Killing Eight Wastes

Chapter 42 Wonderful Feeling

Any soul is just a remnant in an extremely weak state. It is not difficult to eliminate a remnant, and the mind is easy to kill. If the soul of the bone queen and the soul of the god dog and the demon god swallowing the sky really fight in the unknown airbag in his mind, he is confident that he is sure of this.

Lu Feng's good calculation is indeed very good.

However, although the abacus is good, there is also a premise that he can withstand the fierce turmoil brought by the three souls fighting. This kind of soul swing is extremely terrible. If it is light, the soul is injured, and it is in a trance that you don't know who it is. If the soul disintegrates, the soul will directly fly away.

This is a bit like fighting for life, which can be said to be quite risky.

Lu Feng didn't think so much. When he decided to do so, he had only one idea, that is, how to kill these three souls and how to survive.

In the body, the three souls are still fighting and becoming more and more fierce.

Under the impact of the waves of soul, his head was bursting and his consciousness was chaotic. If it hadn't been for his inability to move, he would have held his head and hit the wall.

I don't know how long this feeling of life is worse than death. A strong soul fluctuation came from the depths of his mind. His clenched teeth trembled, let out an unbearable painful howling, and he fell into a direct unconscious.


The coma lasted for a few days.

When he woke up again, it was still dark and the starlight outside the window.

There is still a small hand of water in my heart.

He still smelled the fragrant and soft bed and the body fragrance of water.

He raised his finger intentionally or unintentionally, but he still couldn't move...

Everything is still the same, as if he had never been in a coma, just blinking his eyes.

But he knew that he was indeed in a coma and survived in a coma.

Since he is still alive and has withstood the destruction caused by the three soul struggles, now is the time for the fisherman to profit and clean up the remnant souls.

He quietly snorted, instantly gathered a strong stream of consciousness, and rushed to the depths of his mind. He can't see what he has done. He is just fantasizing, just like dreaming, like killing a terrible opponent in a dream. It's funny, but he did succeed.

At this time, he vaguely felt that he had condensed the powerful stream of consciousness into a gun of death, poking somewhere deep in his mind...

Huh? What's the matter?"

The long gun scratched through his dark mind, and he did not find a remnant soul, only the unknown airbag suspended in his mind and gently swinging.

He didn't dare to touch this airbag. He vaguely felt that it belonged to him. If he destroyed it with one shot, he may ruin himself.

He turned the long gun condensed into an endless stream of consciousness, which spread to every corner of his mind and searched carefully. After a thorough investigation and making sure that no remnants were found, he took a long breath and said happily, "It's really an unexpected good result to die together. The three cancers are gone, and I can finally survive safely."

He took a long breath and took a deep breath, and his mood was extremely comfortable.

Suddenly, in this breath, he inexplicably had a wonderful feeling.

He actually felt that the pores of his whole body were open in one breath, and as he inhaled, he felt a faint stream of air slowly enter his body.

"Is this the breath of the spirit?"

His heart suddenly shook.

If he can sit up, he will definitely sit upright at this moment**.

It's wonderful.

Before, this sense of spiritual breathing only existed in the skull, but now, it can be felt all over the body.

What the hell is going on? Didn't the three souls fight in the body kill him, but changed his soul-absorbing talent? How is this possible?

He is a little excited. If the talent of spiritual absorption is really changed, the way forward...

He almost laughed.

However, as soon as he opened his mouth, he closed it silently. He is thinking, does the sense of spiritual inhalation really represent the talent of spiritual absorption?

He used to think so, but after being teased by the air above his head, he was a little suspicious. If this sense of absorption of pores around the body is only your own illusion, or has nothing to do with the talent of absorbing spirits, isn't it being laughed at by others? Thinking of this, the excitement just now suddenly disappeared without a trace.

But he thought again, even if this sense of absorption has nothing to do with the talent of absorbing spirits, it at least accelerates the absorption speed of the spirit, doesn't it?

As soon as his mind moved, he calmed down and began to breathe consciously and rhythmically.

Suction, suction...

The pores around him began to breathe regularly under his conscious control, and countless weak airflows entered the body regularly with breathing. As soon as they enter the body, these hair-like airflows will go around. Once they meet, they will gather together and continue to swim...

After countless suctions, the airflow swimming in the body has converged as thick as a little finger.

At this time, the airflow seemed to be attracted by something, swimming to the head, and then swam around the body from top to bottom, gathered into a ball and sank into the abdomen.

"The level of the spirit has actually been promoted to the fourth stage. Self-absorption and self-condensation, is it really a spiritual spirit?

After the airflow condensed into the air mass and sank into the abdomen and no longer swam away, Lu Feng was finally excited again.

This feeling is too strong.

His talent for absorbing spirits is a mess, so in the past, he regarded every sense of promotion of the spirit as life. Every time he advanced, he would spend a few days quietly to understand it, trying to understand the mystery of seeking change, so his feeling of absorbing, cohesizing and advancing the spirit is extremely * *Strong, it can be said that even without the "spirit stone" test, he can now clearly know the level of his spirit.

He confirmed his judgment and determined that the spirit in his body was definitely four paragraphs.

With a long breath, he calmed down again and felt the sense of absorption just now.

He needs to understand the mystery. This kind of suction may be only temporary. If so, he must learn something from it...

"Fuck, here we go again."

Just as he calmed down and was about to immerse himself in selflessness, two cold airflows in his body somehow rushed out again. When he collapsed, he couldn't help swearing and gritting his teeth to resist...

Under the destruction of the wonderful source of heaven and earth, such as Ice and Fire Dragon Heart Fruit, I have to say that everything he has done is just a futile resistance.

There was no suspense. After a moment, he was in a coma again.

What a poor child.

Whoever sees a child suffering from such terrible torture can't help but feel distressed.

He was in a coma.

But the suction of the pores around his body did not stop suction because of his coma. Instead, the suction was more powerful, and the inhaled airflow was also enhanced a lot...


He still doesn't know how long he has been in a coma.

But this time I woke up not at night, but in the morning.

This made him a little relieved. If it was still night, the window was still starlight, and the water's hand was still on his heart, he would really doubt whether he was dreaming.

As soon as his eyes opened, he just looked out of the window, and a wet and hot towel was gently applied to his face. Then, he heard Shuier's voice: "Brother Feng, you finally woke up. You are really scared to death."

Lu Feng smiled, and her smile was full of too many feelings.

Of course, he looked at the top of his head and smiled.

After wiping his face, Shuier brought a fruit plate, picked up a small piece of red and white pastry with her little hand and put it in his mouth, and said, "Brother Feng, do you know how many days you have been unconscious? For five days, fortunately, my mother said that you would be fine, otherwise the water... didn't know what to do.

Lu Feng didn't have time to speak. Because his mouth is busy and he is busy eating the cakes in his mouth.

He is very hungry.

Shui'er was afraid that he would choke, so she stroked his chest and whispered, "This cake was made by my mother last night. Shui'er didn't eat a bite, just waiting for Brother Feng to wake up and eat it together. Is it delicious?"

Lu Feng hummed twice, but still just ate. Seeing the delicious food, the water kept putting it in his mouth. Lu Feng ate eight pieces in a row and a few pieces of glutinous rice cake. After drinking a bowl of porridge, he was still full.

In a comfortable mood, he subconsciously closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

The breath of the spirit is still continuing.

His heart beat faster and couldn't resist the ecstasy.

Shui'er saw it and was about to ask him why he was so happy when her mother Jieya came in from the house. She immediately shouted, "Mom, Brother Feng woke up, Brother Feng woke up."

"Hello, Aunt Jieya, please worry about Feng'er."

Lu Feng looked above his head and greeted him politely.

"It's good if you have nothing to do. If you don't wake up again, Aunt Jieya will really die."

Jie put a pink bouquet in her hand in a vase on the table and went to Lu Feng to ask how she felt. Lu Feng said lightly that it was much better. It's okay. Jieya knew Lu Feng's personality and knew that no matter how much pain the child suffered, he would not say it, so she said, "Feng'er, if there is anything wrong with your body, just tell your aunt. Let's figure it out earlier, understand?"


Lu Feng nodded.

He actually nodded.

Really, he nodded and his neck moved.

Shui'er and Jieya saw it and were directly stunned.

Lu Feng didn't realize it and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Shuier covered her mouth and said, "Brother Feng, you nodded, you really nodded."

Lu Feng was surprised and said, "Really?"

He couldn't believe it, so he tried to nod. Sure enough, he nodded his head. He tried to twist left and right again, and his neck could really move. Excited, he tried other parts of his body.

There is no surprise, and other parts still cannot be moved.

But it doesn't matter. If your neck moves, it proves that there is hope. As long as you have time, it is not hopeless to stand up again.

Jieya sat by the bed and stroked Lu Feng's head and comforted him, "Feng'er, take your time. This is a good start, isn't it?"

Lu Feng said with a heavy head, "Hmm."

He suddenly liked the feeling of nodding and couldn't wait to say every word.