Killing Eight Wastes

Chapter 153 "The Leather Dog" Blocks

The flame should have illuminated the darkness. But the "fire wolf" turned two corners in the dark but suddenly disappeared, as if it had been swallowed up by the darkness.

The room fell into darkness, surprisingly quiet, and the nervous and rapid gasp of the Fang family can be heard.

Suddenly, a dazzling yellow light cut through the darkness.

There was a scream in the darkness.

The scream disappeared, someone fell to the ground, and the dazzling yellow light disappeared.

Another family member died.

Lu Feng really doesn't need light. He has a nose, and he can use his breath to lock the position of every family in the room. Darkness makes it easier for him to kill. These families, like him, are all entry-level. The ability of listening to wind and sound and night vision in the entry stage is still very poor. Under his unprepared and painful killer, basically no one can survive.


Another light passed, and another person died.

"Take the night stone, come on, stupid, you bastards." The "head" shouted angrily.

Someone took out the night fluorescence stone, but the light only flashed, and the arrows kept flying, shooting directly through the throat of the family. Lai Liu shouted in the dark, "Who dares to take out the night stone for me? I'll take care of you and kill one of you."

The night fell silent again.

No one wants to die, so no one dares to dig out the night stone.


Lu Feng turned out to be another family member. The sad cry of the family sounded in the dark, which was creepy.

"Bastard, son of a bitch, get out of here for Grandpa." The "head" roared in fear or anger. In the dark, two flames burned brightly, illuminating his face. The flame is in his palm, and he will illuminate the darkness with flames.


Lai Liu shouted, and three arrows shot at the "head" with a roar.

Yafeng is a beginner's status as a hunter. Yafeng is not a killing move, but it can block the opponent's direction of escape.


The "head" waved his palms, and the two fireballs hit in the direction of the arrow, and the body floated back at the same time. Lu Feng hid in the dark, and it was by no means a wise choice to stand still.


He floated back, but a dagger quietly poked in his back and inserted it into his heart.

"You..." He turned his head.

The light flashed in front of him, and his throat was cut off before he finished speaking.

"The head was killed. Let's go."

The rest of the family had long wanted to escape, but forced by the majesty of the "head", they had to hold on. At this time, as soon as the "head" died, they immediately ran to the door in a mess in the dark.

"Don't even want to leave." Lu Feng knew very well that if someone fled at this time, he would definitely dig his own grave.

The dagger shadow flashes in the dark, screams, and the sound of thong is endless...

When the last scream disappeared in the room, there was a crisp applause in the dark.

"Is it all solved?" Lai Liu's voice came from one place.

"Hmm." Lu Feng took out the night fluorescent stone and looked at Mu Rou's place and said, "Where's Mu Rou?"

He held the night stone. The faint light of Ye Yingshi shone on his face, and his face was almost stained with blood.

"I'm here."

Mu Rou and Lai Liu came around.

He looked up and down and said, "Are you all right?"

"It's okay." Mu Rou's voice was soft and weak.

Lu Feng smiled and said, "Are you scared?"

Mu Judo: "No."

Lu Feng listened and said, "I guess these Fang family are afraid that others will take the lead and go back to receive the reward if they want to eat alone. Otherwise, we would have been taken down by the Fang family. How could we fight until now? Let's go." Lai Liu said, "This fight is very shocking. I'm afraid we have been watching it for a long time. Isn't it death to go out like this?" Lu Feng said, "Are you waiting to die here? Let's go straight to Wanhe Chamber of Commerce as soon as we go out.

"Do you still want to go to Wanhe Chamber of Commerce?" Mu Rou burst her mouth.

"Well, it's still the safest to stay there. I guess my master will be coming soon, as long as they arrive, they won't be fine."

Mu Rou hesitated and said, "Then...then go to Wanhe Chamber of Commerce."

Lu Feng walked to the opening cut out by the tomahawk, took out his sword and made the crack bigger and said, "Let's go from here. I have to take my axe." With that, he jumped down.

There is no one in the room on the second floor. I don't know if it has been scared away or no one lives there. He picked up the axe from the ground, hung it on his back, looked for the door, and went out.

There is no one on the second floor.

When the three went down to the second floor and reached the first floor, they were dumbfounded.

The hall on the first floor is full of people, whispering and talking about it. But when the three of them appeared, they were silent.

These people ran out of the guest room as soon as they heard the sound of fighting.

Lu Feng doesn't know what these people are from, and he doesn't know if there are people who want his life in the middle. He remained highly vigilant, did not squint, and walked out step by step.

When he passed the counter, he stopped and turned to the counter.

The lady at the counter changed her face sharply and stammed, "What are you...what are you going to do?"

"I don't do anything." Lu Feng grabbed a handful of gold coins from the ring and put them on the counter and said, "This is compensation." After saying that, he turned around and continued to walk out.

The crowded crowd divided his own way, and he went out.

Outside the Tianxiang Building, it is the dark night.

He held a fire thunder in his hand and glanced left and right. I didn't see a guard. There should be guards. Why are there no guards? What happened to such a big thing, didn't anyone call the guards?

He sniffed a few times and did not smell the familiar enemy, but smelled a mass of gathered together from a lane directly opposite. There should be no less than 20 or 30 people. He turned around and whispered, "Someone is waiting for us. How are you recovering?" Mu Judo: "Three out of ten."

"That's all." Lai Liu sighed helplessly, "Let's use the high-level 'gathering elixir' left by my master."

"Gao Dan? Lai Liu, why didn't you take it out earlier? Murou shouted.

Lai Liu said, "It's worth a lot of gold coins. It's a pity to eat it like this. Here, remember, you have to return it to me after eating."

"Bah, it's a small family, and it's not promising."

Murou took it and swallowed it.

The "Gas elixir" is different from the "back elixir." Huiqi elixir is a continuous elixir, which can slowly and continuously restore fighting qi, and "gathering qi elixir" is a disposable elixir, which can restore loss fighting qi at one time. However, in terms of the total recovery amount, the "qi elixir" has recovered much as much as the "qi elixir".

Wait for the two to eat the "Gaoqi Dan", Lu Feng said to leave and took the lead to the street.

If those people want to kill in the dark, he has no way to avoid it and can only fight.

As soon as he walked on the street and turned around, unexpectedly, a figure jumped out of a small cart parked on the roadside with a night fluorescent stone and stood in front of him: "Damn it, stop for me."

Listening to this voice and looking at this figure, Lu Feng is almost crazy. I didn't touch it sooner or later, but I met a difficult naughty dog here.

This naughty dog is none other than anyone else. It's really Lu Hao who was beaten by Lai Liu during the day. After Lu Hao was beaten, he found someone to keep staring at them and waiting for revenge.

When Lai Liu saw Lu Hao, he had already rushed out: "Your grandma, are you itchy again?"

Lu Hao raised Ye Yingshi and looked at it a few times. Suddenly, like a mouse saw a cat, he jumped back and said, "Lu Feng, Lai Liu, it turned out to be you. You are dead. Lu Feng, if you dare to kill my father, I will smash you into ten thousand pieces to avenge my father.