Killing Eight Wastes

Chapter 195 Famous

Xu Lin stared at Lu Feng for a while and finally understood. He said lightly, "You are very smart. You are really smart. You put the killer mace in the last move." Lu Feng smiled faintly and said, "If I don't resist your first two moves, the first move will use the killer mace. Will you still use your skills to deal with me?" Xu Lin said, "You're right. If you show your killer mace in your first move, there are several ways to defeat you, so I say you are very smart, but I admire your courage and will, because there are almost no people who can still stand here under my first two moves."

Lu Feng said, "So, it's my turn now?" Xu Lin shook his head and said, "I lost." Lu Feng said, "I haven't made a move yet." Xu Lin said, "No, I want to find that I can't defeat you within three moves to hone my strength at the peak of the first level. What face do I have to continue to compare with you? Even if you can't repel me within three moves, I will lose." As soon as Xu Li heard Xu Lin, he admitted defeat and said urgently, "Cousin, you can't admit defeat like this. He can't defeat you with three moves. As long as he can't repel you with three moves, we will win."

"Shut up!" Xu Lin stared at Xu Li fiercely.

He hated Xu Li. If it hadn't been for Xu Li, he would never have fallen into this big man today. The three moves that did not defeat Lu Feng have made him lose face. Whether Lu Feng and Lu Feng can repel him or not, he must admit defeat now, so that he can also save a little face, show his grandness and show that he is unwilling to argue with a freshman in the entry stage. If he continues to compete with Lu Feng, whether Lu Feng can repel him or not, it will be of no benefit to him. If he loses, he will be killed by a head. Lu Feng is not sure if there is any killer mace. Even if he is undefeated and wins, he will definitely have a grudge against Lu Feng and a character like Lu Feng in the future. He thinks it is very stupid, so it's better to stop at this time.

Xu Lin straightened up and said to Lu Feng, "That's all for today's competition. I admit defeat." Lu Feng smiled and arched his hand, "Brother Xu wants to make it." Xu Lin said, "My brother's future is immeasurable. If you need it in the future, please open your mouth. Today, we have the right to meet friends with martial arts."

Xu Liben asked his cousin to support him. He didn't expect such a result, but he didn't dare to say half a word and had to shrink on his side.

Lu Feng knew Xu Lin's thoughts and said with a smile, "Brother Xu is also very smart." Xu Lin smiled awkwardly and said, "We are each other." Lai Liu said, "Although Brother Xu admitted defeat, those 250,000 points..."

Xu Lin said, "Don't worry, since we have made a bet and I have admitted defeat, I will naturally not deny these 250,000 points." Speaking of this, he said with an embarrassed face, "The amount of 250,000 points is indeed a little huge. Brother, I really can't afford so much at the moment. In this way, I will pay you 100,000 first, and I will repay the remaining 150,000 in two months. What do you think?" Lu Feng said, "Just rely on Brother Xu."

Xu Lin shook his hands and flew directly to Lu Feng. Lu Feng took it, drew 100,000 points, and returned the root card to Xu Lin. Xu Lin hugged his fist and said, "Then we will leave." Xu Li heard this and said, "Cousin, we're leaving now?" Xu Lin said angrily, "Why don't you go? Let me tell you to be honest at the outside door and don't make trouble for me. I remind you that Brother Lu can't provoke you at all. If it weren't for Brother Lu's mercy, even a hundred of you wouldn't be his opponents, understand? Go away and don't be embarrassed here anymore.

Xu Li scolded him and quickly took "Danmen" men and followed Xu Lin away.

The whole "Six Doors" members and the onlookers' disciples of the outer door are boiling. An inner disciple admits defeat to a freshman of the outer door, which is an unprecedented thing.

Lai Liu walked to Lu Feng and said, "Why let him? He just killed you. You can give him some color. Zhong Yuan said, "Yes, he hit you three times. When you hit him, he will admit defeat. He is too thief. The boss should beat him hard. Lu Feng smiled and said, "Forget it, it's not good to irritate him. Moreover, I will only make a killer move. If he knows my means and brings a few inner disciples to make trouble, I can't deal with it. Zhong Yuan said, "That bastard, I don't think he will give up so well." Lu Feng said, "It doesn't matter. At least he doesn't dare to come during this period. I believe he doesn't dare to come in the future." After saying that, he took out the root card and handed it to Zhong Yuan and said, "Give 1,000 points to each of the injured disciples."

Zhong Yuan didn't expect Lu Feng to really do this and said, "Do you really want to do this?" Lu Feng said, "Of course, what's the problem?" Zhong Yuan said, "No." He turned around excitedly and shouted, "All the injured brothers, come to me, and the boss has asked for compensation for you, 1,000 points per person."

As soon as this came out, the outside disciples of the onlookers exploded. They had never seen such an old meeting of that organization against their brothers. Immediately, an outside disciple shouted, "Are the 'six doors' still recruiting? I want to join." Zhong Yuan said, "That material is good." Lu Feng straightened up and said, "If you look up to my 'six doors', you can go to Captain Zhong to sign up. We welcome you, but I, Lu Feng, want to say that my 'six doors' will not accept bastards or despicable people. If anyone wants to sneak into my 'six doors' to cheat food and drink, I will never forgive you."

"I want to join, I want to join."

The shouts sounded one after another.

Lai Liu looked at these scenes, patted Lu Feng on the shoulder and said, "This is a good advertisement for my 'six doors'. I guess my 'six doors' will become the largest organization in the outer door, and I guess no organization dares to compete with my 'six doors'." Lu Feng said, "This is not good. We can devote ourselves to practice."

As Lu Feng and Lai Liu expected, after gambling with Xu Lin, the matter spread crazily at the outer door and also spread to the inner door. At the outer door, everyone remembered the name Lu Feng and the "six doors". Even at the inner door, Lu Feng's name spread quietly. Xu Lin's defeat became the object of ridicule and talk by his inner disciples. But Xu Lin only smiled at these discussions and said lightly, "I have the ability to bet with him." Of course, other inner disciples could hear the meaning. They were full of curiosity about Lu Feng and were eager to try what kind of means he had.

After Lu Feng's bet with Xu Lin, the "Six Doors" grew rapidly. More and more disciples joined the "Six Doors", and even some members of other organizations also left their own organizations and joined the "Six Doors". The members of the "Six Doors" also grew to more than 700 people at the beginning. The planned site is a little unrehabitable.

At the suggestion of Lai Liu and Zhong Yuan, Lu Feng customized a series of assessment plans to screen the members and improve the overall strength of the "Six Doors" after discussing with them.