Optimus Sword

Chapter 84 Kill all those who provoke me!!

"Without everyone's help, there is no wine and chicken legs on the table, and of course, I'm here to toast to everyone. Do it!!"

Qingyu's warm roar cheered everyone up, and the brothers standing outside, because there were not so many people fighting in the hall, they all picked up their glasses. Drink a glass of hot-throated wine.

"Tonight is our last night in this slaughterhouse. Because I got the exact news, the dogs in Ghost Garden will probably come to kill us tomorrow. Are you afraid? The second old man Jinyin didn't go back. Naturally, something happened, and they naturally sent someone to come. Preparing early is the best way.

"Don't be afraid!!"

"Okay, I admire men like you the most. Everyone licked blood from the tip of the knife. My best brother, Zhiliu and Xiong Kun, I can't live without them. Of course, you can't live today without them, don't you think?

"Yes!!!" The sound is higher than the waves. The hot wine filled their throats and roared violently.

"From today on, you are no longer independent individuals, no longer the object of bullying, you are the object of bullying others. You are brothers and brothers. From today on, you will be called [Tianfumen].

"The door of heaven is opened only for the strong, only for the brothers. Those who offend my brother will be killed without mercy."

"The Gate of Heaven is the code name of the brothers in the future. Don't mention this title to anyone. Even if you are a prisoner, you will die, and you can't reveal our secrets."

"The gate of heaven, there are two gates of demons in the north, the gate of Shuramon, and the gate of life and death. In the southeast, there are two paganisms, heavenly extincts, and ghosts. I, Qingyu, swear to God that the gate of heaven will reign over them and presume to be heaven. The gate of heaven will be opened, and the sages will sweep the whole continent. It's for Tianfu Gate!!!"

"Tianfumen, as the founder, I don't want discrimination, sexism and racial discrimination in the door. I don't want brothers to kill each other, and I don't want brothers to betray each other and fight against each other.

"Those who violate the law will be killed without mercy."

"Those who violate the law, be cut off"

"Those who violate the law, kill them on the spot!!!!"

"Kill Kill!!"

" hiss..."

There was an uproar around, and everyone quietly listened to the commander who had been smiling faintly. At this moment, his face became so serious and his face was cold, as if someone did not obey the order. The next moment, he would die on the spot.

"The Great Power~~~~"


"Those who offend my brother, those who hurt my brother, those who kill my brother, those who insult my brother, all kill them!!!"

"Those who offend my brother, those who hurt my brother, those who kill my brother, those who insult my brother, all kill them!!!" Below, Qingyu's throat was followed by more than 400 mouths, and the sound was like thunder, and the hall seemed to be deterred.

The two elders of gold and silver, the loess can't help but be moved, and the position of the leader Qingyu in their hearts is already as solid as a rock and stable as a battle.

"Those who bully my brother's wife, those who violate my border, those who steal my weapons, those who disturb my military heart, those who disturb my brotherhood, kill!!"

"Those who bully my brother's wife, those who violate my border, those who steal my weapons, those who disturb my military heart, those who disturb my brother's love, kill!!"

"From today, starting tonight, starting from this moment, starting from the fall of this glass of wine, starting from the sound of the crisp cup falling. Our brothers of Tianfumen are no longer slaves, no longer prisoners, no longer miserable people to be slaughtered, and no longer the poor people of mermaids.

"We are no worse than anyone else, we are no worse than the people of Shuramon, no worse than the people of Life and Death Gate, no worse than the people of Tianshu, no worse than the people of the Netherworld, and no worse than the people of Ghost Garden. Why do you want us to eat less and wear less and play with our lives? Why do you say that!!!"

"Why!!!" The sound reached at least a few thousand decibels, almost breaking everyone's eardrum. Almost every former prisoner brother blushed and widened his eyes, as if to roar through his throat, followed Qingyu and roared crazily.

"Wow!!! Why!!"

Qing Yu waved his hand again, and the scene became quiet for a moment.

"We are no worse than anyone. They are human beings. They drink and eat meat. Why should we be slaves, serve them wine and tea, find the beautiful women they want, and give them big fish, meat and chicken legs? Why!!! Pa!!!"

With a pat, Qingyu's cup has been heavily broken on the ground, and the flowing wine is mixed with fragments of glass porcelain, showing firm determination.

"Papa..." The sound of hundreds of glass porcelain landing.

"There is no mistake, they are dogs, just dogs///Japanese///, just like dogs///mother***. Why do we only grab a dirty mouse meat when they are holding a beautiful woman? When they eat big fish and meat, we are still salivating bitterly and feeling the bitterness in our mouths. They are pigs and beasts. They only care about their own enjoyment, but lock you in such a place and call it slaughter village.

"I'll go to TM. Slaughter him!!! Fuck!!! And that dog, that Mingfeng, he is the culprit, in order to practice foreign skills for him, for his idiotic character and wisdom, and for his selfish desires. How many brothers have been killed, how many brothers' blood is flowing on his face. Should he die!!!?"

"Daw!!! Kill him, kill him!!!"

For the first time, Qingyu's eyes showed a bloodthirsty light in front of so many people, and the deep and bottomless darkness in his dark eyes.

"That dog, the wind. Isn't he just relying on his cousin to be the owner of the ghost garden? Do you think I'm afraid of him?"

"Roar... Of course, the commander is not afraid, not afraid!!! Son of a bitch, kill him!!!"

"Since I first came out of Lingzong, this old man has hurt me and my brother again and again. Several brothers have died at their hands. Some brothers also made wrong choices because of their coercion and betrayed me. All this is because of the pursuit of the ghost garden.

"I usually smile at you with a harmonious smile, because you are my brothers and my own people. If you don't smile at your brother, who else will you smile at? To the group of old immortals in the Ghost Garden? A well-respected dog?"

"If I don't kiss my brother and don't be happy with my brother, then I will be in vain. Not a human!!!"

"Your hatred, my hatred, my brother's hatred, and these two people under my seat, Zhiliu and Xiong Kun, must be familiar to everyone. They are brothers who followed me at the beginning. Do you know?"

The person below roared, "I know!! It is to rescue our leader Xiong Kun and the brother of leader Qingyu, stop the six leaders!!! Roar..."

Qingyu nodded, "Well, if you don't believe me, Qingyu, you can. OK!!! You can ask Zhiliu, Fan Bo. I, Qingyu, will abandon my brother's people? Will I lead you to send the leader to the tiger's mouth and tell them, I, Qingyu, yes or not!???

Zhiru and Xiong Kun's eyes are also blood-red at this moment. Maybe it's because they drink too much wine, or maybe it's because of this atmosphere that deters the atmosphere of mountains and rivers, so passionately, the true colors of men resounding through the world, roar!!!

They both roared excitedly, "No!!! From my point of view, Xiong Kun couldn't explain it clearly and stood up,

"I, stop six. Since following Qingyu, Qingyu has never treated me as a subordinate, nor has he pressed me with his own leadership. Whether it is the person who kills the demon gate, no matter how dangerous or sad the road is, he is the first to take the lead!!! This kind of kindness, such brotherhood. If he treats me like this, he will be betrayed in this life!! Thousands of generations, thousands of generations, can't die well, thousands of demons eat gods, and never turn over!!!"

"That time, I was captured by two sword guards. Qing Yu could leave alone. His stay was not only worried about his life, but also most likely that all three of us would die."