Ask for Magic

Chapter 10 Blood Burning

"Try it all the best!" Su Ming gritted his teeth and put the red herb of the six petals directly into the quenched stone furnace.

The herbs of these six petals are obtained by him in the mud, which will make people's blood like burning grass when they bloom.

At the moment when the herb touched the juice at the bottom of the barren tripod, Su Ming clearly saw a strange red light flashing in the barren tripod. Instead of covering the lid of the barren tripod, he walked a few steps, bypassed the barren tripod, selected several gullies of flowing flames on the ground, and opened Block the addition of flames to control.

There are many more ditches on the ground than a month ago, and they are full of scars. These are all the self-created control methods created by Su Ming after summarizing in this month.

At this moment, Su Ming is very nervous. He has almost all his attention on the barren tripod, and according to his observation over the past month, at this time, his position is at least half an hour of safety, and he doesn't have to think about anything else.

Time passed little by little, and as soon as half an hour arrived, Su Ming immediately retreated and left there. Soon after he left, a large number of flames burst out of the ground.

While this scene continued, Su Ming sweated all over his body not far away, but he still stared at the barren tripod. With his experience in the past month, he knew that there were still about seven or eight hours before he could see the result.

During this period, he needs to change the strength of the flame at any time according to the change of his internal medicine juice, and at the last moment, he should cover the lid of the barren tripod, so that the internal heat will soar and condense the medicine stone.

He has done this operation countless times in the past month, and now he is very proficient in it.

For an hour or two, a red fog gradually emitted from the barren tripod. The fog had no smell, but there was a strange light flashing inside, which made Su Ming see that the blood in his body seemed to flow quickly.

During this period, he changed the strength of the flame several times until when the sky outside was completely dark, Su Ming's eyes were already red and full of blood. During the whole day, he spent almost all of it on refining the medicine stone. Now everything went well before, and he was about to reach the last step.

Through the red fog, Su Ming could faintly see that there was not much juice left in the barren tripod, and bubbles were constantly emerging in it. Every time the bubble was broken, there would be a red fog rising.

"Almost done!" Combined with the experience of countless failures before, Su Ming's eyes flashed. Without any hesitation, he grabbed the lid of the barren tripod beside him, quickly stepped forward, and covered the barren tripod fiercely.

At the moment when the tripod was covered, the muffled roar suddenly echoed in the fiery cave.

"It depends on whether it succeeds or not!" Covering the lid, Su Ming gasped, stepped back a few steps, sat cross-legged on the ground, and closed his eyes to rest. He knew that everything that had been done had been done. Whether he could succeed or not was no longer his choice. It depended on luck.

After nearly an hour, the roar in the barren tripod increased in an instant. After nine rings, it slowly calmed down. In addition to the flame under the barren tripod, there was no sound in it.

Su Ming did not open his eyes, but continued to refresh himself and waited slowly until the gap between the flame eruption, the moment the flame under the barren tripod dissipated, Su Ming suddenly opened his eyes, got up and strode away, grabbed the heat-insulating herbs with his right hand, and fiercely towards the lid of As soon as you push it, open it.

At the moment the lid was opened, a red heat wave suddenly came out, but Su Ming had been prepared. Almost at the same time as he opened the barren tripod, he quickly retreated to avoid it.

After waiting for a moment, after the red heat wave gradually dissipated, Su Ming's heart pounded, with tension and expectation, he slowly came forward and looked at the barren tripod.

At this glance, Su Ming suddenly laughed.

At the bottom of the barren tripod, there are three red medicinal stones!

Carefully taking out these three medicinal stones, Su Ming sat aside with excitement and kept playing to watch the strange thing he only saw in the memory picture.

This kind of round medicine stone was loved by Su Ming, and he smelled it on his nose for a long time. Unfortunately, there was no fragrance of medicine in it, but a faint smell of blood.

In addition, the medicine stone seems to be quite fragile, and even Su Ming has a feeling that he can pinch the medicine stone into powder if he works hard. In fact, it is indeed the same. Su Ming doesn't care too much about this.

"A month has finally made me refine it once!" The more Su Ming looked at it, the more happy he became. He put it in his mouth and was about to have a look, but he hesitated for a moment.

He suppressed the excitement in his heart. What he thought in his mind was the strange scene when the red herbs of the six petals were picked.

"Since this herb has finally refined the medicinal stone, I don't know if another one is possible..." Su Ming put the three medicinal stones very preciously and took out the red herbs of the five petals.

After a moment of silence, his eyes flashed. After calculating the time, he closed his eyes and meditated to restore his fatigue by operating the power of the blood in his body.

With nothing to say all night, the little monkey ran back in the middle of the night. When he got into the cave, his face was intoxicated. He smelled his right paws and ignored Su Ming. Instead, he jumped in and lay in a place that was not too hot.

In the past month, it has also been used to it here.

However, even if he was lying there at this moment, he was still constantly smelling his right claw, and his intoxicated color was stronger. He seemed to think of something, and he grinned there.

The next morning, Su Ming opened his eyes from the entrance and moved his body. The feeling of fatigue yesterday had dissipated, and it was no longer at all.

In high spirits, Su Ming took the herbs of the five petals and began to continue to quench.

A few days later, Su Ming walked out of the fire cave that had not been left for some time. When he saw the sunlight outside, his eyes were slightly tingling, and he was used to the fire red in the cave. Now he is a little uncomfortable with this too bright light.

Standing there and breathing a few breaths of fresh breath. After Su Ming and others recovered their eyes as usual, they looked around cautiously, and then slowly climbed down the mountain peak.

He moved quickly and was always vigilant all the way. There were little monkeys paying attention, but he did not encounter any danger and successfully came to the bottom of the mountain peak.

I found a river at the foot of the mountain, where the river water also emitted heat. Su Ming took off his clothes and soaked in it, feeling that the fatigue that had been quenched for days had been swept away.

Then he climbed out reluctantly and left quickly with the little monkey. He had more important things to do.

In the jungle, Su Ming and the little monkey galloped. After turning a few times, they had caught several ferocious little beasts in Su Ming's hand.

He even caught a few at the little monkey.

In a remote corner, Su Ming took a look at the four little beasts that were tied and roared at him. Instead, he withdrew his eyes and took out two small earthen bottles from his arms with a solemn look.

The two vials contain two kinds of medicinal stones, one of which is red, which looks shocking. The other is cyan, which smells a faint fragrance of medicine on the face, and a sip seems to make people feel refreshed.

The cyan medicine stone is what Su Ming refined after filling it with herbs with five petals in the previous days.

"The dust is scattered... If you rely on the feeling, the blue medicine stone is the dust scattered... But this red, what is it..." Su Ming's eyes flashed, and there were three medicine stones in each of the two bottles. He first took out one, looked up at the little beasts, and got up and walked over.

After feeding these two different medicinal stones to the two little beasts, Su Ming stepped back a few steps and observed nervously. Even the little monkey was infected and nervous.

After waiting for a long time, the two little beasts that swallowed the medicine stone, without any change, still roared at Su Ming there, looking ferocious.

Su Ming frowned and waited for a while, still the same.

"How can it be like this... According to reason, it's right to have some reaction... But it can also be seen that it is non-toxic. Is it... This is not for internal use, but for external use?" Su Ming's brain flashed, took out the corners of his bones, walked to the other two little beasts without taking medicine, and gently drew two wounds on their bodies, and the blood penetrated.

The little monkey hurried forward and looked aside.

After Su Ming cut the wound on the two little beasts, he immediately took out the two different medicinal stones again and put them on the wounds of the two little beasts respectively.

Just then, the mutation suddenly broke out!!

The little beast that was touched by the red medicine stone almost in an instant, there was no scream, but the whole body suddenly trembled and directly turned into a ball of blood, but before the blood fell to the ground, it immediately seemed to burn, forming a red fog.

All this happened in the blink of an eye, which was unimaginable, which made Su Ming retreat quickly in exclamation. The little monkey was even more shocked and crawled and rolled away in hiss.

"This...this..." Su Ming took a breath, and there was a panic in his eyes. He never thought that the red medicine stone he refined was so amazing!

The red fog rose into the sky and slowly disappeared. There was only a pile of purple bones on the ground, which was shocking. As for the other little beasts next to them, although they were very close, they were not affected, but they were obviously scared.

Su Ming was short of breath. For a long time, he looked down at the small bottle containing the red medicine stone in his hand, and there was still one in it, but this medicine stone is full of blood when he looks at it now.

"It's okay to swallow, but you will die when you see blood! This powder was refined by me, and it will be called blood powder in the future!" Su Ming muttered. He suppressed his inner fear and carefully put away the medicine stone. He vaguely felt that this thing might become a killer of his own!

"So the cyan medicine stone should really be scattered, and its effect is somewhere..." Su Ming was silent for a moment. In his thought, his eyes fell on the wound. The cyan medicine stone had also melted, but there was no inappropriate beast at all.