Optimus Sword

Chapter 50 An old man forced me to jump off the cliff

Chapter 50 An old man forced me to jump off the cliff

The deep self-reproach can't help but make Qingyu want to slap himself fiercely. How could he be careless at this jux at this jux? This whole bloody forest and this ghost garden are not safe places. As long as I don't leave this place for a day, I will feel restless for a day. No wonder Qingyu just wanted to relax, but he always vaguely felt the big stone in his heart, and there was still no tendency to let go.

Qing Yu could only laugh at this moment, because after the two found Qing Yu's expression, they often saw Qing Yu's expression and knew that when it came to Qing Yu's face, then there was no need for Qing Yu to lie to them when danger came, because they were brothers.

The wind is moving, the sky is flashing, and the shadows are flashing and erratic.

Qing Yu, Zhi Liu, and Xiong Kun stood still and did not move. According to Qing Yu's, they braked in a motionless way. At this moment, none of them moved, but their eyes were turning. Qingyu knew that they could only come from three directions. Because one direction is a cliff, they will not be stupid enough to ambush them on the edge of the cliff.

If Qingyu is not wrong, it is in the east.

Qing Yu pierced the tree with an arrow step by sword, and the lawn around the tree was attacked by the sword spirit of the sword, like a person who had cut his hair, bare and look.

The sound of four slaps came one after another, and the two of them stared at the man who fell from a tree.

Like Ling Yun, he has white hair and beard and drooping old man. What is missing is Lingyun's righteousness, and what is more evil domineering. This domineering is different from the domineering exerted by Qingyu and Murong Qiushui. The pressure on the six of them is not only like the pressure brought to them by Qingyu and Murong Qiushui, which is different.

Soon, Qingyu also found something wrong. The man's sword spirit surrounds his body, but his old body is not mean to bericked, but straight. And what's surprising is that he is the only one!!!

One person squeezes the momentum of the three of them tightly together and crushes them to death.

Qing Yu knew that he had already been a one-star swordsman. Within the five-star swordsman, he would never cause him such pressure. He had to say that he met another strong enemy who was not of the same level as himself this time, which was not at the same level at all. He had encountered at this level.

That person is melting secretly. The strong man of the devil who had been plotted and calculated by him once was secretly melted.

So this old man is definitely at the level of swordsman!!!

Qing Yu was shocked and looked at Liu Xiong Kun, who could hardly move at all this time. These successive strong enemies are not at all what their level can touch. They couldn't help but be ashamed. They came to help Qingyu. They are Qingyu's brothers. Naturally, they have to share joys and sorrows, but every time Qingyu helps them relieve their siege. They have always been in a passive state of being beaten.

In addition to meeting the white wolf guard, the little Luoluo there can still deal with it, but it can only be extravagant to deal with the white wolf.

Qing Yu looked at them gasping. He knew that it would be another hard battle this time. He could escape, but can he let these two brothers go?

"Huh" stopped breathing heavily. He struggled to put his nerves under his control. This powerful murderous spirit made him almost miss his mind. He shouted at Qingyu,

"Qing Yu, this time, the opponent is too strong... If you can escape, leave us alone."

Xiong Kun also said,

"This time, it will drag you back... I'm so sorry.. Haha, along the way, Xiao Qin, oh no, brother Qingyu, thank you for your care. You are the brother of my life Xiong Kun"

Qing Yu's eyes suddenly became hot, and he really wanted to slap himself fiercely. At this critical moment, he actually had the idea of living alone. Thanks to his brothers being so affectionate and righteous, did he have long regarded them as brothers more than his own brothers? He took a deep breath. Qing Yu shouted,

"Stop talking nonsense and concentrate on defeating the enemy. When did I leave my brother?"

"Haha..." A loud laugh spread into Qingyu's ears, and the shocked Qingyu's ears hurt. Qingyu knew that this laughter was definitely not a masterpiece of Zhiliu and Xiong Kun, so only...

"Do the three of you treat me as air or don't you pay attention to me?"

Qing Yu was stunned, and Xiong Kun was stunned. Qing Yu straightened out his emotions and smiled,

"How dare the three of us brothers disrespect our predecessors and don't know their predecessors..."

"Don't get close to me. Who are you? Why did you pass by the edge of the broken blood forest? What do you want to do?"

Qingyu was stunned. This guy didn't know himself and didn't know that he was one of the ghost garden blacklist. But think about it, how can his little person be on the ghost garden blacklist? Only Muronghe has the intention to put himself to death. Other ghost garden bigwigs, the ghost religion The characters are busy unifying the world and recovering the lost land. There is no leisure to take care of an unknown boy.

Besides, if they pass by here, where do they want to pass through here?" Senior, the three of us are just fishermen in the surrounding villages. We just pass by, just pass by, hey"

Qing Yuqiang smiled and wanted to pass this. He knew that if he could not muddle through at this moment, a fierce battle was not what he wanted to see. Who knows that a trace of strangeness flashed in your old man's eyes? Qingyu knew that it was not good. A thunderous palm appeared out of thin air and attacked Qing Yu's head with the sound of breaking wind. Qing Yu knew that if he was hit by this suddenly, his head would be broken like a watermelon.

He knew that he could no longer pretend to be stupid at this time. Before the palm wind was over, Qingyu dodged and gave up this palm. He could see that the white-haired old man killed people without blinking an eye. He came to test whether what he said was true or not. If he tested it right, it was really a passing fisherman, then it would be nothing if a fisherman died. He simply killed the other two provinces.

This is the behavior of the robber bully, but what can Qingyu say? No!

The old man stopped and stood firm. His snake-like eyes released a fine light, which seemed to be an old man's eyes, which did not match his white hair and temples. It is precisely because of the lack of adjustment that many people died at the hands of such a harmless old man. It's just that Qingyu is not a fool. He can feel that the old man's breath has reached the swordsman level from the beginning. What he doesn't know is that the general high level in the world can easily observe the low level of strength, but the low level can't see the hidden high level of strength.

Perhaps because of his inner elixir, his internal strength is much stronger than that of ordinary people, so there is such an illusion that anyone can find the real strength of this old man. He didn't ask Zhiliu and Xiong Kun. Since the appearance of the old man, they have not estimated the strength of the old man. They just felt a strong pressure, which made them breathless. They just know that the strength of the old man is far greater than them. Only Qing Yu, a person who has fought with the sword king, sword ghost, swordsman and sword guard can feel immersively. This is the dividing line of strength.

"Do you want to continue to install it?"

The old man's cold voice came to the ears of the three people, trembling like a wind. Qingyu twisted his neck and refreshed. He knew that this battle was inevitable at this time, and then there was no way forward, and he could only kill a bloody road.

Qing Yu spread his hands helplessly, "I don't think it's necessary to install it anymore"

The "very good" old man's white beard blew in the wind. He was very calm. Qingyu guessed that this was the legendary "mountain guard". Is he still not sure that the forces in this area are all ghost gardens and slaughter villages? At present, curiously asked,

"The elders are blocking our way, and there is nothing we can do. We are just three brothers of a small clan. We have to cross this bloody forest to do some chores, but we don't know which force our predecessors are under?

The old man stared at Qingyu and was really surprised by this kind of young man who was still calm at the critical moment of life and death. "What's wrong? Don't you know?"