The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 271 Uneatable

In the Taihou Hall, the former Empress Guan has been called the Empress Dowager. Two years later, Yi Chuguan has not changed except that her nature has become more silent. However, the whole Yi family was gradually exiled to remote areas after Xia Wuchen succeeded to the throne. Although others don't say anything, everyone knows that the reason why Emperor Xia did this is to limit the power of the empress dowager, because once something happens to the emperor, it is natural that the Empress Dowager will succeed to the throne, Xia Ziran, the king of Xia, who is also bleeding. Although Xia Ziran is only three years old, there have been examples of the birth of the direct prince who succeeded to the throne in Xia. Because of this, the power of the whole Xia Kingdom will fall into the hands of the queen who gave birth to the first prince. Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, the Xia royal family also acquiesced in Emperor Xia's drive away the empress dowager Yi family from the court.

Located in Linyun, the capital of Xia, it is Yiyun Mountain, which is specially used for the royal family of Xia to hunt, and there is also a small mountain called Duyun Mountain 20 miles away from Yiyun Mountain. Because of Yiyun Mountain, a small mountain like Duyun Mountain has not attracted much attention. There is an unnamed temple on Duyun Mountain, and I don't know who repaired it. However, there are still more than a dozen monks practicing in the temple. Half of the daily food is obtained by fate. Of course, what outsiders don't know is that the other half is a magic stick living in the temple every day. The magic stick was originally a monk in the temple, but he never abided by the rules and regulations of the Buddha. He drank and ate meat every day, and often pierced the wine and meat. The words left in the Buddha's heart were in his mouth. Although the abbot has been persuaded many times, he is always speechless by the magic stick, and often blames himself for his lack of practice and resentment. So later, the abbot left it and didn't ask more questions.

There is a gazebo in the backyard of the temple. A woman in cloth sat on a stone bench, opposite her sat a man who was reading. That man is not someone else, but Yi Hengyi, the second brother of Yichuguan, and the woman, needless to say, is Jiuming. After reading half of the book, Yi Hengyi put down the book in his hand and was a little tired: "How long will this book be read?" Even if I read all the books in the world, I may not be able to win the imperial examination. I said, madam, why don't we go back to Linyun..."

"Go to die?" Jiuming said, "If you go back at this time, it's not a trap for people. The emperor is worried that he can't find an excuse to eradicate the Yi family. Instead, you still want to complete others. You have read a lot of books in the past two years. Have you read them in your head?"

"Nerd, nerd, isn't that me, so... Oh, forget it, if only there was a pot of good wine at this moment. Speaking of which, it seems that I haven't seen Uncle Shen for many days. Why, did he travel around the world? With that, Yi Hengyi's face was full of regret, probably because he couldn't drink good wine.

"Haha, do you miss my wine?" With that, the magic stick called by Yi Hengyi as Uncle Shen held a wine pot in his left hand and an oil paper bag in his hand.

"Come here quickly. I'm thinking about your wine. I said, why haven't you been seen for so many days? Have you really traveled around?"

The magic stick put the wine and oil paper on the stone table and glanced at Jiu Ming: "Yo, this girl seems to be angry. What's wrong? Who messed with you again?"

Angry? How can you see that I'm angry? Jiuming supported her chin with both hands and said, "How can you see that I'm angry? It smells like beeping chicken.

"That's right, this is call chicken." With that, the magic stick opened the oil paper bag and said with a smile, "Eat it while it's hot. You must eat it while it's hot."

"hehe." I don't know why Jiu Ming suddenly laughed, and then laughed even more. It feels like I have found something extremely interesting.

Yi Hengyi looked at Jiu Ming inexplicably, but his eyes seemed to be used to it: "Madam, why on earth are you laughing?"

"Your wife must have found some secrets, otherwise how could she be so happy?" The magic stick also laughed. Yi Hengyi is a little used to laughing, but at present, these two people are all a little crazy, but it's not that Yi Hengyi can't stand it.

Since both of them have entered a state of madness, the one who is awake alone naturally eats rudely. Unexpectedly, Yi Hengyi spit out all as soon as he took a sip of wine: "What kind of wine is this? It's simply poison. It's so choking?" Although he smelled the sweet aroma, how did Yi Hengyi know that it was as painful as a fire in his mouth? At this moment, his stomach was also burned by the strong wine. Jiu Ming even saw that Yi Hengyi's face began to turn slightly white, and he couldn't help but begin to wonder.

"Is this wine really so powerful?" Jiuming took the wine pot and smelled it, but it smelled mellow. "Smell this wine should be very mild. Anyway, it seems that you have drunk some liquor."

"This wine smells mellow, but it hurts like burning in your mouth. Madam, don't drink it." Yi Hengyi said angrily to the god stick, "Why did you bring such a strong wine, and you didn't tell me for the rest of your life. If I had known that this wine had been like this, I wouldn't have drunk it."

"I didn't let you drink either. It's clear that you are drinking by yourself. What can I do?" The magic stick shrugged his shoulders helplessly, as if to say that it was not his fault. "In fact, this wine is indeed mellow, but this chicken is sprinkled with a special seasoning, which will make the original mellow wine extremely strong. If you don't eat this chicken, it will be gone."

"Since the two are in opposition, why do you put them together? This is not..." Although Yi Hengyi was a little angry, he was not angry with the divine stick. "Forget it, when I'm unlucky."

"I won't talk to you anymore. I'm going to listen to the abbot." The magic stick picked up the wine pot and walked slowly towards the temple, but when he left, he seemed to remember something again. He turned around and looked at Jiu Ming with a smile: "You girl, haha, it's not simple, it's not simple."

Jiuming also smiled and said, "It's not that I'm not simple. It's obviously the old man who deliberately revealed the flaw to me. You are the real person who is not simple."

The magic stick did not speak, but his face was still smiling.

The sun sets, and the clouds in the sky are slightly rolled up. Standing on Duyun Mountain, you can look at Yiyun Mountain. The steep mountain wall looks so low and silent in the sunset, as if it had been thousands of years ago. Whether it's years or the sea, it can't escape the fate of the hit. Naturally, there would be no such feeling for Jiu Ming, so when Yi Hengyi said such words, Jiu Ming just hummed gently with her nose for a lifetime. If you are in that world, you may say that you can't escape such ambiguous words as the fate, but now Jiuming knows that this world was created by Gu Li and that guy. In this case, if you really believe in fate or something, it will be too ridiculous and outrageous.

"What? Didn't your wife feel moved when she saw such a beautiful scenery? Yi Hengyi said, "Madam, why has your temperament become like this since two years ago? I remember that although you used to be a little cold, you didn't go to this far. Do you regret following me on this mountain now? In fact, Yi Hengyi is not worried about this. Although Jiuming is only a lowly geisha, in the mutiny of the throne replacement two years ago, what he saw was how a girl under the age of 20 saved the name of the whole Yi family and made his sister Yi Chuguan sit safely in the position of empress dowager. It made Yi Hengyi look at Jiuming again, and at the same time, he began to be deeply worried in his heart, worried that he could control such a smart woman. In fact, Yi Hengyi prefers to be Jiuming to control himself. Although Yi Hengyi is a ditch, he is not too persistent about respect and inferiority. It's not that he has a free temperament, but many times, everyone cares about different things and different personalities. It's like Yi Hengyi's eldest brother Yi Hengshi is a completely opposite person from his brother, which is more important than his name. So when he learned that his brother had taken a geisha as his wife, he almost let his father drive Yi Hengyi out of the house. But in the end, due to Yi Chuguan's appearance, he didn't get so unbearable.