The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 312 Two Advice

"Jiang Mozhu killed Murong Lingyue, which was based on Murong Lingyue's lack of compromise. Although the probability of uncompromising is close to absolute, it is only close. An unexpected situation happened. Murong Lingyue compromised. She was willing to stand behind Xia Wuchen and willing to give up everything, just like what she had done. It's the same thing, forcing your brother to die. Jiang Mozhu smiled shallowly, "Ha ha, in fact, this is also very good. History seems to be more interesting once again, and I also thought of a more interesting way just now. The truth looks at her expression again, hehe..."

"You... I really want to kill you." Xia Kang clenched his fists angrily and could see that he was extremely angry. From the beginning, is it a fool who was cheated? It seems that everyone is treating him as a joke. It shouldn't be like this. It shouldn't be like this.

"You can't kill me," Jiang Mozhu said slowly, "My martial arts skills are much higher than yours, so don't do such a stupid thing. In addition, if you want to reach the peak of power, you can fight for it by yourself. Power conspiracy is not suitable for you. Is it a power conspiracy? No one is suitable to do anything in it. If you reluctantly participate in it, you will die miserably, just like the six princes.

"Lao Liu?" Xia Kang asked, "Lao Liu..."

"You probably don't know that the sixth prince's martial arts are the first in the world, but even if he is the first in the world, he still died in the hands of Murong Lingyue. Therefore, it was not Murong Lingyue who wanted to kill him, but that he violated the direction of the matter, so it was solved. From the beginning, when he took advantage of Xia Xin's death, he was doomed.

"Xia Xin? What's the matter?" Xia Kang doesn't know much about that matter. After all, it's just the death of a princess.

"How to put it, it's a suspicion array. I wanted to break the chaotic situation, but I was killed. It's really pitiful. It's really pitiful." Jiang Mozhu said, "So, for your own good, I kindly advise you not to break this messy balance."

"You let me do nothing?"

"That's right, I don't do anything." Jiang Mozhu said, "That's all. As for whether you listen or not, that's your business."

"You know, I won't do nothing."

"Well, yes, that's why I said these words to you." Jiang Mozhu said, "Then, please take your soldiers to die."

Xia Kang said, "What about you, what are you going to do next?"

"Play games." Jiang Mozhu said with a smile, "History repeats itself, so it is necessary to play the game again. I really want to see what her choice will be this time, hehe..."

"Farewell." Xia Kang strode away.

Out of the royal palace, Xia Kang didn't know where to go. He is thinking about Jiang Mozhu's words. I'm afraid it's not alarmist words, or his painstaking efforts to deceive people. In every sentence, Xia Kang felt that Jiang Mozhu did not lie, and even saw an almost desperate look from the conversation. He shouldn't have shown such a look. Why is he desperate?

There are always inexplorable secrets. Xia Kang doesn't understand the reason, so he can't fully understand Jiang Mozhu's words. Mirror without shadow, if only the mirror without shadow is still there, then there must be a way.

"If I kill you at this time, probably no one will know." A voice sounded from behind.

Xia Kang was shocked and turned around: "It's you..."

"Why, why can't it be me?" Murong Lingyue said with a smile, "It seems that you are worried."

Xia Kang glanced behind Ling Yue: "Where's the flowing night?"

"What, what's wrong with you?"

"No, I'm just curious. Liu Ye used to follow you step by step. Why not today?" Xia Kang said, "Or is he hiding somewhere else?"

Ling Yue tilted her head slightly and said, "Why did he hide somewhere else? This is nothing at all."

"Oh, is it?" Xia Kang said lightly, "So, what did you come to me for?"

"I'm here to give you some advice." Ling Yue still smiled and said, "Why, it seems that you don't want to hear it."

"I just think it's funny. Someone just gave me advice."

"Oh? What did that man say to you? Ling Yue said slowly, "Let me guess, ah, it should be Jiang Mozhu. He told you that if you don't want to die, you'd better do nothing, right?"

"I'm starting to doubt whether you two are colluding." Xia Kang said.

"Why do you say that?" Ling Yue asked.

"How can you know what he said to me? This is not a good relationship, but what is it?" Xia Kang asked, "So what's your advice? Is it possible to tell me not to do anything like him so that I can save my life? Is that so?"

The cold wind blew with a chill.

Ling Yue narrowed her eyes and said, "Yes, I want to give you the same advice as Jiang Mozhu gave you. If you want to live, it's better not to do anything from now on."

"If you don't obey, will Lao Liu be my end?" Xia Kang asked, "Oh, I forgot to ask Jiang Mozhu. Lao Liu's martial arts are the best in the world. Why was he killed by Liu Ye?"

Ling Yue said with a smile, "I didn't expect that he even told you all this, but why do you think the sixth prince was killed by Liu Ye? Can't I kill it?"

"You?" Xia Kang seemed to be amused by Ling Yue's words, "Can you kill Lao Liu?"

"Why not?" Ling Yue said slowly, "If you use poison, it's useless no matter how strong the martial arts are. And, how can I say it? It doesn't mean it will never happen.

"Oh? Is that so?"

"That's the case in most cases." Ling Yue said, "My advice has arrived. What you want to do next is up to you. I know you don't like to be threatened, but I think you used to treat me well, so I still want to remind you not to kill me.

"Oh? Do you know I'm going to kill you?

"Of course." Ling Yue said, "I said from the beginning that Wuchen is not as ruthless as you. He always hesitates before killing people. Although he can also kill people, compared with you, he is still less ruthless. As long as you make up your mind, you are the kind of person who can even kill yourself. For the sake of power, what should I say? It seems It's a psychological problem."

"Jiang Mozhu also said that you also have psychological problems."

"Everyone has psychological problems, which is not a big deal." Ling Yue said, "It's not compared with ordinary wounds or anything. As long as it is not too serious, it can be cured. Even if it is very serious, it can slowly get better through recuperation, but only psychology is difficult to cure. Once there is a problem, it will only become bigger and bigger, and there is nothing to return to the most. The beauty of the first time is impossible, and beauty does not belong to adults in the first place.

"Does it belong to children?"

Ling Yue shook her head and said, "It doesn't belong to children, it should belong to the dead. Everyone thinks that it is the gentleman who dies again. In fact, why don't they die first? Before birth, in a state of death, of course, this is just a conscious statement, because it will eventually be born as a baby, so there is a predestined premise. Even if it did not exist in the world before this, as long as there is the later doomed premise, it will become non-existent and has not yet exist. The death. Then, this cause and effect began to mature and eventually came to this world as life, so this is from death to life. And the final death, rather than death, I think it is more appropriate to disappear. Complete disappearance, even the disappearance of cause and effect, is more terrible than death. Ah, after saying so many strange words, I don't think you can understand it at all.

"Yes, I don't understand."

"Very good. It's normal not to understand. If you understand, it's really troublesome." Ling Yue smiled and said, "Okay, I won't bother you. Take your time to enjoy the scenery."

"Wait." Xia Kang stopped Murong Lingyue.

"What, is there any other problem?" Ling Yue stopped and asked, "Or do you want to kill me here?"

"Do you like Xia Wuchen?"

Ling Yue frowned and didn't seem to expect Xia Kang's problem. After thinking for a while, Ling Yue said quietly, "What do you think?"

"Jiang Mozhu told me that you like him."

"No." Ling Yue said slowly, "I don't like Xia Wuchen."

"Oh?" Xia Kang's eyes seemed to have a little light, "Don't you like him?"

"Yes, I don't like him. I love him."

After saying that, Ling Yue left with a smile on her face.

Why? Are you really just a clown? Xia Kang took a deep breath. He didn't know why it became like this. What happened? Now that I remember, is Jin Yan, who escaped from all this, the happiest person?

Xia Kang is right. The happiest person today is Jin Yan.

After Dulan gave birth to a child, Jin Yan was immersed in the joy of being a father, and the hatred that stayed in Xia began to be gradually forgotten by him. Time can dilute everything, including hatred, including love. Nothing can escape time.

I have never had such a happy day, and there is no need to fight. All I want is the child's daily laughter and be able to be with my beloved when the sun sets. All this is enough.

Running all his life, chasing fame and fortune, in the end, it is just a white bone for people to pay tribute. Thinking about it this way, if you don't treat yourself well in your lifetime, you are really a big fool.