's voice." Jin Yan was impatient about Jiang Mozhu's topic, and then changed the topic and said, "Lan'er, do you think it will be a boy or a girl this time? I think it's better to have a twin, a man and a woman.

"This child hasn't been born yet. How can I know? I have to wait a few months before I let the royal doctor see him, but both boys and girls are fine, as long as they are safe."

"That's right, whether it's a boy or a girl, as long as you can be born safely and healthily." Jin Yan's face was full of happiness. The death of the first two children not only hated the blow to Dulan, but also hit him quite heavily. For a period of time, Jin Yan couldn't even see anything about children, which showed that he was deeply in love with Dugulan.

As soon as Emperor Jin left and had not yet taken a few steps away, he saw Jiang Mozhu walking slowly towards him with a paper fan in his hand: "Weichen, see the emperor."

"It's a military division. Do you have anything to say to me?" Emperor Jin put his hands behind his back and said slowly, "You came at the right time. Let's go and play chess with me. Let's talk as we get down."

"Weichen obeyed." Jiang Mozhu glanced quietly at the palace where the prince lived behind the Golden Emperor, and a faint smile slipped through his lips, which was a little cold and determined.

A square wood, 19 lanes. At the moment when each son fell, is it regretful or proud? I'm afraid this can only be known at the close of the market. Only black and white contain the way of all sentient beings in time. In terms of chess, Jiang Mozhu is extremely excellent, and Emperor Jin and Jiang Mozhu can also see that Emperor Jin will not play Go at all.

"Your Majesty, your chess is really a little strange." Jiang Mozhu was also embarrassed to directly question whether the emperor would not go down, so he was extremely happy to beat around.

Emperor Jin smiled awkwardly and said, "To tell you the truth, I won't be so angry. It's too brain-consuming. Why don't you teach me? I always watch the prince and the princess together. It seems to be quite interesting. How about it? Military master, your chess skills are so profound, would you like to teach me?"

"Your Majesty, it's really a pity for you to say so. Since you want to learn this Go, then Weiwei must be a dedicated professor." Jiang Mozhu replied respectfully.

"Okay, since you said so, I'm relieved. By the way, didn't you have something to say to me just now? Look, I forgot to play chess.

Jiang Mozhu gently dropped a black son, and there seemed to be unbearable between his eyebrows: "I'm afraid that Weichen will embarrass the emperor when he raised this matter at this time, so Weichen doesn't know whether to say it or not. However, if you don't say it, Weichen always feels sorry for Zongmiao Sheji, so I hope that the emperor will forgive Weichen's innocence after listening to Weichen's words.

Huh? Why is this incident related to the design of the royal temple? Military division, let's say it, and I will forgive you for your innocence." Emperor Jin waved his hand, but thought that Jiang Mozhu should not say anything. This time he raised an army to attack the State of Xia, there must be a prince to make the three armies excited and invincible. Thinking of this, Emperor Jin still regretted letting Jiang Mozhu speak out. However, what Jiang Mozhu said made his heart, which had been hanging because he was ready to force the prince to go on a personal expedition, suddenly fell to such a short distance from the ground. And the reason for this short distance is precisely that Emperor Jin could not guess what Jiang Mozhu said that, what the intention was and what purpose it was to achieve.

"Weichen feels that the crown princess will soon be born. If the prince is born, it will be a major event about the temple and the world. But if the child's father is not around, not only the crown princess will feel uneasy, but also the unborn prince or princess will also feel sad, so Weichen proposed to the emperor that this military lift will be replaced by An Luo.

The Golden Emperor was silent for a long time. At first, when Jiang Mozhu brought Jin Yan back from Xia, he was worried that Jin Yan still had feelings for Xia, so he asked him to lead troops to attack Xia to completely cut off his thoughts. But now, Emperor Jin never thought that things would evolve to this extent. Perhaps Dugulan's pregnancy was unexpected, and he didn't know why. In the depths of Emperor Jin, he was always a little worried about Jiang Mozhu, and many factors caused Emperor Jin's hesitation: "Let me think about this matter."

"Weichen obeyed." Jiang Mozhu said slowly, "Your Majesty, you have been thinking about this move for a long time. If you don't play mules, you will lose."

Emperor Jin looked down and saw that his dragon had already been slaughtered, and he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed: "Haha, my dragon has been slaughtered by you. I admit defeat. The military division is indeed a good chess skill."

Jiang Mozhu smiled and said, "Weichen is panicked." However, Jiang Mozhu thought in his heart that since he can't play chess, he can know that his dragon has been slaughtered, which is really amazing.

"I suddenly remembered that there are still some things that have not been dealt with." The Golden Emperor got up, dropped the last particle and said, "I'll come to play chess with the military master another day, hehe..."

After the Golden Emperor left, Jiang Mozhu packed up his chess pieces alone. Just halfway through the house, a gray pigeon flew into the house and gently landed on Jiang Mozhu's shoulder. He also ignored the pigeons and let them stay on his shoulder. It was not until he finished cleaning up all the chess pieces and wiping the chessboard with a warm cloth several times that he took the pigeon off his shoulder and took off the exquisite wooden simple from it. After a quick glance, Jiang Mozhu took a deep breath and showed a smiling expression.