Killing Eight Wastes

Chapter 103 "Internal Healing Dan"? Damn it

Lu Feng stood with arrows, fireballs, water masses, and messy things to greet him.

He twisted his body and wanted to jump out diagonally, but he only jumped one weight and could only jump once. If he wanted to jump twice, he had to borrow his strength. In the air, he has nowhere to borrow. The situation was critical, and he didn't care so much. He forced himself to exercise the second "lam jump" and pulled out a big sword to block the arrows.

He only knew how to perform the second one before, but he had never practiced it. He is a down-to-earth person. He has not yet practiced the first one and will never practice the second one. At this time, he forced the second jump, just jumping diagonally like a little toad.

As soon as he saw that there was no chance to avoid it, he shouted, "Lai Liu, did your mother run away? I can't take care of it."

Lai Liu had already run away and shouted back, "Run away, explode quickly." He knew that Lu Feng would never be stupid enough to blow himself to death, so he was very cooperative and huddled in a corner and lay down.

Lu Feng was in mid-air, took out the fire folds, lit the fire thunder and threw them into the demons one by one.

Seeing the fire thunder, Lai Liu understood which one Lu Feng wanted to play.

Lu Feng just threw four fire thunderbolts. His right shoulder hurt, and an arrow passed through his shoulder. He dared not take any more risks and shouted, "Lai Liu, throw fire thunder to kill these bitches."


The magic steel armor has been put on the body.

This set, the body is as heavy as a thousand pounds, and it falls to the ground.

Occasionally, there are arrows and fireballs hitting the armor, but if a breeze blows across the lake, it is just a ripple in the aisle, which can't cause any damage.


At this time, the thunder he threw exploded, and it turned into a sea of fire. Pieces of demons were blown into the sky, and the broken limbs flew around. The scene was terrible, and the air was filled with a strong smell of scorching skin.

And if a heavy bomb fell into the fire, it just didn't explode.

Lai Liu's eyes also turned red when he saw this scene. He stood up and scolded, "I can't be a coward, can I? OK, I'll let you son of a bitch have a good taste of the thunder today. The left hand was broken by fire, and the right hand was thundered, and he lit one by one, and threw it at the demon who had not been blown up.

With this explosion, the whole place became a sea of fire.

The explosion of the fire thunder is extremely powerful. Not to mention this hundred or so demons, even one hundred or so will definitely be killed.

Lai Liu couldn't remember how many fire thunder had lost. It was not until he couldn't find another fire thunder that he was dumbfounded: "This is so miserable that he actually lost all the fire thunder."

In a daze, a black thing in the sea of fire was blown out.

Taking advantage of the fire, Lu Feng, wearing the top-grade magic steel armor, was blown up and flew out.

This is so exaggerated that the fire thunder can even blow up the magic steel armor. The explosive power can be imagined. Under sighing, Lai Liu's forehead sweated coldly: "It's not good. If I hadn't thrown the thunder to Lu Feng's side, Lu Feng would never have been blown up and fly out. This... How can this fucking be lost so accurately? Amitabha, Amitabha, this boy must have nothing to do..."


Lu Feng fell into the firelight, and the ground was smashed into a big pit and dusty. Lai Liu quickly shouted and ran up.

Lu Feng's eyes were closed, and she didn't know whether she was dead or alive. Lai Liu laboriously put the magic steel armor into Lu Feng's spiritual ring and pinched the meeting, and Lu Feng came back to his senses leisurely. Lai Liu was overjoyed: "You boy is really a big man." Lu Feng coughed several times and said intermittently, " you... lose it again?"

With the protection of magic steel armor, although Lu Feng has not been injured, there are always places in his body that can't be protected by magic steel armor. The place that is not protected is completely cooked. With a gentle pull, the bones are exposed. Especially the smoke and fire, and a few falls like this, I have become a little confused, at least lost the ability to move.

Lai Liu glanced around, took out a "internal therapy elixir" and stuffed it into Lu Feng's mouth, then threw it on his back and rushed into a dark path.

The demon who appeared has been blown up, but it does not mean that the danger has been eliminated. He has to find a safe place.

With the hunter's unique mind, he faintly felt that there was something in front of him that restrained the demon, and he couldn't say exactly what it was. This only relied on the hunter's intuition.

He ran a few steps and heard the roar of the demon from afar. He panicked and gritted his teeth and ran along the path. You might as well have a stone under your feet, stagger under your feet, and fall to the ground with Lu Feng.

After this fall, Lu Feng came to his senses and asked where it was. Lai Liu said he would run for his life and asked Lu Feng if he could go by himself? Lu Feng suddenly felt that Dantian was extremely hot. I have never felt this before. As soon as his consciousness moved, his mind sank into Dantian to feel what was going on in Dantian.

With such a feeling, he said inexplicably, "Why is there a strange pill?"

Lai Liu said, "Internal therapy pills, I just gave you something to eat."

"Internal Therapy Dan?" Lu Feng frowned and said, "Are you sure about your mother's internal therapy elixir?"

Lai Liu said, "What's wrong? It shouldn't be wrong."

"I don't think so?"

Turning over and sitting on the ground, Lu Feng scolded, "I don't know how the internal therapy elixir will react? That's an internal healing elixir of a hammer. What on earth did you eat for me?

Lai Liu was also not sure whether it was an internal medicine elixir that he had just given to Lu Feng. There were a lot of elixies from turning over the body in the spiritual ring. In a hurry, he only looked at the color of the elixir and took out one and gave it to Lu Feng. Who knew that this happened. At that moment, he smiled awkwardly and said, "That... That's not poison anyway. What are you afraid of? Look at you, you still asked me to carry it like a ball of mud. Can you sit on the ground and scold me this time?"

Lu Feng still wanted to curse, but the pills in Dantian completely melted at this moment, and a surging energy stirred out and turned into an unknown breath and rushed directly to the whirlwind of war and the underworld. The two-spin shook, and a great pain came from his abdomen. At that moment, he was sweating coldly. He covered his stomach and rolled on the ground. While rolling, he scolded: "Lai Liu, Lai Liu, I was not killed by the demon. I was not killed by the fire thunder. As a result, I was going to be poisoned by you. I... I..."


As he was scolding, the roar of the demon came from behind him, and he caught a glimpse of several pink bright spots moving rapidly towards this side. Those are the eyes of the devil. At this moment, he didn't know where his strength came from. He got up and ran wildly. This run is like an arrow away from the string, and the "swhis" is already a few meters away.

Lai Liu saw that Lu Feng was so fast that he didn't come to his senses for a moment. Hearing the demon's footsteps, he panicked and shouted, "Your mother, run for your life so fast. Hurry up, save me."

Lu Feng was scared by his own speed as soon as he ran. However, as soon as he ran, Dantian's swollen breath rushed into the double whirlwind, and the feeling of cracking pain was relieved a lot.

Seeing that Lai Liu was about to be caught by the demon, he quickly rushed back to save him. As soon as I ran this time, I felt that it was running, and the breath in Dantian lingered under my feet, which accelerated the speed.

rushed to Lai Liu's side, he reached out and put it under his arm, and ran again. At this time, the demon chased him a lot.

Lai Liule: "Thanks to me for taking that elixir for you, you have to thank me."

Lu Feng lowered his head, stretched out his hand and slapped Lai Liu on the head and said, "Thank you hammer, which way..."

The word "go" has not been said, and the head is "banged" on something, buzzing and dizzy. Looking up, it was a dark giant blocking the way.

That thing is so big that you can't tell what it is when you stand still.

Light up the fire and take two steps back. The two immediately exclaimed at the same time: "Mom!"

The huge thing is actually a demon. This demon seems to have been completely demonized and is about to become a beast. These days, in the barren corpse town, they also know a lot about demons. The higher the realm, the more beasts are. Looking at this demon, if a dinosaur is on the road and there is no human being, you will know that he is definitely a top demon. If the demon wants to start, I'm afraid that if they take a breath, they will have to finish playing.

Lai Liu's legs were a little trembling, forced his body, and roared at Lu Feng, who was still looked at the demon, "Are you stupid? Run."

Lu Feng took out his dagger and said, "Why doesn't it move? I'll see if it's alive and dead. He stepped forward and a dagger stabbed the devil's thigh.

This thorn, the dagger is like a dead wood, poking straight to the end. Pulling out the dagger, there was no blood. It seems that this demon is purely a mummified corpse.

The two were a little relieved and were about to pull out their legs and move to the ground. Lu Feng suddenly felt that the two spins rotated rapidly, and countless wild spirits were pulled into their bodies and poured into the double spins. Under such a swarm and injection, he felt that the double spin was about to blow up.

Seeing Lu Feng's appearance, Lai Liu knew that the elixir worked again. In order not to be scolded, he didn't say anything and just stared at Lu Feng.

Lu Feng endured the severe pain, tried the spirit of war, and said, "I can't go. That's it. Let's not go, just hide in the devil's stomach." Lai Liu thought to himself, "The devil will not think of a good idea." He said, "Okay, that's it." After walking around the demon, he saw the devil's head drooping and his mouth wide open, so he said, "Get in through his mouth." He took out the dagger, stirred it in the devil's mouth, and made a big hole in an instant.

I looked in and saw that there was no disgusting ** flowing out, so I turned around and said, "Come on, I have taken out the hole."

Lu Feng felt like she was going to die. Her lips trembling and said, "Take out... just... just drill."

Lai Liu said, "If you come up with an ideas, you drill first."

Lu Feng really wanted to suck Liu's mouth, but he didn't even have the strength to pinch an ant to death. He just trembled his lips and thought he was cursing. Lai Liu smiled, ran to hug Lu Feng, who had no chicken binding power, walked to the devil's big mouth, stuffed it in, and Lu Feng went in. He pulled two demon teeth, jumped and drilled in through his throat.

As soon as they got in, several demons appeared, but as soon as they saw this demon, he seemed to see something sacred. He suddenly lost his violent state, bowed a few times in a strange posture, and turned away.