Optimus Sword

Chapter 107 I am a beautiful woman


"White Night Guardian, why don't we have a good road, but have to run around the ghost garden instead of going in directly and handing over these women to the four guardians, or handing them over to the garden owner to receive rewards?" A light walker wiped the sweat on his forehead and gasped,

The man in gray clothes frowned slightly, sighed, shook his head, and stopped.

"Do you think that we can enter the Ghost Garden so smoothly and enter from the front, there will definitely be someone coming back to hang us. At that time, not only will we not make great achievements, but we will also die on the spot. Which one would you like to do? We are just walking around for a while now. After a day, when their ambush has left, we will go back.

"The nursing home is wise, but why doesn't the white wolf nursing home go back? The buried forest clan among the blood wolf murderers should not encounter great resistance, right?

The man in gray shook his head suspiciously,

"If Murong hadn't attracted the dark melt in autumn, Tianbao. We have died without a burial place for a long time, and we can't protect ourselves, let alone take care of the white wolf? Didn't that guy go with the leader in black? What are you two afraid of? What a simple task to deal with those brainless mentally retarded animals. However, although our mission is dangerous, the rewards we get are the most generous.

"Can Murong Qiu be alone?" The people below are still a little worried, because Murong Qiu helped them escape the forces of at least two sides.

"Don't worry about him. Nothing will happen to him if we all die. That guy, even if everyone in the world dies, he will run away, and he runs faster than the rabbit and faster than the rabbit's father. That guy has the ability. He would rather bear the world and don't let the world bear him. This is his nature.

"The rabbit's ancestors are not as fast as him. At least I haven't seen a swordsman, and there is no swordsman who can have his speed. Legend has it that he is... Descendants of the god of clouds.


The wind blows and the leaves are rustling, and the ground is beating.

Everyone's pace is urgent and anxious. They can't but be anxious. If they are caught up by the enemy, they will die. The footsteps rubbed on the dusty ground, lifting and putting them down, borrowing strength and force. But it's urgent.

They are running for their lives, not walking.

Of course, the pace is disordered, but there is also a certain order in the disorder. A team without order will break by itself.

Bai Ye knew this deeply. He, dressed in gray, deeply knew what the speed of soldiers was. Even if these people were just light walkers of the Ghost Garden, the Ghost Garden was not a small force, but he did not dare to go back.


Because he is afraid.

Why are you afraid?

Because not only one side of the forces are chasing them, not only the heavenly treasure of the heavenly religion, but also the dark melt of the Shuramon. They are all roles he can't afford to provoke.

Why did they chase Bai Ye?

It's just because there is a beautiful woman in Baiye's hand.

Is Tianbao and Dark Melting just to chase this beauty and want to kill her mouth?

That's naturally impossible.

Why is that?

Because that beautiful woman has what they want and the secrets that the whole continent coveted.

Shining mirror.

Gossip Array.

But he is wrong. There is another force, that is, Qingyu's Tianfu Gate, but Qingyu's Tianfu Gate is not here. But there is one of his brothers here.

Murong Qiushui.

Murong Qiushui?

Isn't he with Qingyu?

But what's the matter about the white night? Bai Ye's concern is to send this woman with the secrets of the shining mirror and gossip array to the ghost garden and give it to the garden owner or the four guardians. Then he will not only get the personal guidance of any one of the four guardians, but he may also be promoted by the garden owner and become a higher level than this guardian. The position.

For example, general manager, deputy general manager. That's all the existence of more oil and water.

"Lord, there is no way ahead. Do you want to go back to the Ghost Garden in a big circle from the right?"

The man in gray scolded,

"Idiot, won't you die if you go back? They may have followed us, but they didn't find us. In addition, we marched in a hurry, otherwise they would have been caught up long ago.

"Yes, yes. The lesson of the nursing home is, so, go to the right?"

The man in gray shook his head. Why is this man so stupid?


After saying that, she walked over to the magnificent beauty and looked at the irrespeakable beauty, with a sacred and inviolable holiness. Under the gauze, the spirit that seemed to burst out suddenly made Bai Ye's heart palpitations.

Secretly, good boy, this Princess Wanxuan is indeed a beautiful woman, and she is not an ordinary beauty. Then he said to the master and servant beside the princess,

"You can't play any means, otherwise... Kill them all."

After saying that, he glanced at the four women around the princess, which were still as magnificent as lilies. No wonder several guards escorted next to him, blushed and walked lightly.

This kind of natural charm can't be resisted by men. There is no doubt about it.

Princes Wanxuan looked at this courtyard called White Night with contempt. If it hadn't been for Murong's autumn trick, they would have been on their way to Zucheng. But at this moment, they can only become prisoners. It's okay if they are unhappy to kill themselves and others. If they humiliate themselves and these sisters, what should they do?

But on second thought, they won't do this, because she has the secrets they want, not only them, but only she knows what the whole continent coveted there.

Seeing that this ghost garden dog, Bai Ye, can shout at the princess of his ancestral city here, he can't help frowning,

"What else can we play?"

Bai Ye smiled, with some strange smiles in his eyes, drifting up and down at the beautiful princess, who is the best choice in terms of figure, appearance and temperament.

"Of course, if you play any means, although my brothers dare not touch you, I really want to try"

Princess Wanxuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and her blue eyes flashed with bright light. It was not the first time she had seen such a man's eyes.

"If you dare, of course you can try it. But the premise is, how many lives do you have?

The sound of tit-for-tat came slowly like a breeze, and Bai Ye, who became calm everywhere, couldn't help but be surprised. When the prisoner could be so arrogant, it was the first time he saw it.

"When you are a prisoner, calm down, not to mention it. Go..."

"All people set off." Bai Ye took a look at Princess Wanxuan and didn't say anything more. For this kind of 'women's army' with only a few women, he didn't believe how many waves they could make.

All the people have just finished resting and are just about to start action.

A sudden sword roar sounded, and a pink-dressed phantom fell from the sky, like a fairy falling from nine days, which stunned everyone. At this moment, all the people and all their eyes stared at the long-legged pink dress, with pink faces, but their jade fingers held a sword, which had a unique flavor.

"Since you have stopped, why do you still want to leave?"

A beautiful sound like a silver bell, with a slight cold wind, came in bursts.

All the people, as if they were not facing the enemy at this moment, but a beautiful person who fell from the sky. A fairy from nine days is like a fairyland.

The paused eyes of the white night were just slightly stagnant and immediately recovered, but because his task was there, anyone might meet him along the way. Maybe what is left to him is death.

Instead of enjoying the immortals going down here. He knew that although this woman was beautiful, she was not what he could cove, and now was not the time to admire the beauty. His head was poured like cold water, and he suddenly woke up.

"Don't be confused by her, or you will be killed on the ground!!!"

The violent shouts, fierce threats and severe punishment made the dizzy light walkers wake up like enlightenment. They saw the beautiful and beautiful face under the peerless face, but it was slightly cold and murderous. The murderous spirit has been spreading to the sword, the silver-white sword.

They were immediately surprised to know that the comer was not as gentle and charming as her beauty and appearance.

Bai Ye knew that this person was not simple, so he drank

"Who are you? Do you know what will happen if you stand in our way?

"Gig..." The gentle and light voice flew like a swallow. Everyone only felt that they had heard such a beautiful voice in their lives. This person only responded to the sky, and it was rare to ask for it in the world.

The delicate jade hand raised the sword, the shadow of the sword waved in the hand, and the roar of the sword had already stopped.

I only heard the beautiful face stag, and then giggled,

"What's the end? Don't scare me..."

The light walkers almost sprayed nosebleed, and saw the thin veil as cicada wings, the looming snow-white skin, and the delicate appearance and gorgeous face on their faces.

"Leader... This... This..."

Bai Ye's eyes frowned slightly,

"Take her down, this is a witch!!!"

"The witch? Ge..." The beautiful woman laughed again, and the sound did not decrease but increase, but in a blink of an eye, it turned into a cold voice, which deeply stung everyone's hearts.

"Won my death? Then come on."

"Drink..." The sword roar sounded again. Bai Ye thought he didn't have such a powerful power, and it was not so fast. Is it possible that this man... Hasn't it been the level of swordsman for a long time? Swordsman!!!!


If so, isn't she aimed at... Is Princess Wanxuan here?

Bai Ye's eyes turned around and guessed a general idea. The other party did not simply 't tease' them at all, but came to rob the darts!!!

But I said harsh words, but I can't be soft at this moment. In front of so many brothers and so many men, if I am soft, how can I afford this face?