Killing Eight Wastes

Chapter 143 Hints

Out of the crowd, Lu Feng did not return to Tianxiang Tower, but turned to Wanhe Chamber of Commerce.

I don't know if he has been targeted, but for now, Wanhe Chamber of Commerce is definitely the safest place, because no one dares to rush into Wanhe Chamber of Commerce to arrest people.

Murou knew the situation of Lu and Lai very well, but she didn't take it seriously at all. She chatted, "Hey, I tell you that with Miss Ben is here, you don't have to be afraid of anything. Who dares to arrest..." Before she finished her words, she had been covered her mouth by Lu Feng: "Miss, can you shut up?" Mu Rou clasped Lu Feng's fingers and said, "What are you doing? I'm telling the truth. What are you afraid of? Look at you, will change this face and that face. Are you so afraid?

Lai Liu was anxious and patted Mu Rou on the forehead and said, "Little girl, shut up, okay? What do you want to kill us? Mu Rou hated Lai Liu most and called her a little girl, and immediately turned around and kicked her and said, "You... you want to die, don't you?"

The chatter of the three attracted the attention of passers-by. A group of patrolmen just passed by, and their fierce eyes glanced at them vigorously. Lu Feng was very nervous. As soon as these soldiers came up to interrogate and take them back, they could only kill people. Once they killed, they would definitely touch their whole body and instantly become the target of the crowd.

Mu Rou seemed to be fearless. She directly stared at the patrol and shouted, "What are you looking at? Then look at your aunt's eyes."

The patrol was also interesting. They were scolded by Mu Rou and left without saying a word. Lu Feng thought to himself, "Listen to the second child of the store, as long as they are so big, the patrolmen will definitely grab them back and interrogate, but why did they just glance at them and leave? Is Murou's * so big that even the owner of Geyuan Town dares not provoke him?

As soon as the patrol left, Lai Liu asked Lu Feng where to go. Lu Feng said that he would go to the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce to buy something first. As soon as Mu Rou heard about Wanhe Chamber of Commerce, she immediately flashed her eyes and said, "Are you going to Wanhe Chamber of Commerce?" Lu Feng nodded. Mu Ju: "I'll go too. I know them very well." Lu Feng smiled and said, "Then let's go."

At the gate of Wanhe Chamber of Commerce, Lu Feng was about to take out his VIP card. A male waiter greeted him with a smile on his face, but not him and Lai Liu, but Mu Rou.

The waiter shouted respectfully: "Miss Mu..."

Mu Rou looked at the waiter and looked left and right carelessly, "Let's buy something and prepare a VIP room." The waiter bowed and said, "Yes." I'm about to leave. Lu Feng thought of Ding'er and hurriedly stopped and said, "Is Ding'er there?" The waiter looked up and down at Lu Feng and said, "Yes." Lu Feng didn't like this look very much and said unhappily, "Just let Ding Er come to entertain us." The waiter looked at Mu Rou, and Mu Rou scolded, "Go quickly and see what Miss Ben does."

The waiter said repeatedly that he had pedaled away.

Entering the door of Wanhe Chamber of Commerce, Lai Liu asked Lu Fengdinger who was. Lu Feng said that she was the same little girl as the waiter just now. Lai Liu laughed and said, "Isn't it beautiful? Is Ding'er beautiful or Murou beautiful?

"Uh..." Lu Feng guessed Lai Liu's intention and whispered angrily, "There's so much nonsense."

Mu Rou listened and stared at Lu Feng and said, "Do you know Ding Er very well? Say, who is beautiful, Miss Ben or Ding'er? Lu Feng said, "Of course, Miss Mu is beautiful." This sentence is not a lie. Mu Rou is indeed much more beautiful than Ding'er, but Ding'er is much gentler and so arrogant as Mu Rou.

When he first thought so, Lai Liu said, "Who is more gentle?" Lu Feng was mad and shouted, "Are you bored?" Lai Liu smiled and said, "I think it must be that Ding'er is gentler." Mu Rou waved to Lu Feng with a smiring face and said, "Who is gentle?"

"boring." Lu Feng strode to the hall.

Dier just came out of the hall. Her eyes fell on Lu Feng, and her professional smile suddenly lost. She hesitated and said, "Mr. Gu?"

"Hmm." Lu Feng nodded and said, "My friends and I will come to buy something."

Ding Er's eyes floated over Lu Feng and saw Lai Liu and Mu Rou. She walked to Murou. Murou waved her hand and said, "Let's buy something. Is the VIP room ready?" Ding Er said, "I'm ready."

When Lai Liu saw that Wan and the people of the Chamber of Commerce were so respectful when they saw Mu Rou, they couldn't help but secretly praise: "This little girl really has something to do. Tutut, it's amazing."

Dinger said three invitations and took Lu Feng and the other three to the VIP room.

Lu Feng and Ding Er walked side by side. After a few steps, Lu Feng whispered, "Is Miss Ding'er worried?" Ding Er shook her head. Lu Feng stopped asking, but Ding Er whispered, "Mr. Gu shouldn't have come here." Lu Feng was puzzled and said, "Why?" Ding'er said, "Sir, don't ask. As long as you understand that Ding'er is well-intentioned. After saying that, she turned around and said to Murou and Lai Liu, "Please come here."

Mu Rou caught up with a few steps and said with an icy face, "What did you two just mutter?" Ding'er said, "Mr. Gu asked the Chamber of Commerce if there was anything strange recently." Lu Feng turned his head to Mu Judo: "What's wrong?" Mu Ju: "Nothing. Let's go. The man is already close to the right side of Lu Feng.

When he arrived at the VIP room, Ding Er brought a cup of tea for each of them: "What do you want to buy?"

Lu Feng said, "Do you have any axe skills in the entry section?" Ding Er said, "Yes." Lu Feng said, "Let me have a look. Er, by the way, take a set of cooking tools and 100 sets of various ordinary ingredients. Ding Er took out the paper notes and said, "Is there anything else?" Lu Feng shook his head and looked at Murou and Lai Liu and said, "Do you have anything to buy?"

"None." The two shook their heads.

Lu Feng turned around and said, "That's all, there are Lao Ding'er." Ding Er smiled and bowed and turned around. Lu Feng thought of Dinah and said, "Will Dai be the Lord?" Ding'er shook her head and said, "Ding'er didn't see the Lord today."

"Oh." Lu Feng waved his hand and watched Ding Er go out.

When he stepped into the hall, he deliberately sniffed and clearly smelled Dinah's breath. Why did Dinger say that Dinah was not there? Is there something inconvenient or deliberately avoiding...

"She lied." Mu Rou got up and said, "I saw her with the host in the morning." Lu Feng believed that Mu Rou was telling the truth, but said, "What are you doing? Ding'er naturally has her reason and reason for saying this. Why do you have to do this? Mu Judo: "Do you know her well? Do you know her well? Lu Feng said, "I can't talk about it. But we're just here to buy things. Why do we need to do so many things? I just ask casually. Mu Ju: "What are you looking for Dinah for?"

Lu Feng's amorous figure appeared in front of her, smiling without saying anything. Mu Judo: "Do you think Dinah is very beautiful?" Lai Liu laughed and said, "Miss Mu, why do you always care about these problems? Are you... ha, are you moved?" Murou blushed and kicked Lai Liu and said, "You stinky and talk nonsense. Look, I won't tear your mouth."

"I'm so afraid that you come, haha, I think you are..."

Lai Liu jumped away, Mu Rou chased him, and the two began to fight in the VIP room.

Lu Feng let them fight and wondered why Ding Er said he shouldn't have come here...