Killing Eight Wastes

Chapter 17 Amazing

After getting drunk on this day, Lu Feng made a plan to strengthen himself and began to live a shallow life. 30 push-ups and 50 sit-ups every day. The strength is not great, but as far as his current body is concerned, it is also to the limit. In addition, he has to practice a set of boxing and a few simple swordsmanship that his mother taught him every day. Although he can never think of it when fighting with people, or even if he can't play a role because he is not in place and his strength is too weak, it is still good to practice for the future.

Every night, he will sit quietly **, feel the spirit entering the body from the top of his head, and then slowly disperse in the body. At this time, a faint and confident smile will emerge from the corners of his mouth. This is the state that can only be felt by those who are known as extremely talented. It is this state that makes him full of confidence in his talent and the long road of refining in the future.

In addition to going to the quiet oasis in the northwest of Shaming Village every day to collect herbs to maintain her family's livelihood, Jieya will also carefully guide Lu Feng in her spare time and tell Lu Feng about the knowledge of gas refining. Jieya was also very gratified to see that Lu Feng practiced martial arts so hard at a young age.

Shuier basically stays with Lu Feng every day. Lu Feng practiced martial arts, and she was watching.

Lu Feng also sings for Shuier, tells jokes, plays games and so on when he rests, and tries his best to speak and behave like a child, revealing some children's innocence.

During this period, with the protection of the black guard of the Lu family, Lu Feng also fell silent. Some outsiders were killed by the black guards when they wanted to attack him. He secretly celebrated that if he hadn't had the courage to return to Shaming Village, he would have been in a different place. Of course, he is very clear about the purpose of the Lu family's protection. It's nothing more than fat water does not flow to other people's fields and catch big fish on a long line.

As the days went by, his body became much stronger with daily hard exercise.

While enjoying this joy, he is also looking forward to the early arrival of the talent test.

He is sure that he will be amazing on that day.

As time went by, half a year passed, and the talent test of the Lu family arrived as scheduled.

The talent test of the Lu family is on the first day of March every year. The scope of the talent test in the clan is all family members who are seven years old and no more than 18 years old and have not yet formed a professional ontology.

On this day, the weather is fine, and the red sun rises in the east.

Lu Feng got up early, washed her face clean, wore a brand-new coarse blue shirt, and was led into the Lu family courtyard by Jieya in a golden morning light.

Today, he is the focus.

He is looking forward to it. Lu Wushuang, Lu Lin, Lu Chong and others are also looking forward to it, and even the patriarch Lu Fang and other core figures of the family are also looking forward to it. Even if everyone has different thoughts, they are in the same mood at this moment. They all want to see what the inspirational talent known as the first clever ghost in Shaming Village is.

The test order is carried out according to the status in the family, and it can only be ranked at the end as an alien of Lu Feng.

Lu Feng was not in a hurry, so he stood quietly beside Jieya and watched the children of the Lu family who had been tested walk down from the stage one by one after the test.

At nearly noon, the elder who performed the talent test finally read out a name: "Lu Feng."

At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on Lu Feng.

Even Lu Wushuang put his two small hands on his mouth and shouted to Lu Feng, "Lu Feng, I'm optimistic about you. Don't let me down."

Lu Feng smiled faintly, walked to the stage, and gently put his right hand on the spirit stone.

He did not look at the spiritual stone, but looked contemptuously at the two useless existences of Lu Hao and Lu Chong.

He firmly believes that the spirit stone will shine brightly for him at this moment.


The elder took a look at the spirit stone and didn't seem to see it clearly. He stared at it again, and then announced loudly, "Lu Feng, the spirit, the second paragraph."


Lu Feng turned around in an instant.

However, when he saw the two red light spots that could not be dimmed on the spirit stone, he was dumbfounded.


He suddenly shouted and unwillingly raised his palm and put it on the spirit stone again and again.

The result is still the two faint but dazzling red spots.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that he was very stupid, simply a mess.


The Lu family's compound is as if it has exploded.

Lu Wushuang covered his mouth and stared at Lu Feng on the stage with a pair of beautiful eyes.

Jia's beautiful face flashed many faces, and then gently raised her arm and waved to Lu Feng.

Shui'er asked her mother softly, "Mom, what's wrong? Is Brother Feng's talent bad?"

On the other side, Lu Hao, Lu Chong and several other children of the Lu family laughed, and all kinds of ridicule and ridicule erupted endlessly.

Not to mention these children, all the members of the Lu family are pointing at Lu Feng on the stage and laughing.


On this day, Lu Feng was really amazing.

However, it is not amazing with good talent, but amazing waste.

At the age of seven, such a talent has been rare in the whole Shaming Village for hundreds of years.

Lu Feng was dumbfounded.

Lu Fang and Lu Lin are also dumbfounded. The two of them are still waiting for Lu Feng to form a professional body as soon as possible. If the Yue Lingzhu is on Lu Feng, Lu Feng will definitely swallow it into his body after forming a professional body, and they can get the Yue Lingzhu at that time. They never thought that Lu Feng's spiritual absorption talent would be a mess, seven-year-old and two-stage spiritual spirit. If such spiritual absorption talent is to form a professional ontology, they really don't know that it will be the year of the monkey. Maybe there will be no hope for a lifetime. If so, won't the moon beads never surface?

The ridicule and ridicule filled the whole Lu family compound, and a pair of contemptuous eyes floated over Lu Feng's body.

Maybe Lu Feng is too smart and has always been a famous smart ghost in the village, so at this moment when he became a waste, these ridicule was particularly enthusiastic.

Lu Feng stood stupidly and felt dizzy. If Jieya hadn't rushed up and hugged her, she would have fainted on the spot.

The test results of the talent of spiritual absorption are like a bolt from the blue, which will hit Lu Feng, who believes that the talent of spiritual absorption will be no less than that of Lai Liu and Lu Wushuang.

The talent of spiritual absorption is too important, which directly determines a person's path of gas refining. In the wild continent of absorbing spirits and refining qi, the talent of absorbing spirits is fundamental. Without good talent, it loses the foundation of becoming a strong man and can only become a soft persimmon that can be pinched by others.

This is not what Lu Feng wants.

On the same day, when Lai Liu asked about his ideals, he said that he would save his life for the time being, but he did not spit out his true wish. His wish was to become a strong man and stand proudly on the top of the continent as a traveler.

But now...

After this day, Lu Feng changed and became silent.

For good, his will has not completely collapsed. After lasting for more than a month, he finally regained himself and continued to exercise according to his strong body plan every day.

However, his smile is obviously much less, and his personality is much more lonely. Even when he is with Lai Liu, he is silent.

He seldom goes out again.

As long as you go out, endless ridicule and ridicule will continue to come like a tide.

Waste, these two words have been completely bound to him.

The days are still going on.

He is not completely desperate yet.

He is unwilling, and he is waiting for the arrival of the second talent test.

At the age of eight, every child should not only test their spiritual absorption talent, but also be tested for the five elements of the human body.