Killing Eight Wastes

Chapter 140 If you want to think about this road, leave money to buy it

The third day of dusk is a beautiful sunset.

The sunset glow is like fire, the clouds are changeable, and the sunset in the desert is always particularly beautiful.

Lu Feng stepped on the yellow sand, looked at the sunset on the edge of the sky, and strode.

Although he is not tall, he is particularly strong. His back is no longer bent, straighter than the javelin. His pace is no longer heavy and staggering, but firm, down-to-earth, step by step.

The setting sun pulled out a long shadow behind him. In the desolate desert, he carried hundreds of pounds of tomahawks and cocoons, accompanied by shadows. He is like a twilight camel, which can endure yellow sand, monotonous colors, and boundless boredom and loneliness.

He is lonely, and his movements are mechanical, like a man who goes to death and has no idea about life. He can walk until he falls down and dies.

However, this is all an illusion, and he has already been anxious.

He wants to run faster than a rabbit, but unfortunately he can't run; he wants to put his wings and fly faster than an eagle, but he has no wings.

He can only walk. The current pace is his fastest speed. However, although the tomahawk on his back is still heavy, it can no longer bend his waist.

How can a person's waist bend his weapon? He gritted his teeth and stubbornly straightened his back.

He is used to clenching his teeth, and he clenches his teeth whenever he is under unbearable pressure. Gritting his teeth, making him feel infinite power, and letting him know that some pressure must be endured. Only by bearing it can he grow and be strong.

The seven-day appointment has passed for three days and four days. Even if he doesn't go to the barren corpse town to find Lai Liu first, it will be difficult to get to Geyuan Town as scheduled.

The last sunset in the sky gradually disappeared from the horizon. He looked at the sky and could no longer see any color.

He stood still, took out his wine bag and poured a few mouthfuls of wine.

"You can't go on like this anymore." He put away his wine bag and was about to remove the tomahawk on his back.

"Do you dare?" Queen Meisha appeared in front of him like a ghost. "Before you change to the new tomahawk, you have to carry this tomahawk to me anytime and anywhere."

"I'm on my way." He did not stay, and his right hand had grasped the handle of the axe. "Your Majesty, I understand your intention. I also want to carry this axe, but now is not the time."

His eyes were helpless and his tone was also helpless. The helplessness made Queen Meisha smile at the corners of her mouth: "What's the monkey worried about? I won't let you be late."

"Is this true?" Lu Feng's eyes suddenly flashed.


"Okay, I believe you."

Lu Feng withdrew his hand and continued to move forward.

walked for another day and a night. On the fourth night, when night fell, Queen Meisha stopped Lu Feng and summoned the "cloud-eating winged beast".

"Cloud-eating bone-winged beast" is both her summoning beast and her mount.

She was eaten back by Lu Feng and trapped in her soul shell. Although she has not grown up and her strength has not reached the anti-sky stage, this does not affect her summoning beasts.

The bone-gray, bone-only "cloud-eating bone-winged beast" slowly flushed its huge bone wings and suspended in the air. Judging from the shape, seven points are like pterosaurs, but there is no flesh and blood. Brilliant armor should also be seen in key parts of the whole body.

Lu Feng reached out and unloaded the tomahawk on his back and said with a smile, "You really didn't fool me."

"Do not unload the tomahawk." Queen Meisha shouted fiercely.

"Can't you unload riding a bird? Is your bird OK?

"I can't. You can't eat or sleep anytime, anywhere.

"Where's pooping?" Lu Feng smiled strangely.


Queen Meisha has completely collapsed.

The moon rose, and the cloud-eating winged beast slowly flapped its wings and turned into a meteor in the moonlight and disappeared in the night in an instant.

Lu Feng could hardly open his eyes, and only heard the sound of wind in his ear. He closed his hand and grasped the two ribs of the cloud-eating winged beast and lowered his head until it could not be lowered.

Queen Meisha is not on her own mount, but in Lu Feng's body.

After all, the remnant soul is a remnant soul, just an air-like existence.

"My 'cloud-eating winged beast' can only send you at night."

The voice of Queen Meisha came to my mind.

Lu Feng exchanged thoughts and said, "Why?" Queen Meisha said, "If you want to die, I don't mind." Lu Feng said, "I don't understand." Queen Meisha said, "If you don't understand, don't understand." Lu Feng said, "Where can we go tomorrow morning?" Queen Meisha said, "Infinitely close to the black rock." Lu Feng was shocked and said, "So fast?" Queen Meisha laughed and said, "If I ride, I will go to Geyuan Town before dawn."

The flight speed of the "cloud-eating bone winged beast" is indeed very fast, beyond imagination.

After flying overnight, when the sky was bright, the "cloud-eating bone-winged beast" began to dive.

Lu Feng narrowed her eyes and looked ahead, and unexpectedly saw the outline of the "black rock". Sure enough, it is infinitely close.

The "cloud-eating bone-winged beast" suddenly disappeared before it fell to the ground.

Lu Feng fell down and smashed a pit on the ground.

He straightened up and said, "Thank you." Move your arms and move towards the black rock.

Queen Meisha said in his body, "I went to Geyuan Town to buy a few things. Entry-level axe skills, entry-level cooking tools and materials.

Lu Feng said, "Do you want to cook delicious food for me?"

"Shut up." Queen Meisha shouted and said, "Remember me, don't mention me to anyone."

Lu Feng naturally won't have nothing to do and tell others that there is a female evil star in his mind.

He looked up ahead and continued on his way.

The black rock was close in front of him, but he also walked for an hour. After passing the black rock, turn to the west, and then you can find Lai Liu.

Thinking of Lai Liu, he was a little excited and wanted to see what Lai Liu was like when he was tortured by Lu Wuchen.

While passing through the black rock, a masked man suddenly jumped on the rock wall in front of him and shouted, "I opened this mountain, and I planted this tree. If you want to think of this road, leave money to buy the road."

Lu Feng listened to the sound and immediately cursed, "Retain your mother's hammer and take off your rag."

The masked man was stunned and removed the black cloth and said, "Damn, you recognize this."

This masked man is definitely Lai Liu.

Where should Lai Liu be in Lu Wuchen? How could he be here? Is it that what happened? Lu Feng felt strange and turned around Lai Liu twice and said, "What are you doing here?" Lai Liu said, "Wait for you." Lu Fengqi said, "I haven't arrived. How could Lu Wuchen let you out?" Lai Liu waved his hand and said, "The ring he gave you has his soul mark. When Jieya opened the ring, he felt it."

"So it is."

Lu Feng nodded and thought to herself, "There is also her soul mark on the ring my mother gave me. I don't know if she felt it when I opened the ring..."

"Well, my master blew himself up." Lai Liu shook his head and said, "I really can't figure it out."

Lu Feng said in shock, "Did you blow yourself up? Why?"

Lai Liu said, "Jiya got the spiritual precept, and he said that he had nothing to worry about anymore. He said that he was guilty and should have died long ago, so he blew himself up."