Killing Eight Wastes

Chapter 169 Heavenly Fighting Skills

Twelve top strong people in the chaotic section and five chaotic doctors. Such a combination of even the strong people in the fighting section will have some headaches, not to mention Mu Qiu, who is fighting against the sky. The situation can be imagined.

The soul is still suspended in the air and glanced at the twelve King Kongs of Zhanzong. He said leisurely, "Zhuang, placed in the barbarian continent, is at most a second- and third-rate sect, and dares to be so arrogant?" Mu Qiu sneered and said, "Indeed, but this is in the Chitian Empire. Whether you are from the Red Heaven Empire or not, where you come from. Today, whoever stops our war sect will be the enemy of our war sect."

The old soul laughed and said, "What an arrogant tone. Well, let me ask you for advice."

Tuo Zhan suddenly rose to the ground and fell beside the soul old man. He whispered, "The difference is too big. Why not..." The soul old man slowly raised his hand and interrupted: "Act when you have the opportunity, you will leave as soon as you have a chance." Tuo Zhan said, "Then you..." The soul old man said, "Just because they can't trap me. Don't say much, take Rou'er to go.

Tuo Zhan understood the meaning of the soul old and fell to Lu Chengfeng and others with Murou.

Lu Chengfeng said, "How about it?" Tuo Zhan handed Mu Rou to the four daughters of Yueling and said, "The soul wants to fight Muqiu alone. Let's act according to the opportunity." Lu Chengfeng said, "That's the only way."

At this time, I only heard Mu Qiu say, "Twelve King Kong, array, if anyone wants to take the opportunity to escape, take it directly."


The twelve King Kongs of Zhanzong answered in unison. The five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth permeated from their bodies and intertwined, instantly forming a hemispherical energy boundary in the sky and the ground. These energy boundary gathered the fighting spirit of the twelve chaotic strong men. Even Tuo Zhan and Lu Chengfeng shook their heads, knowing that it was not easy to break the boundary.

Hun Lao smiled and said to Muqiu, "Are you ready?" Mu Qiu said, "Come here."

The old soul trembled, and his whole body was suddenly haunted by a dark golden light. Looking at this flowing dark gold color, Lu Feng could almost open his eyes and exclaimed, "The best, it is actually the best leather armor."

Although Muqiu is the elder of Zhanzong, he wears only high-quality equipment. The best equipment is too rare, especially the best equipment in Doutian, which is almost priceless. He looked at the old soul and said with a twitch on his face, "Do you want to defeat me with this best equipment?" The soul old man said, "I have many ways to defeat you, which is just one of them. If I were you, I would definitely leave." Mu Qiu said, "Do you think a set of the best equipment can scare me away? Humph, you underestimate me too much."

Soul old man said, "Don't talk nonsense over there. Come on." As soon as he stretched out his hand, he actually had an extra long bow with dark gold light flowing in his hand. This time, he didn't talk nonsense. He drew an arrow directly and shot at Muqiu. Mu Qiu pulled out his body, and there was an extra boutique tomahawk in his hand, and cut at the arrow shot. The old soul action did not hesitate at all, and the arrows in his hand shot out one by one, giving Mu Qiu no chance to show his combat skills. Mu Qiu was tired of dealing with the arrows and dodged. One of them was accidentally hit by an arrow and retreated. He only heard a "gluck" and directly created a crack in his leg armor.

Mu Qiu was annoyed and shouted, "Dance!" The body rotated rapidly, and the tomahawk was more like a top. All the arrows shot were shot down by the tomahawk. At this time, he shouted, "Flying!" He shot his body and hit the soul.

"Flying continuous chopping" is always the best fighting skill for warriors to deal with long-range attackers. As long as it is displayed, it will be pasted like plaster, making the other party unable to fight, and the opponent will suddenly lose its long-range advantage and be in an extremely passive situation.

Tuo Zhan and Lu Chengfeng nervously watched the fight in the air. They have never seen the fights of the strong fighters in heaven several times in their lives. At this time, they have a deep eye-opening feeling.

Seeing Mu Qiu's "flying sky continuous chopping" suddenly approached the soul old man's side, and the axes came out one after another, reflecting the sky red. Under each axe, I don't know how the soul old man dodged. Anyway, the ground was cracked one by one, and each crack was nearly a finger wide.

The soul has already put away the long bow, but there is an extra dagger in his hand. He used a dagger to circle around Muqiu. After a while, Mu Qiu's "flying continuous chopping" moves were exhausted, and at this time, the soul shouted: "Youlong rope!" Countless golden chains were shot all over his body, directly entangling Mu Qiu. At this moment, the soul old body floated back, and the long bow came to his hand again, and an arrow shot at Muqiu.

Mu Qiu was tied up by the "Youlong Rope" and shouted, "Do you also want to tie up the old man?" For a while, the golden chain was directly broken, and the tomahawk in his hand was raised, and the axe hit the arrow again. The old soul smiled and said, "'Youlong Rope' can't tie you, but this 'chasing soul arrow' can bind you."

A golden arrow was shot and exploded repeatedly in the air, splitting into three arrows, each of which dragged a long golden rope to Muqiu. Mu Qiu said in astonation, "Tian's fighting skills?" The body suddenly bounced back.

The heavenly fighting skills, the heavenly fighting skills are too horrible. Even if it is a control fighting skill, if it is really entangled, his soul will be locked, and he can't crack it at all.

Mu Qiu pushed fiercely and chased three arrows. Mu Qiu realized that she couldn't avoid it and immediately shouted, "Doctor Chaos, stop this 'chasing soul arrow' for me."

As soon as this came out, five chaotic doctors in the air took action at the same time. Chaos doctor has the medical skills to break the control fighting skills. Although there is nothing he can do about the heavenly fighting skills, the five people take action at the same time can reduce the effectiveness of "chasing the soul and capturing the soul arrow".

Tuo Zhan touched his beard, looked at the skill of the soul old man, and said repeatedly, "It's amazing, the heavenly fighting skill. No wonder he dares to compete with Zhanzong." With that, he turned his head to admire judo: "What on earth is that soul old man?" Mu Rou smiled and said, "You know it's awesome, but I can't help but tell you what happened to him, which is equivalent to what happened to me." Lu Feng said, "Luoer, what's the matter? We're just curious." Murou squeezed her lips and said, "It's better if you don't know, um... you'll know later."

Lu Feng doesn't know why Mu Rou is selling. If the other party didn't say anything, he didn't ask and looked up at the fight in the air.

The old soul shouted at this time: "The golden snake burst the arrow! Boundary, break!" Suddenly, an arrow came out of his hand, and the bowstring was pulled. This arrow shot out and suddenly turned around in the air and shot at the twelve kings of Zhanzong, five mixed doctors and Mu Qiu.

"Heavenly position, it's actually a heavenly fighting skill."

This time, even the wind was shouting. As soon as he sighed, he immediately fought against the battle. Yueling's four women said, "Get ready. As soon as the boundary is broken, we will break through immediately."