Killing Eight Wastes

Chapter 80 Egg Broken phantom

In the night, Lu Feng moved like a sensitive black cat.

He rushed out of Shaming Village. Under his vigilance, he subconsciously looked around and sniffed. Then he put on iron armor and ran into the desert.

Running with heavy load is a good exercise to improve your body and mobility. For several months, he has been shrinking in the rock valley and has never run so freely. Although in the rock valley, he also ran up and down in the rock valley and did high-load sports, but such sports could not be so enjoyable to let go.

There is soft yellow sand under his feet. Every time he runs, his iron boots will fall into the yellow sand. The iron boots are raised and bring up a ball of yellow sand. He is like a crazy bison, alternating his feet and running crazily.

His speed is very fast, and his running speed at this time has completely exceeded his previous running speed without armor.

After running crazily for a while, he ventured to stimulate the moon beads in his body. The moon spirit beads rotated, and the golden light permeated from his body, and his speed increased again. In the night, he passed through the boundless desert like a wandering comet.

Mount Dagoral is right ahead.

He was worried that he would be discovered by the miners who got up early, so he disappeared the light of Yuelingzhu, bypassed the mining area far away, and wandered to the back mountain.

The night has melted a little, the east has become a little white, and the sky is about to dawn.

Looking up at the sky, he took a few deep breaths and continued to run.

Suddenly, there was a light in front of us, and a light curtain rose to the sky in front of it, reflecting the whole Dagoral Mountain.

Colorful beams of light, wrapped in colorful light, like five dragons hovering up.

In the faint, there seems to be the sound of dragon singing.

He was a little stunned.

Suddenly, he came to his senses and shouted, "No, isn't that the direction where Yangu is located? Shit, my egg."

He didn't have time to think about what was going on. He had begun to run. As soon as his armor was closed, his speed suddenly doubled.

A few flashes and jumps, and he has drilled into the crevice.

In the rock gap, he can still see the projected five-color light, but the light is gradually fading. He sniffed a few deep, and a strange expression appeared on his face and rushed in.

The five-color light has completely diminished, as if it had never appeared. He glanced at the rock valley and saw beef and wine jar on a stone.

Obviously, Lai Liu has been here. He shouted, "Lai Liu, what the hell? What about people?"

As he moved and looked around, he suddenly found that the big egg was missing. At that moment, he shouted, "Where's the egg? Where's my big egg? How could this happen?"

In front of us are broken eggshells and an unknown**. He was anxious and shouted again, "Why is the egg broken? Where's my original summoning beast?"

He roared twice, but no one answered. He shrugged his nose and sniffed, shifted his eyes to a cave made by a crystal beast, and then vertically penetrated his body and got in. After drilling for a while, Lai Liu's coquettish voice sounded in front of him: "Good boy, where have you been? Come out quickly."

"What's wrong with this boy?" He was stunned, held his breath and walked slowly. During the march, I heard Lai Liu shout again, "Master, can I kneel down for you? Come out quickly. If you don't come out, Lu Feng will have to come back and play with me."

"Puff~" Lu Feng couldn't help laughing, "What the hell? Damn it, why is my egg broken? Lai Liu was shocked and turned his head and said, "Do you squeak? It scared me to death." Lu Feng said with a straight face, "Where are your eggs?" Lai Liu's eyes rumbled, shook his fingers, and pointed to Lu Feng, "Okay, you scared away your summoning beast. It's my business."

Lu Feng said faintly, "I was scared away?" Lai Liu said, "I was about to catch it just now. As soon as you shouted, you were scared away again. I don't know where to go."

Lu Fengxin said, "Is it because the five-color light just now was sent by my own summoning beast? Good boy, there was such a big movement just after birth. Is my summoning beast really a mythical beast..." At this time, he suddenly smelled several strange breaths and hurried to Lai Liu's side and whispered, "It's broken. There are many people coming." Lai Liu looked tight and said, "Do you know who it is?" Lu Feng shook his head and said, "I don't know." With that, he looked up at the cave and said, "Can this cave go out?" Lai Liu said, "I don't know." Lu Feng cursed in a low voice, "Fuck, if you hadn't broken my balls, you wouldn't have attracted people."

Lai Liu's innocent stall said, "Well, let me break it. I came to see you. When I was bored, I climbed up to sleep with the big egg. Unexpectedly, your egg clicked. I was shocked. Before I could jump down, the egg broke..." Lu Feng said, "Isn't you doing this? Pay for my eggs." Lai Liu said, "It's enough to find your summoning beast."

Lu Feng said depressedly, "What is it?" Lai Liu said, "I don't know. A piece of light directly dazzled my eyes. I rubbed my eyes and saw a black light running into this cave. It disappeared. I chased in and looked around. As soon as I found it, I was scared away by you." Lu Feng said excitedly, "What does it look like?" Lai Liu shook his head and said, "I didn't see it clearly."

Lu Feng was dizzy and was about to punch him. He was very nervous and pulled Lai Liu down and whispered, "Here we are going to run. I buried three fire mines before. * In the cave behind the stone where you put the beef, we quietly climbed out, threw two fire mines, and then rushed to the cave over there in the chaos. Lai Liu looked around and said, "Don't you want the summoning beast?" Lu Feng stared and said, "It's hard to protect your life. What are you talking about summoning beasts? Let's go." With that, he threw Zhang Lingpi to Lai Liu and put it on. He turned around and was about to drill out.

At this moment, a black light suddenly shot at Lu Feng from a corner. Lu Feng was shocked, and with a sound of banging, the iron knife had been pulled out and cut down the black light with a knife. Lai Liu blinked twice, suddenly waved his hands and shouted extremely nervously, "No, no, your summoning beast..." Lu Feng heard it in his ear, but it was too late to receive the knife. Seeing that the black light was about to be split by him, he couldn't help closing his eyes and sighing, "Oh, what a bitch."


The airflow fluctuated in his ear, and he felt something fall on his shoulder. He opened his eyes in surprise and glanced sideways at his shoulder. He saw a dark thing standing half of his body, and two dripping black eyes were looking at him.

"Snake?" He screamed and pushed it up with one hand. Unexpectedly, the thing wrapped around his palm directly. He shook it hard, but he couldn't shake it down and jumped up in a hurry.

Looking at Lu Feng's appearance, Lai Liu couldn't help laughing and said, "I didn't expect you to be afraid of snakes like this?" Lu Feng jumped and said, "Get it down for me. I'm most afraid of snakes." Lai Liu said, "Don't move, be careful that it bites you." Lu Feng was stunned, stood on his feet and looked at the palm of his hand. At this time, he saw the slippery black thing wrapped around his wrist clearly.

The black crystal is shining, a little long, and the head is a little strange, like a snake but not like a snake. At this time, this thing looked at him, and his eyes flashed, and he couldn't help rubbing his wrist with his head, as if he were acting coquettish.

"Is this my destiny summoning beast?" Lu Feng fixed his eyes on the eyebrows of this thing and moved his mind. The eyebrows of this thing really showed a dark purple diamond-shaped dark mark. He wondered and thought, "How can it be? Such a big egg is hatched by a dinosaur. How can such a small thing come out? It doesn't make sense..."

"Fuck, you attracted people. What should I do?"

Lai Liu pulled Lu Feng aside.

Lu Feng's mind moved, and the black snake rushed into his arms. He took out a thunderbolt and held it in his hand and said, "I'm going to summon the beast. His uncle, the thunderbolt greeted them, and we will escape in the chaos." With that, he took out the fire fold and hit the fire thunder, and threw it out along the cave.


A loud noise, the cave collapsed, debris splashed everywhere, and then there were a few screams.

"Let's go."

Getting up from the ground, Lu Feng put on armor and pulled Lai Liu out.

The bones of the people in the cave have long been bombed. The two climbed through a pile of large and small rocks and ran to the mouth of the cave in a few steps. Attached to the ground and looked out, I saw three piles of people standing in the rock valley, keeping a distance. Several of them knew Lu Feng, as if they were from Bart's family, but the other two teams had faces. Looking at these people, Lu Feng couldn't help sneering and said, "There are really many hidden people in Shaming Village."

He wink at Lai Liu, and Lai Liu also took out a fire thunder. The two had a pair of eyes, lit a fire and thunder at the same time, and threw it out.

"No, hurry up."

Ah? It's a thunder~"


Two fire mines exploded at the same time, and powerful air waves directly swept the whole rock valley.

Lu Feng raised his buried head, waved off half of his bloody arm in front of him, and whispered, "Go, enter that cave and keep running." As soon as the armor was collected and his body flashed, Lu Feng rushed out first.

"Someone, chase."

An old man in a long silver robe found Lu Feng. As soon as he raised his palm, a fireball began to condense. Lu Feng moved faster, directly lit the thunder that had already held in his hand, and threw it over and said, "Go to hell."


The fire thunder collided with the fireball hit by the old man and exploded directly.


That is, in the sound of the explosion, Lu Feng and Lai Liu have rushed into another cave.

Lai Liu ran wildly. Lu Feng pinched three * and nodded, "Hey, today, you will all be buried here."

The sparks shine, shining on Lu Feng's ferocious face.

He doesn't know who came tonight. However, he knew that if he fell into the hands of these people, he would never have a good end, so he wanted these people to die.

When the fire mine was buried, he had gone through simple mechanics and blasting inference. As long as these three fire mines exploded, the whole rock valley would be filled with collapsed rocks, and no one could escape.

* "snorting" burns rapidly along the hidden ditch.

"Chase, catch that boy."

"Quick, don't let them take the lead."

The shouting sounded again.

"Come on."

Lu Feng took out two more fire thunderbolt and threw them out of the cave. He turned around and quickly rushed out.