Killing Eight Wastes

Chapter 93 First encounter with the demon

The dark green skin is pitted, somewhat similar to crocodile skin, like armor. The face is also pitted, but fortunately, it can tell that it is still a human face. The most strange thing is the eyes, which are transparent with pink fluorescence, which looks very horrible.

This is the first time Lu Feng has seen a demon.

He is a kind person, so when he sees the demon, his first consciousness is not disgusting and afraid, but sighing about the experience of the demon.


The demon man pulled the horse's leg and drilled out of the ground. As soon as he pulled his with his dry hand and opened his mouth, he bit the horse's buttocks. The horse was sad, but struggled a few times, and fell down like a wall.

The other horse was frightened and turned around two times in place. He turned around and ran, but after only a few steps, two demons drilled out of the ground and bit it to the ground.

Lu Feng stared at the demon who was half kneeling on the ground and sucking horse blood in front of him. Even if the demon is half kneeling, his body is one head higher than ordinary people, and from the devil's face, it can be faintly distinguished that he is just a sixteen or seventeen-year-old teenager.

For a moment, a trace of compassion rose in Lu Feng's heart and said, "These demons are also very pitiful. I think they used to be normal people, but now they have become like this and lose their minds and become the object of being hunted. Alas, if there is any way to make them return to normal people again..."

But he just thought that in this situation, stupid pity will only die and become a demon like the demon in front of him, either killing human beings or being hunted. Seeing that there were two demons not far away, he immediately held the knife in both hands and said to Lai Liu, who had already arched his arrows, "It's difficult for us to deal with the three-headed demons. Let's kill this one together first."

"Good!" Lai Liu pulled his left hand, and the arrow locked the throat of the demon in front of Lu Feng and shot it out.

The demon was lowering his head to suck horse blood. Maybe he heard the sound of the broken wind of the arrow and suddenly raised his head to look at the direction of the arrow.


The arrow hit the devil's left shoulder and failed to fall into the devil's body. It seemed to shoot on the armor. It bounced back and fell to the ground.

"Damn, is the skin so thick?"

Lai Liu was a little shocked that one arrow failed to cause damage to the demon.

The demon was shot with an arrow, "Jie~" shouted, stood up, with horse blood flowing from the corners of his mouth, and gasping for breath. In his mouth, a tooth grows more than half of the other teeth, and the teeth that almost come out of the lips glow faintly white in the moonlight. Needless to say, this unique tooth should be the so-called magic tooth.

Lai Liu saw that the demon looked at him and quickly drew an arrow and arched, ready to shoot again.

The demon man has been annoyed and can't allow him to shoot out again. He screamed a few times and rushed over.

Looking at the light red fog slowly floating around the demon, Lu Feng hurriedly reminded Lai Liu, "Be careful, this guy should be about five stars." With that, the big knife waved and poked directly into the demon's vest.

The demon's fierce right palm slapped back and patted straight to the top of Lu Feng's Tianmen. Seeing the flames in his palm, Lu Feng knew that the other party was a five-star fire attribute entry level. Although the demon's level was two stars higher than him, he did not hide when he slapped his palm. The big knife still poked and poked the devil's heart. Wearing a helmet and the skull of the devil swallowing the sky, even a character like Lu Fang can't beat him. How can he be this demon?

The devil's palm came first, and the "pa" fell on the helmet, and a feeling of heat immediately hit through the helmet.

"48 points of flame damage, good guy, how can it be so high."

Lu Feng clearly felt the numerical flame damage value. Although the physical damage value of this palm is not large and can't break the defense of the helmet at all, the flame damage will be transmitted through the helmet. He didn't want his hair to be burned out again, so he hurriedly shrank his head and gave up his helmet. At the same time, he sent another big knife in his hand and stabbed into the devil's heart.

He was secretly happy that this knife could result the demon. Unexpectedly, the tip of the knife only pierced eight inches, and it could no longer pierce it. When he was wondering, the demon suddenly stepped on his chest and directly stepped on his chest and flew him upside down.

It was also at this moment that Lai Liu's second arrow had been shot, "puffing" through the devil's throat.

The demon fell and died.

Lu Feng got up, looked at the demon skeptically, and then looked at Lai Liu and said, "Is the demon with the five-star entry stage of magic practice so tolerant? It's impossible. Why can't I stab him in with that knife, but you can shoot him in the throat with an arrow?

Lai Liu said proudly: "It is the strength of the hunter to understand the opponent's weakness. Although it is not as good as the assassin, it is not as good as the hunter's mind. Remember, the devil's throat is a weakness, and the killer will attack his throat.

Although Lu Feng believes that the insight of hunters and assassins is stronger than other professions, he does not believe that Lai Liu has insight into the weaknesses of the demon at a glance, because Lai Liu's first arrow was shot into the throat of the demon, and Lai Liu can never understand the deadly points of the demon without knowing anything about the demon. There is also a possibility that Lai Liu heard it from the three flower mouths at the third fork.

In fact, the fatal point of the demon is indeed heard by Lai Liu from the three beglings. Lai Liu is a hunter. His insight is indeed stronger than other professions, but insight is not easy to say. In the face of his opponent's strength, he may be able to see through it at a glance, but when he is stronger than his opponent, he can't see through it at a glance, only in battle. He is just a 4-star entry hunter. Naturally, it is impossible to see through the fatal point of the demon who is a 5-star entry magician at a glance.

In terms of strength, Lai Liu and Lu Feng, a 3-star entry-level warrior and a 4-star entry-in assassin, even if the two work together, in the face of a 5-star entry-level magician, it is impossible to win so easily. However, after the opponent becomes a demon, his mind has been completely destroyed, which is similar to that of a puppet in terms of reaction and consciousness, Far less than normal people, so with their joint efforts, they can easily kill this demon.

"There are still two ends over there, one for each of us."

Lu Feng waved his knife first and ran to the other two demons who still bowed his head to eat horse blood.

Lai Liu said hello, put on his armor, took out his dagger and followed him.

They are trained, not for the purpose of killing demons. What they want is to fight, practice in battle, and improve their strength.

Lu Feng has stimulated the moon spirit beads, wearing golden moonlight, and his whole body is shrouded in the golden standing atmosphere, fighting with a demon. The golden standing qi is quite similar to the metallic fighting qi color, so you don't have to worry about being seen through the effect of the moon spirit beads. As long as no one knows him and knows that he is Lu Feng, there is no doubt that Yue Lingzhu will be in him.

This demon is 1 star stronger than that of the demon just now, and he happens to be a warrior. Fighting with the same profession is the most enjoyable thing. Lu Feng tried his best to draw with this 6-star demon who lost his mind.

Lai Liu met a 4-star wooden attribute entry-level mage, which was meaningless. With just a few moves, he put a sword on the devil's neck, ended the battle, and sat aside to watch Lu Feng's move.

Lu Feng was very patient. He took out 18 kinds of weapons and used them. The basic swordsmanship, basic swordsmanship and so on passed in turn. Several times, he clearly hoped to cause heavy damage to the demon, but he gave up and did not kill.

This fight was in the middle of the night. Lai Liu had taken a nap, but Lu Feng was more and more enjoyable, and the demon was tired and out of breath. It is estimated that if he can't fight for a while, the demon will be weak.

At this time, the two horses that had been bitten by the demon suddenly twitched violently and hissed. Lai Liu was awakened and looked at one of them. After the horse twitched, his bones and skin changed and turned dark green like a demon. Finally, the horse turned over and stood up. Lai Liu took a few steps back just in case.

After the horse got up, he turned around twice, suddenly stepped away, and rushed straight to Lai Liu. Lai Liu hurriedly dodged sideways. The horse hit the air and immediately turned around and hit it again. Lai Liu avoided it again and said to himself, "After the horse was bitten, it was actually demonized. Grandma, it really bites something and something is finished. Well, let's get rid of these two horses." He pulled out his short sword and greeted him. After a few moves, he cut off the horse's head.

He went to find another horse, but the horse disappeared. He thought he had run away, but he didn't bother to look for it and continued to sit and take a nap. Just as soon as I was confused and a little sleepy, thinking about whether to lie down and sleep for a while, I suddenly heard Lu Feng shouting, "Get up, a group of demons are coming. Let's run." He was sleepless and immediately stood up and looked around. When he saw that there were almost eight or nine demons rushing in front of him, one of them was still riding a horse, as if he were a small leader, and the horse he was riding seemed to be the one who had just run away.

They can still deal with two or three demons, but eight or nine demons are absolutely impossible. Besides, they don't know the strength of those demons. Once there is a honement, they will join the demon brigade.

Lu Feng jumped up and cut out nine knives repeatedly, and then turned it into a cut. One knife resulted in the demon in front of him and said, "Run, what are you still stunned?" Lai Liu pointed back helplessly and said, "I'm surrounded. Where are you going?" Lu Feng saw that he was hit by both ends. At that moment, he was stunned and scolded, "Who the fuck said that the devil has no mind, but he knows tactics and actually says that he has no mind."

The demon has surrounded, and the two have to lean back to back.

Maybe he saw that the two had become turtles in the urn, and the demon did not launch an attack, but surrounded them. In this way, the demon is really not without IQ, but a pure beast-like existence.

In Lai Liu's eyes, people are sometimes better than beasts, because people have greed and their greed is endless. Animals are satisfied when they are full, but people will think about the next meal when they are full. He shouted at the demon, "What are you doing? We're just going to walk around." Seeing that the demon was motionless, he shouted, "Let us go. I'll give you the elixir?"

The demon on horseback looked at Lai Liu and suddenly said a few words at the eight demons around him. I don't know what it means. Lai Liu thought that the demons were discussing, so he said to Lu Feng proudly, "How about it? Brother, this is a good hand, isn't it? As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the eight demons moving together and rushed towards the two of them.

Lu Feng shouted, "Good hammer." He waved a big knife and met the demon who rushed at him.

Two against eight, there is absolutely no chance of winning, not to mention six demons who have not done anything and are watching the battle.

After only a few moves, Lu Feng and the two were knocked to the ground and almost bitten.

Lai Liu shouted, "No, use the fire thunder, or it will really be over." Lu Feng said, "The fire thunder is too noisy. Don't use it until the critical moment. Don't panic. We will work together and kill one by one." Lai Liu said, "Okay, you fight against me." Lu Feng said, "Yes." He jumped and plunged into the demons.